"Isn't that the widow of the Li family in your village?"

When the voice fell, Gongsun You suddenly took the words and sighed softly.

"How did you see it!"

Jiang Xiaohu lowered his head when he heard the sound, stared and asked.

"Cut...Big brother, a long illness becomes a good doctor! I have been in contact with Zhen Qi for so long, I would have used it long ago!"

Gongsun You gave Jiang Xiaohu a relentless glance, then looked again.

The woman in the distance seemed extremely reluctant, and the whole person seemed very resisting, while Zhao Hua was very excited, and she stretched out her hand to constantly pull the woman, and after a while, the two returned to the haystack again.

"Is this a crime!"

Seeing tears in Widow Li's eyes, Gongsun You couldn't help but asked softly.

"Where do I know, it's not me!"

Jiang Xiaohu responded, but his eyes narrowed, a lot of true energy began to flow into his eyes, and the haystack blocking his vision was slowly transparent.


"What do you look at? Haven't seen it or haven't seen it!"

Without waiting for Jiang Xiaohu to check the specific'battle situation' seriously, Gongsun Yao hit him on the back of his head with an ear scraper, dispelling the zhenqi in his eyes.

"No, so what, I...you treat me as someone, I just want to see what they are!"

"Then you won't stand up and ask?"

"I...no, what are you doing! Don't worry about it!"

Jiang Xiaohu was thinking about how to explain it. Gongsun Yao was fine, stood up and walked out directly, Jiang Xiaohu had to stand up and catch up.

The two went one after the other. The former was aggressive, while the latter was embarrassed, for fear that they were just preparing to do something that shouldn't be done.

"Get out of here!"

When he came to the haystack, before Jiang Xiaohu was behind him to stop her, Gongsun You kicked in the haystack and shouted in a low voice.

But there was no one in the haystack. Gongsun You also kicked and almost fell. Fortunately, Jiang Xiaohu reacted fast enough to catch her.

"What about people?"

Bala struck the haystack twice, Gongsun You frowned and mumbled.

"I guess I just ran away! Be a guilty conscience!"

Jiang Xiaohu looked at the filth on the ground and couldn't help but curl his lips, thinking that he wanted to look good, to have a figure, to be able and capable, and to be accompanied by beautiful women. There was no sign of the peach blossoms falling apart all day long, but he was alone. People warm their quilts.

"Forget it, go back, anyway, the fishing rod was thrown by you!"

Seeing the gap in front of him, Gongsun Yao groaned displeasedly and turned to leave.

Jiang Xiaohu glanced at the traces left here, shook his head faintly, and chased up in three or two steps.

When they came, they were both happy. When they returned, they both shook their heads and sighed. Jiang Xiaohu sighed that he was accompanied by beautiful women every night, but he was always a boy.

Gongsun You didn't know anymore. She felt angry when she thought of Jiang Xiaohu's anger to see others doing shameful things.


"No, why! Why hit me again!"

After thinking and thinking, Gongsun Yao turned his head and gave Jiang Xiaohu an ear scraper, which hit him on the head. Facing Jiang Xiaohu's grievance, Gongsun Yao coldly snorted and turned and moved faster.

It may be because the two of them were in a bad mood, and the steps under their feet were much faster. It didn't take long for the two of them to return home. It was just over four o'clock at this time, it was still early, and the food had not yet been prepared.

"Come back! Why are you going..."

Wang Xifeng saw the two of them walking back with their things, Zheng Yao said something with a smile, and saw Jiang Xiaohu's aggrieved look and Gongsun Youla's face, and then suffocated the next half of the sentence.

Not long after, the two of them simply washed and sat in the courtyard to enjoy the cool. It is rare that the old lady came out today, enjoying the sunlight with her eyes closed.

"Little tiger, let Yaoyao go out and be careful... I heard..."

The old lady looked at the horizon, suddenly seemed to remember something, took Jiang Xiaohu's hand, and said softly.


"Mom, don't talk nonsense!"

Jiang Xiaohu was about to ask what the old lady meant when he heard Wang Xifeng beating haha.

"Mom, what's the matter, don't just say half of the story, it's scary!"

"Yes, the point is that it's still related to me!"

As soon as Jiang Xiaohu asked, Gongsun You made up the knife on the side, and the two looked at Wang Xifeng together.

One person's power is limited, but two people are different.

After being stared at for about half a minute, Wang Xifeng still couldn't bear the look, and shook her head helplessly, and said: "My grandma didn't know where I heard about ghosts and monsters on the back mountain, and what kind of prisoners went to Liangjia women at night? Oh, don’t listen to what the old man is talking about! Just go out and pay attention to safety. Recently, several houses are honest and don’t dare to go around everywhere!"

After hearing Wang Xifeng's brief introduction, Jiang Xiaohu and Gongsun Yao looked at each other at the same time, with shock in their eyes, and they seemed to simultaneously broadcast everything they saw today.

"Sister Biyun..."

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaohu had a beautiful figure in his head.

"What are you thinking about!"

When Gongsun Yao saw Jiang Xiaohu suddenly stunned, he reached out and patted Jiang Xiaohu on the back of his head.

"Don't hit me on the back of the head, you will become stupid! How come you are like my mother!"

Jiang Xiaohu took off Gongsun You's hand and turned his head to look to the left, as if the line of sight in his eyes had penetrated the wall and saw Biyun sitting in the middle of the house.

"Wait a minute, let me remind you!"

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaohu made up his mind to go there. After all, Biyun was going to see the orchard most of the night these days, plus what happened last night, Jiang Xiaohu remembered last night’s The graceful figure slapped his lips with a light sigh.

"Ah~ I see, I will accompany you out for a stroll tonight!"

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu's eyes, Gongsun You suddenly understood that Jiang Xiaohu wanted to find Biyun, and laughed repeatedly.

Only Wang Xifeng and the old lady were present. They didn’t understand what they were talking about, and they didn’t bother to think about the thoughts of their young people. After staring at a few sentences, be careful, and stopped asking about these things. Only the old lady was telling herself. Horror stories heard.

Wang Xifeng was quick to do everything. If you didn't read it, the food was completely prepared, probably because Jiang Xiaohu and Gongsun Yao were tired, and all the food on the table was wiped out.

In a blink of an eye, it was night, and the sky was already dark.

"Let's go!"

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu still standing at the door, Gongsun You two steps forward and said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go!"

Jiang Xiaohu nodded and took the lead out of the courtyard. The two of them strolled leisurely in the village one after another.

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