After half an hour, Jiang Xiaohu's complexion finally recovered some ruddy, standing at the door, next to the door, silently looking at Gongsun Yao who was in Sahuan in the small courtyard.

"Um... I want to fly!"

It has been so long, but Gongsun You's body has no signs of fading, but has become more cheerful.

If in normal times, Jiang Xiaohu could use zhenqi to let her out, and then directly and forcibly suppress it, but now Jiang Xiaohu himself is a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, it is difficult to protect himself, the zhenqi in his body still has not recovered at all.

"It's over. If this goes on, it is estimated that in a few hours, she will definitely not be able to settle down. How can her bodyguard be too good? If his bodyguard is there, maybe she can be crazy with her!"

Seeing Gongsun Yao yelling all the time, Jiang Xiaohu's eyes were full of sympathy.

It's not that I sympathize with Gongsun Yao, but with Shen Rong'er and Xu Linglong, who are arguing with her at this time, tired and sweaty, while Biyun was broken by Gongsun Yao before tidying up in the living room and room. Dishes, or littering.

"She...when will she recover!"

Shen Rong'er took advantage of Gongsun You to pester Xu Linglong, and then she had time to hold her waist and asked Jiang Xiaohu panting.

Jiang Xiaohu could only shake his head silently, he really didn't know how long it would take.

Those herbal medicines are really the best, even if he eats them himself, he can't stand it, let alone Gongsun Yao, but in the situation at that time, if he didn't eat those herbs to increase the medicinal power and suppress the rejection, the Ning Yang would fail.

"I don't know. Those herbs are good. If you eat too much, there will be evil fire. I didn't almost hold it back when I ate one plant. Looking at her like this, I guess it will be late at night!"

Seeing Shen Rong'er still staring at him, Jiang Xiaohu sighed helplessly and said.


Before Shen Rong'er could speak any more, Gongsun Yao jumped over again, yelling in a whisper, except for two "flying", he couldn't hear anything.

"Oh, don't touch me! Don't touch me... Hey! Where are you going!"

Shen Ronger, who was suddenly hugged, didn’t wait to turn her head to speak, and found that her coat had been lifted by Gongsun Yao. What was even more embarrassing was that she was pulling her underwear in front of Jiang Xiaohu, but she didn’t wait for Shen Ronger to stop. , Gongsun Yao ran to stop again.

"Be careful... don't, don't knock your head down!"

On the other side, Xu Linglong also bent over, shouting out of breath, she really wanted to knock Gongsun You faint.

But Jiang Xiaohu also said that this situation will undoubtedly make Gongsun Yao wait to die. The power of the powerful medicine is held in the body, and it is likely to be held back in one breath, and life will come to an end.

"Oh...I'll go back and rest first!"

Seeing the two big sisters taking care of Gongsun You like the two big sisters, Jiang Xiaohu shook his head, turned around and went back to the back room.

Instead of watching them suffer and suffer like this, it is better to meditate and recover yourself. When the zhenqi is restored, it is enough to dispel Gongsun Yao's medicine.

It is better to say more than to do more. Not long after, Jiang Xiaohu was already in concentration, intending to guard his dantian, slowly absorbing the air between heaven and earth.

Time passed quickly. When Jiang Xiaohu opened his eyes, the moon outside the window was already high in the sky, and it seemed that it was already past twelve o'clock.

"Why didn't you come in! Are you still crazy?"

After sitting there for half a minute, Jiang Xiaohu realized that there was no noisy noise outside the door, and got out of bed and opened the door.

The door was not closed at this time, but in the small courtyard, three girls were lying on the ground, Gongsun You snored loudly, Xu Linglong said that she hugged and curled up together, Shen Ronger was the same. Lying on the ground in large font.

"I'm going... Are you tired and dizzy?"

Seeing how a few people looked like, Jiang Xiaohu hurriedly came to the courtyard, took the three of them back to the room one by one, put them on the bed together and covered them with quilts.

"Where's Sister Biyun?"

Seeing that none of the three were awakened by him, Jiang Xiaohu breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time thought of Biyun.

Ever since Biyun finished packing things, he didn't know where to go.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaohu went out again and started looking for Biyun's figure. The first thing he looked for was naturally Wang Xifeng's room.

But I searched the room again, and there was no sign of Biyun.

"Fuck, is it..."

Just as Jiang Xiaohu was about to go out and look for it, he suddenly had a bad feeling.

Could it be that the bastard Yuan Yu was about to die together and took Biyun away?

"Sister Biyun!"

Jiang Xiaohu gave a low cry, and was about to go out. He stepped out of the door with his front feet, and with his back feet back, he slowly opened the kitchen door while looking at the empty kitchen door.

I saw that Biyun was sitting by the stove with his head supported at this time. There was still a little bit of fire in the stove at this time, and Biyun was already asleep.

"Sister Biyun, what are you doing here? Don't you sleep?"

Upon seeing this, Jiang Xiaohu quickly took two steps forward, gently awakened Biyun, and asked quietly.

"Ah? Xiaohu, is she better?"

Biyun had just been awakened from a deep sleep, seemed a little uncomfortable, frowned and looked at Jiang Xiaohu, and asked.

"Much better, I'm asleep, I'll be fine tomorrow!"

"Okay, ah, yes, my porridge!"

Hearing that Gongsun Yao was okay, Biyun just relaxed, and hurriedly sat up and opened the lid of the pot. At this time, red dates and millet porridge was being cooked in the pot.

Perhaps because Biyun fell asleep, the porridge became too sticky.

"It's over, it's abandoned!"

Looking at the porridge in the pot, Biyun curled his lips and sighed, reaching out to get it all out with a spatula.

"I'll eat, I'm just tired!"

Jiang Xiaohu, who had consumed a lot of money, was not hungry. When he saw the millet porridge in the pot, he suddenly felt a sense of hunger rising. He swallowed a mouthful of water, took out a large bowl, and poured it into the bowl. Start eating after the stove

"No, this is for Yaoyao, and it's not cooked well!"

Seeing that Jiang Xiaohu had already started to eat, Biyun hurriedly stopped it. At least in her opinion, Jiang Xiaohu should not eat this kind of food, it should be the best, even if it is the best that she thinks.

"It's okay, she's asleep anyway, I don't eat the same, and I'm very tired too!"

While eating, Jiang Xiaohu paid attention to the red dates in his mouth, but after eating two of them, he realized that the seeds in the dates had been picked up by Biyun, so he began to eat with confidence.

"There are more, do you want to eat?"

Biyun saw that Jiang Xiaohu was eating quite fragrant, so he no longer cared about it, and asked softly.



The two were sitting in the kitchen, Jiang Xiaohu ate the millet porridge, Biyun stood aside and looked at Jiang Xiaohu seriously.

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