"I'm coming!"

Hearing the words, Gongsun Yao quickly stepped forward and stretched out his hand to open the door.

The door slammed and was pushed open. If it weren't for Gongsun You's reaction faster, he would have been knocked over.

"What are you doing!"

Gongsun You, who was still worried, immediately pulled his face down and asked coldly.

"Hello, is Brother Xiaohu at home? My sister, my sister is dying!"

A young boy yelled, poked his head in, and yelled loudly when he saw Jiang Xiaohu.

"Huh? No, why are you looking for me!"

Although he said so, Jiang Xiaohu's actions were dissatisfied, and he stood up and came to the door.

"Oh, the old doctor asked me to come to you! He said you would!"

After all, the young man stretched out his hand and ran out of Jiang Xiaohu.

"Come on, go by yourself, I'll go back to sleep!"

Gongsun You just waved his hand when he saw this and closed the door at random, very rarely unwilling to follow Jiang Xiaohu out.

Maybe it was the last night spy that frightened her, and now as long as it is night, I don't think of dark places.

"No, no, whose family are you! What are you doing!"

Although the young boy in front of him looked familiar, after these few steps, Jiang Xiaohu really didn't think out who the young guy in front of him was, let alone talk about his sister.

"I belong to the Zheng family! My sister asked me to come to you!"

After walking a long way out of Jiang's house, the young boy laughed and pulled Jiang Xiaohu out of a small forest.

"Why are you here this night? Your sister is Zheng Yingying?"

"Well, she is right there!"


Following the direction where the young boy pointed to the past, Jiang Xiaohu almost didn't urinate. Not far away, Zheng Yingying was standing in a dark corner wearing a white dress and beckoning to Jiang Xiaohu.

"No, what are you doing? Call me when you call me in the middle of the night. Why do you call me out like this!"

Jiang Xiaohu came to Zheng Yingying in two steps, displeased on his face.

"I can't help it, hahaha!" Zheng Yingying laughed a few times, and took a step forward to hold Jiang Xiaohu's hand and said, "Do you know Yang Zhou?"

"Yeah! No, did he contact you?"

Jiang Xiaohu was stunned when he heard the words, and a bad premonition rose.

"Yes, we are going to leave!"

Zheng Yingying's voice fell, and Yang Zhou suddenly appeared behind her, silent like a ghost.

"Fuck you! Don't scare me! Don't scare me if you die!"

Jiang Xiaohu was dumbfounded when he saw this scene and fell directly on the ground. The two people in front of him were just like ghosts. No one made any noise when they came out. They were all ghosts!

"Brother Tiger, you think too much, we are going to leave first, I think you are right, but not right, after all, there are still old people at home!"

"Yes, I still have a brother anyway, I will come back in the future!"

Zheng Yingying smiled and took Yang Zhou's hand, the two turned and walked not far away, until the high beams in the distance were on, Jiang Xiaohu still did not react.

After half an hour, Jiang Xiaohu sat on the ridge looking at the moon, threw the cigarette in his hand in the field, stomped it out with his foot, and lit one more.

"What's this? Yang Zhou, the bastard, actually gave me an elopement. What a thing..."

With a soft spit, Jiang Xiaohu glared at the tiny sparks of fire from the cigarette in his hand, and muttered to himself.

Originally I wanted to treat this as a trump card. Then, let Zheng Yingying tell me that she was forced. What about now?

People have been abducted, and the wedding will not be held anymore.

Speaking of it, after Zheng Yingying left, his brother gave Jiang Xiaohu a small USB flash drive. He didn't know what was in it. His brother didn't know clearly. He just asked Jiang Xiaohu for a few hundred dollars. Just ran away.

"Crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, I had known that I would not trust this matter on Yang, which is not reliable at all!"

Once again, Jiang Xiaohu stood up and walked slowly home.

Along the way, Jiang Xiaohu kept thinking about how to talk to Gongsun You about this matter and what to do with the rest. Now that the wedding cannot be done, Li Jianhua will not let it go easily.

After all, the previous lectures weren't done for nothing. Now many people in the village have been successfully fooled by him. When the time is up, he will directly bring something over. Even if it is done, say it yourself. No one will believe anything.

"What to do!"

"What are you spinning?"


Walking on the dark road, Jiang Xiaohu just muttered a word, a voice sounded, scared him almost punched over, but after seeing the person who came, Jiang Xiaohu stopped.

"Oh, I'm going, Sister Biyun, where have you been in the middle of the night!"

"Where can I go, didn't I just come back from the garden? I heard that a lot of weasels have been harassed recently!"

Under the dark moonlight, Biyun twisted Xiaoman's waist and raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.


Jiang Xiaohu looked at the beauty in front of him obsessively, thinking that he had completely forgotten where he came from and where he was going, and only the man in front of him was left.

"Boy, what do you look at!"

When he noticed Jiang Xiaohu's absence, Biyun didn't feel annoyed. Instead, he felt a little happy in his heart, but he still reached out and knocked Jiang Xiaohu's head, and said with a smile.

"No, I just dealt with something! I was in a trance!"

Jiang Xiaohu quickly explained.

"What? Did you go to the haystack with the little girl?"

Biyun smiled and slapped haha. Looking at Jiang Xiaohu, he also felt that his handsome face was so good.

Speaking of which, Biyun is already a married woman, but she became a widow when she got married. It was an arranged marriage at home, and she didn't realize the happiness between husband and wife at all.

What's more, she is a woman who does farm work every day, but her body does not appear to be out of shape. On the contrary, she is getting better and better. Although she is in her 30s, she does not have to look like Gongsun Yao, Shen Ronger, and Zhang Xiaohua. The girls are half way behind, if you have to be inferior, then only the temperament.

"Sister Biyun, don't make fun of me! Who wants to go into the haystack with me!"

Jiang Xiaohu waved his hand, and he was about to walk home. The two walked one after another.

Perhaps because of fear, Biyun stopped Jiang Xiaohu after a few steps.

"Little tiger, you walked behind my sister, there was suddenly one more person, and I was a little scared!"

Bi Yun walked around in front of Jiang Xiaohu, and the two slowly marched forward along the ridge.

Originally, she was not afraid when she was alone. After all, she is used to it alone. When she walks, the fear in her heart becomes a driving force, and she walks with strength.

But now Jiang Xiaohu suddenly appeared around him, coupled with the cold wind blowing in the middle of the night, it was inevitable that a burst of blood was blown away, making people a little scared, and the surrounding darkness became like a pair of moving eyes, tightening. Staring at the two closely.


Jiang Xiaohu wasn't afraid. After all, his true energy protected his body. Even if he really saw two of them, it wouldn't matter. He could still deal with it for a while. That landscape map was not a joke.

Although Biyun felt better, it was a bitter Jiang Xiaohu.

Following Biyun, Biyun's plump buttocks were like a ball of moving water dolls, beckoning towards Jiang Xiaohu with every step of Biyun.

"Try it! It definitely feels good!"

Suddenly, a thought came to Jiang Xiaohu's mind, causing Jiang Xiaohu to slip, and he almost fell into the rice field on one side.

"What's wrong?"

"No, it's okay, Sister Biyun, leave you!"

Hearing Biyun's inquiry, Jiang Xiaohu waved his hand quickly and turned his attention to the other side.

"what is that?"

After not taking a few steps, Jiang Xiaohu's footsteps suddenly stopped, watching a car in the distance parked in front of his house, four or five people were moving something, and carried a big black package to the car.

"I'm going! It's over!"

From a distance, Jiang Xiaohu was shocked, thinking of Wang Xifeng, grandma and Gongsun Yao who were staying at home.

"Wait for me! Huh?"

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu ran straight away, Biyun hurried to catch up, but after not taking two steps, Jiang Xiaohu turned around and hugged her waist, hugged him and ran.

Although she had had a lot of close contact with Jiang Xiaohu before, she encountered it again and still made her want to get into trouble.

"Do not talk!"

In less than a minute, Jiang Xiaohu had already arrived under the root of a wall outside a campus. After putting down Biyun, Jiang Xiaohu turned around and said.

Biyun nodded quickly after hearing the words, she still knew that as long as she didn't speak, she would be the biggest help here.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Xiaohu poked his head out. Those people were already preparing to close the car door at this time. Two of them took a lighter and lit a torch, ready to throw it into the small courtyard.

"Fuck, what the fuck are you doing!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xiaohu knew that he couldn't wait any longer, his house would be burned any longer, and he roared.

The sound was not loud, but they frightened the two people holding the torch next to the car. The two hurriedly threw the torch in their hands into the small courtyard, got into the car and drove away.

Jiang Xiaohu was running with real energy, and there was wind under his feet, and he chased him up, but after all he was still two feet, unable to catch up with the car. He gritted his teeth and turned back to the small courtyard. The flame hasn't burnt completely, there are a lot of haystacks placed, it seems that time is short, and it is not the first to prepare.

If it is premeditated, gasoline can be used at this time.

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