As long as they have money in their eyes, it's like Jiang Xiaohu is going to get an orchard. When others have heard of it, they will be very optimistic about him if they know that he is hiring people, but they want to mine jade mines.

Everyone in Guoshu Village knows that it is not a huge profit, and that if jade is really hit, it is a lifetime event. It is a matter of tens of millions, or even tens of millions, which is completely unimaginable.

"Tsk tusk tusk, I go out to persuade them now, maybe they will treat me like a lunatic!"

"Yes, little tiger!"

Jiang Xiaohu was about to spit out a few words, a voice was naturally connected, Jiang Xiaohu quickly raised his head and saw that Biyun was standing at the door and looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"Sister Biyun? Why are you here!"

"What you said, do you really dislike me as a ghost?"

Biyun chuckled, did not take the initiative to walk in the door, still standing at the door waiting for Jiang Xiaohu's words.

"Come in and sit down! Sister Biyun, you are not someone else, hurry up!"

I don't know what's wrong, Jiang Xiaohu's mood improved a bit when he saw Biyun, and said with a smile.

"Xiaohu, how did I see a lecture in the village? A lot of people went there. I heard that there were children in the family who took the children away!"

Biyun walked into the room upon hearing this, and asked suspiciously.

"This... Ang... tell you so..."

Jiang Xiaohu didn't conceal anything, and told Biyun all the things, and the latter frowned tightly.

Although she doesn’t have much thoughts about the village, she thinks about it. After all, she has lived in this village. What’s more important is that she can’t figure out why someone would even have a village for money. Can be discarded.

"Anyway... now there is really no way, I don't know what to do!"

After talking about everything, Jiang Xiaohu sighed deeply and stretched out.

"It's okay, don't you know someone from the Shen family? Look for them, they are so rich, they can definitely help you settle it!"

Biyun frowned and asked, in her eyes, the people of the Shen family were already rich to the limit.

If she knew how rich the person sleeping in Jiang Xiaohu's room was, what would she look like at that time.

"What you said is simple, don't you know that Li Jianhua is also rich! What's more, he is still a relationship routine, not a purely commercial family of the Shen family!"

Just as Jiang Xiaohu was about to explain the difference between the two, he looked at Biyun's puzzled face and waved his hand and stopped talking.

Even if he spoke carefully, the beauty in front of him would not understand.

"Oh, what kind of person can help you! I recently met someone!"

Bi Yun tilted his head and looked at Jiang Xiaohu, her cuteness was exposed at this moment.

"Who else can there be? Unless you come to a jade mine family, come to the door with paperwork, and tell the villagers that this is useless with a serious certificate, and everything will be cleared!" Jiang Xiaohu raised his eyebrows and glanced at the thoughtful Biyun, and said, "Sister Biyun, there is no way. I see this matter and wait for it to be discussed later when mining!"

"Don't tell me, I really know someone who asked me to go to his house for auction before, but I looked at the clothes I was wearing, and I didn't want to go!"

As Biyun said, his face flushed.

What she said Jiang Xiaohu naturally knew that those beauties who were auctioned off just showed their thighs and breasts, and let the conservative Biyun wear those clothes, which undoubtedly made her take off her clothes.

"No, wait a minute, what are you talking about? What auction house? His family?"

Jiang Xiaohu was about to make fun of Biyun's conservative thinking, and suddenly realized that something was wrong. You must know that the auction house is not easy to do, either with a powerful force or a relatively strong backstage, otherwise a slight mistake will be unbearable. Started.

But Biyun just said that he knew such a person, and that wasn't a big deal.

"Yeah! I was tossing with him some time ago! That kid is very annoying, he has to recognize me as a godmother, I don't agree, I have no children yet..."

With that, Biyun's eyes seemed to show longing, after all, she still wanted a child very much.

"Being a godmother? No, he doesn't think you are beautiful and wants to take you back to be his stepmother!"

Jiang Xiaohu had a wretched look in his eyes when he heard the words, and he smiled and looked at Biyun, who was very clear and knocked his head on his head.

"What are you thinking about! The other day I went to town and passed by a small weir pond. I don’t know what happened. I stood there and looked at the scenery. As a result, a car flew over in front of me and fell into the weir. In the pond, I went down and rescued him. He looked like he was only sixteen or seventeen, but it was pretty good. I got scratched that day!"

After all, Biyun lifted up his clothes, revealing a scratch on his stomach, which was more than ten centimeters long. It seems that the injuries he suffered at the time were indeed not small.

More importantly, it must be a very sad thing for a beauty like her to leave such a scar on her flat and white belly.

"This...what the kid did! He was driving the car at 16 or 7... Is your injury healed?"

"Of course, I came to you just to ask you if there is any way to get rid of this scar!"

Biyun looked at Jiang Xiaohu seriously, and at the same time flushed, after all, showing her abdomen in front of others still made her very embarrassed.

"What are you doing?"

Just as Jiang Xiaohu was about to reach out to touch the scar in order to see if he could be healed by Zhen Qi, the door of the gift opened. Gongsun You leaned on the door frame, watching Jiang Xiaohu raised his eyebrows and asked softly.

"Ah? No, let me see if she has this wound...Huh? Why do I tell you so much!"

Jiang Xiaohu was about to explain, he was taken aback for a moment, and said with a curl of his lips.

"Oh~ I know, then you guys talk first, I'll go back to catch up!"

Gongsun Yao responded weirdly, then turned around and walked back to the room after smiling twice.

"Ahem, Xiaohu, I think I will look at this wound next time!"

Biyun felt a little embarrassed at this time, tore off his clothes and stayed away.

As Gongsun You hid in the room, the atmosphere outside also became weird. Jiang Xiaohu didn't know what to say, staring out the door blankly, while Biyun didn't speak and kept his head down.

"Ahem, by the way, where is the person from the auction house you mentioned!"

After a moment of silence, Jiang Xiaohu also felt a little embarrassed and asked softly.

"Ah? Oh yes, I forgot to say, he belongs to the'Golden Hand' auction house in Heliang City!"

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