
Although Jiang Xiaohu didn't know what happened, he still didn't dare to violate his mother's order and walked out the door numbly, leaving Gongsun Yao alone in the room to relieve his vomiting.

"How did I tell you? Huh? What do you say?"

As soon as he left the house, Gongsun You grabbed Jiang Xiaohu by the ear, dragged him to the corner of the small courtyard, and whispered.

"No, Mom, what are you talking about, I don't know!"

"I don't know? You don't know yet, Aunt Li just found me! Why don't you tell me? You can even tell me! Are you letting people run around with you?"

Jiang Xiaohu frowned and looked at Wang Xifeng. He was taken aback for a moment, and then he suddenly realized.

But Gongsun Yao couldn't leave him, and...More importantly, Gongsun Yao's identity was helpful to him, and I couldn't tell Wang Xifeng about this.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaohu waved his hand and said, "No, Mom, I can't tell you about this matter, alas, I'll tell you when the time comes!"

"What? Do you want to delay? How long do you want to delay?"

"At most half a year!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Xiaohu calculated the time, it will not be long before Gongsun You and Pain let go.


What Ling Jiang Xiaohu didn't expect was that Wang Xifeng directly slapped Jiang Xiaohu on the shoulder after hearing it, and said fiercely: "Half a year? It's over in half a year! I tell you, this matter can't be dragged on at all. How many people in the village know? Do you know that the whole village knows about this until now? Where did you put my old face?"

"But, Mom can't blame me! This is his method! He just wants the whole village to know..."

"I don't know what you mean by doing this? Are you still waiting at home? Are you still pretending to be stupid? Besides, you don't even look at them... I am so, how could I raise a bastard like you!"

Wang Xifeng started to feel aggrieved as he spoke.

Jiang Xiaohu couldn't see his mother cry the most, so he quickly reached out and wiped it, nodded and said, "Okay, I will go tonight! I am ready to start tonight. After all, this is also related to the future of the village! But Li Jianhua has too many methods. , It will be a wedding in a few days, and he is not here when I go now!"

"What Li Jianhua? I'm talking about Yaoyao's belly!"

"What belly..."

At this time, Jiang Xiaohu was completely stunned, and had no idea what Wang Xifeng was talking about.

"you you you!"

"No, mom, don't worry, what are you talking about? Yaoyao's stomach? What happened to her stomach?"

"You bastard, several aunts have seen it today. She is vomiting very badly. Isn't it obvious?"

"What!" After listening, Jiang Xiaohu almost jumped up and asked quickly: "Mom, aren't you talking about that piece of land?"

"What the hell, I don't care. I will tell you about this matter. It must be as soon as possible, otherwise people will say that your child is irresponsible! What is the face of our Jiang family!"

Wang Xifeng also frowned and looked at Jiang Xiaohu, as if looking at a mentally retarded person.

"...Mom, you misunderstood, she is really okay, she is motion sick today!"

After a moment of silence, Jiang Xiaohu grabbed Wang Xifeng who was about to leave, rolled his eyes and explained.

After doing it for a long time, he and Wang Xifeng talked about not the same thing for a long time. Wang Xifeng thought that Gongsun Yao had...

"Nonsense! How come!"

"Mom, do you think I'm really that kind of person? Oh...really, I just took a look and said that, it's really a falsehood!"

After holding back for a long time, Jiang Xiaohu still couldn't say the curse, so he could only spit out a bit.

"Really? Don't lie to me!"

But Wang Xifeng still didn't believe it. He tilted his head and glanced at Jiang Xiaohu, knowing that after seeing the seriousness in the other's eyes, he turned and walked back. After all, he had to take a look in person.

"Aunt Wang! At home!"

At this moment, a young woman came to the door. She walked into the door and walked in front of Wang Xifeng. She stretched out a piece of paper and stuffed it into Wang Xifeng's hand.

"Sister, is this?"

"Good recipe, but good, I'm leaving now!"

Before Wang Xifeng could explain a word, the woman turned around and ran out.

When Jiang Xiaohu heard the sound and looked back, there was no one outside the door.

"Oh... it's difficult to explain!"

Looking at the distant figures outside, Wang Xifeng shook her head. She knew how poisonous the mouth of the old lady in the village was, but she didn't expect it to spread so fast. It was the most shocking rumors.

"Yaoyao, what do you want to eat today?"


Gongsun You, who was taking a deep breath at this time, saw Wang Xifeng approaching her with a smile before he even raised it.

"Whatever, Auntie's fried is delicious!"

Gongsun Yao thought for a while, but still couldn't pick the best one from Wang Xifeng's many signature dishes. In her eyes, these were all good things that she hadn't eaten before.

"Good, good! I'm going to get some pork today. The old Gao family in the village killed the pigs this morning! There is still a lot left!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Xifeng smiled, walked to the courtyard and rushed out, and walked out cheerfully.

After Wang Xifeng left far away, Jiang Xiaohu walked in ghostly.

"What did you tell your mother!"

Gongsun Yao stretched out his hand to follow his chest and asked.

"I didn't say anything, but we were misunderstood!"

Jiang Xiaohu rolled his eyes helplessly, this matter is really hard to explain.


When Jiang Xiaohu took the matter to one side, Gongsun You was anxious for an instant, and he had to go out to fight the old ladies in the corner and the aunts who passed the message.

"Wait, don't worry! If you go out and make trouble like this, people will think that you are a girl with a thin-skinned family, and they will believe it even more!"

Jiang Xiaohu stretched out his hand to stop Gongsun You, and softly persuaded him.

"That can't be said like that! What a rogue!"

Gongsun Yao took a few deep breaths, calmed himself down as much as possible, and spit out softly.

"You can't say that! Okay, let alone these useless, I'm thinking, will Li Jianhua's wife pretend it?"

Jiang Xiaohu saw that she was still angry, so he quickly talked about this matter and wanted to change the subject.

"I don't know about this, but I think Li Jianhua is definitely not the kind of peace of mind. You can go and see if you need to verify it!"

Gongsun You curled his lips, frowned for a while, and then forgot what had just happened.

"How to verify!"

"You ask me? Didn't you grow up here? You can't spread gossip, you can't listen to gossip?"

"It makes sense..."


Not long after lunch, Jiang Xiaohu took Gongsun You to the village under the big tree and waited, waiting for the old ladies to come.

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