"Hey, what are you doing!"

Just as Jiang Xiaohu was about to take one off and taste it, Gongsun You's call awakened him from the mountain and river map.

"No, I'm in a daze!"

Jiang Xiaohu answered casually, looking at the distant hillside in thought.

In fact, it was just emptying, thinking nothing, to relax my nervous nerves, otherwise it would cause the same misunderstanding in the morning, then Jiang Xiaohu really has no face to stay in the village.

"By the way, what you said yesterday to prepare me for yang, why did you forget?"

In the silence, Gongsun Yao talked about her condition. After all, this was the one she was most worried about.

"Oh, I forgot, let's talk about it. Yesterday was so tired!"

Jiang Xiaohu smiled wryly and turned his head to the other side.

"Oh, to be honest, I still don't want to be so fast. When I go back, the old man will have to tell me all day to take over the market, and then let me go and have a relationship with a bunch of people I don't know at all!"

Hearing that, Gongsun Yao pouted his lips unhappily, seemingly annoyed by these things.

"I envy you. Don't worry about anything, don't worry about anything. Anyway, you'll be ready at that time. Think about how your grandfather might have climbed to the current position at that time!"

"Oh! Forget it, telling you it is just for nothing!"

For Jiang Xiaohu's envy, Gongsun You just cast a look of caring for the mentally retarded.

"Okay, okay, if people gain something, they lose something. I know you envy my life, but I hope you know and I envy you too. If we both get over it, I think it will be the same situation! "

Jiang Xiaohu smiled and said something that he thought was extremely extraordinary, reached out a cigarette, stood up and prepared to go home.

Along the way, Jiang Xiaohu looked at the mountains, and only felt that he was in it, but he could not see the mystery. For such a moment, the true Qi in his body seemed to be guided by something, and it was fading from the body quickly, but there was no Dissipated in the air, but spread out, possessing all things in the mountains and plains, watching the world on his behalf.

At the same time, in the villa area of ​​Kyoto, Shen's villa.


Sitting on the stool, Shen Hui looked at the stacks of documents in front of him, only feeling that his head was about to explode.

In fact, he didn't need to do these things personally, but Shen Qiaobin insisted on forcing him to see for himself, saying that he just took over the company, and he didn't know many things. When he figured out the right and wrong, Almost it can be developed by him.

Although Shen Qiaobin is very optimistic about Shen Hui, he still has to learn to walk before he can learn to run.

"Sister, when are you coming back, I miss you so much!"

"You want me to approve it for you!"

Before Shen Hui's voice fell, Shen Ronger's voice sounded.

Hearing the sound, Shen Hui sat up abruptly and looked at the door, only to see Shen Rong'er standing at the door looking at him with a smile.

"How do you dress like a fool?"

The two looked at each other and were silent for a moment. Shen Hui raised his eyebrows and said softly.


The bag in Shen Ronger's hand flew over as always, and was hitting Shen Hui's nose. The latter hurriedly covered his nose under the pain and lay on the table.

"Don't pretend to be dead, give you a better face, are you still not satisfied? I tell you, I'm almost fainted because of your company's affairs!"

While speaking, Shen Rong'er stepped forward and sat on the sofa. Despite the fierce words, the movements of her hands were not slow. She directly picked up the documents on the table and began to check.

During this period of time, Shen Ronger's temper became a bit bigger every time she went home. In fact, everyone in the family knew very well that the person who could hold her down in this room had already left, so she changed.

Love is a thing that can change a person quickly. This is no joke!

"Sister, if you want me to say it, just go find Brother Huzi!"

"To shut up!"

"I'm serious, don't my parents like him? That little flower is also lost, don't worry about it, besides, I also sent someone to check, that Gongsun Yao looks like a sister in his eyes Yes! Really!"


Seeing that Doctor Shen Rong'er didn't say anything, Shen Hui was just about to take out the evidence in his hand, but he was slammed into the phone, and the phone flew out.

"Eh, sister, what are you doing!"

"Have you ever seen such a big sister? Have you seen someone who is a few dozen years old and still hugs and sleeps together?"

For the mobile phone, Shen Ronger didn't care at all, stared at Shen Hui closely, and said in a low voice.

"Sister, don't say that, she is about the same age as you, and you can say that you are dozens... I was wrong, I went upstairs to prepare, I have another meeting in the afternoon!"

Just as Shen Hui was about to start committing old problems again, he saw Shen Rong'er's raised hand, without saying a word, stood up and numbly picked up the documents on the table and went straight upstairs.

In the quiet and empty room, only Shen Ronger was left. She sat on the sofa blankly, playing with her mobile phone, and the screensaver on her mobile phone was a cute little tiger.

"No, I'm going to find him, I can't do this!"

In the silence, Shen Ronger stood up suddenly, and scenes of Jiang Xiaohu with her flashed in his eyes.

The last time she went back, Shen Ronger was about to find Jiang Xiaohu, but some trivial things in Shen Hui's company directly called her back from Heliang City.

Therefore, Shen Hui felt sorry for Shen Rong'er, and had been persuading her to go back to Jiang Xiaohu during this period.

"Planning to find him?"

As soon as the voice fell, Mrs. Shen was standing at the door of the kitchen, pursing her lips and looking at Shen Rong'er.

"Ah? Mom, why are you at home? Didn't you go out with dad?"

Hearing the sound, Shen Ronger's face turned red, and she muttered softly.

"We just came back, and I'm ready to start cooking. Didn't you notice that I came back with your dad? Your dad has been smoking a cigarette next to you for a long time!"

Madam Shen looked helpless, pointed at Shen Ronger's side, shook her head and sighed.


Shen Ronger quickly turned to look at her side. She didn't know when Shen Qiaobin was already sitting on the sofa next to her. At this time, she was dangling a cigar and looking at the documents in her hand.

"Go if you want, look at you, what should I do if I become a mastermind in a while? We can't stand it!"

Shen Qiaobin saw his daughter looking at him, put down the documents in his hand, and talked about the soot on the cigar, shaking his head and sighed softly.

He had seen what his daughter's hysteria was like, but he hadn't seen her falling into thought because of a single person, and didn't even know that two of them suddenly came around.

"Okay, I'll go find him!"

Maybe someone supported him, Shen Rong'er stood up, looked outside and said seriously.

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