As for Xu Linglong, Jiang Xiaohu didn't know how to call it. After all, he had never slept with her before. If it is not done well, it will attract people to dislike it. Wouldn't it be ugly then?

"What are you doing here?"

When Jiang Xiaohu was hesitating, Xu Linglong woke up, turned around to see Jiang Xiaohu in the room, frowned and asked.

Although I have had friendship with Jiang Xiaohu before, I don't want to be spied on when I sleep!

"No, I'm here to wake you up, the two of them are already up, there is porridge in the pot, and have a drink later!"

Hearing the words, Jiang Xiaohu quickly explained, turning around and sneaking out of the room. If he continued to stay in the room in this situation, he might be regarded as a hooligan.

"Really... Rong'er likes you so much, you still peek at others!"

After Jiang Xiaohu went out, Xu Linglong reached out and pulled the quilt up.

In fact, she basically didn't wear it just now. She only wore a small vest when she slept. The vest was originally small, and turned around when she woke up in the morning. So when she woke up in the morning, it was a rag that was not enough to hide her shame. .

On the other side, as soon as Jiang Xiaohu opened the door and came out of the back room, he saw Gongsun You and Zhou Shuang sitting in the living room chatting.

"What happened to Grandpa?"

"Master said he can't hold on for long! I hope you can go back and preside over the overall situation!"

"Who did it?"

"I don't know, miss, you still need to go back to deal with this matter, sir... already very tired!"

Hearing that the old man was dying, Gongsun Yao didn't have much emotional fluctuations, but was relatively extremely plain, as if it had nothing to do with him, and asked casually.

"I see, you go back first, prepare the car, I'll go back at noon!"

After all, Gongsun You pointed out the door and issued an order to evict the guests.

Standing Jiang Xiaohu didn't dare to breathe at this time. The Gongsun You he had seen before was either an exhibitionist or a weak and cute. Now he is such a domineering man, he has never seen it.

"Okay, I will send someone to pick you up at noon!"

Although Zhou Shuang was kicked out, he didn't have any caring expression on his face, like a common scene, silently stood up and said a word, then turned and walked out of the room.

"you are leaving?"

When Jiang Xiaohu saw Zhou Shuang leave, he asked softly.

After getting along for this period of time, the two have experienced a lot of things. Suddenly they knew that the other was leaving, Jiang Xiaohu was still a little bit reluctant.

When I remembered that when Gongsun You was about to live with him, Jiang Xiaohu was always very repulsive. Now when he is about to leave, he is a little bit reluctant.

"It's really cheap!"

Seeing Gongsun Yao not speaking, Jiang Xiaohu cursed himself secretly and looked down.

"what happened?"

Originally Gongsun Yao lowered his head, Jiang Xiaohu couldn't see her expression clearly, and when he looked down, tears as big as beans on the tip of Gongsun Yao's nose were dripping continuously.

"No, what's the matter? Why are you crying!"

The last thing Jiang Xiaohu could do was that the girl cried, and suddenly panicked. He squatted down and asked in a low voice.

"I, my grandpa is dying, I don't know who did it!"

When he saw Jiang Xiaohu squatting next to him, Gongsun You couldn't help it anymore, sobbed, he threw himself into Jiang Xiaohu's arms, and sobbed quietly.

"It's okay, grandpa is getting older!"

"No, someone must have done something, it must be, I will find out!"

Gongsun You, who was still crying extremely sad, heard Jiang Xiaohu say that the old man was born, old, sick, and died. His face immediately fell, and his eyes became fierce as the tears slipped.

Seeing such a look, Jiang Xiaohu swallowed subconsciously. He knew that the sky was going to change, and this character who was more vicious than Gongsunpu had been born.

"what happened?"

After a few minutes, Jiang Xiaohu was comforting Gongsun You, who had eased his emotions, and Shen Ronger and Xu Linglong came out of the kitchen.

Just now when the two saw Zhou Shuang here, they hid in the kitchen to eat. They didn't come out to disturb others' conversations. At this moment, they saw Gongsun You crying silently, and they were a little confused.

After Jiang Xiaohu briefly explained things clearly, the two of them began to comfort Gongsun You, not to mention, it is really a woman to understand women, Jiang Xiaohu coaxed for a long time to no effect, Shen Ronger and Xu Linglong were holding Gongsun You After only a few words, the latter immediately put away his crying expression.

"Um... Am I a bit redundant, or I'll go out first!"

Sitting on one of the stools, Jiang Xiaohu glanced at the three people who were talking softly, and quickly stood up, preparing to give them a place.

"It's okay, I have something to tell you!"

On the contrary, Gongsun Yao, seeing Jiang Xiaohu standing up, stopped him directly, hesitated in his eyes, as if he was deciding whether to say it.


Jiang Xiaohu had never seen Gongsun Yao when he was still hesitating, he instinctively avoided the other's eyes and asked softly.

"You come in, I have something to tell you!"

Gongsun You just stared at Jiang Xiaohu blankly, stood up, said while walking into the back room.

"This...what's going on!"


Seeing Gongsun You enter the room, Jiang Xiaohu was also a little worried. Seeing Shen Ronger's careful test, the other party just shook his head, indicating that he didn't know at all.

"I hope it's not a big deal!"

From the living room close to the small courtyard to the back room, a total of a few steps are so far, but Jiang Xiaohu always feels as if he is heading to the execution ground when he walks over. The scene of the final tragic death on the street.


When he came to the door of the room, Jiang Xiaohu gently opened the door. At this moment, the dilapidated door looked unusually heavy, and the creaking sound produced by each push was like a thunder explosion in Jiang Xiaohu's ears.

"Um, what's the matter? I'm not going, I'm afraid of death!"

As soon as Jiang Xiaohu walked into the door, he saw Gongsun Yao sitting by the bed in a daze, quickly expressing his thoughts.

After all, he was just a young man in the mountains, and he didn't have any big pursuits. If he was involved in such a big family struggle, no one would know if he died.

"I don't want you to be with me, I only know that I may be dealt with when I go back, and then I may be like my grandfather, and I never think I can be half of my grandfather!"

Gongsun Yao seemed to have guessed it in his heart. He turned his head and looked at Jiang Xiaohu, indicating that he would come and sit down beside him. At this time, Gongsun Yao was once again Gongsunpu’s daughter, no longer that cute little sister. Up.

"it is good!"

Jiang Xiaohu nodded his head when seeing her turning sexually gentle, walked to the bed, and became nervous like a newly married daughter-in-law.

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