The plane from Heliang City to Kyoto took about four or five minutes to disappear. As Shen Ronger became angry, Jiang Xiaohu also felt a trace of sleepiness, leaning on the stool and fell asleep.

During the whole journey, Jiang Xiaohu really didn't feel anything special. He woke up from sleep and awakened, before he knew it, he reached the destination.

The two packed their things and left the airport. Jiang Xiaohu looked around, showing a trace of emotion. Not long ago, he came to Kyoto for the first time to help Shen Hui, but... he was accidentally in love with Shen Ronger.

"I don't know if I can harvest such a beautiful girl this time!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaohu's eyes began to look at Shen Rong'er.

"See what you look at, where you haven't seen it!"

Perceiving Jiang Xiaohu's gaze, Shen Ronger just said casually, but her voice fell and her face felt a little hot. Although it was all truthful, she still felt a little embarrassed to say it.

"Ah! Ahem! How can you go back in a while?"

Jiang Xiaohu coughed twice and changed the subject.

"Someone will come to pick me up in a while, don't worry! It's you, who will pick you up, say it's someone, why haven't I seen anyone come!"

"That's true!"

After Shen Rong'er said so, Jiang Xiaohu also looked around, and did not find anyone approaching here deliberately.

"I see, I can't wait with you anymore, I'm leaving, and I'm coming!"

Shen Rong'er looked around, pointed to the corner of the parking lot outside the airport, and said with a smile.

"Well, let's go first, I'll call the big gold hand later!"

"Okay! Don't break contact!"

After exhorting Jiang Xiaohu to pay attention to safety, Shen Ronger only turned his head one step at a time and left.

"Are you Jiang Xiaohu?"

Seeing Shen Rong'er's departure, before Jiang Xiaohu took out his phone, a pale-faced man suddenly appeared in front of him, staring at Jiang Xiaohu with godless eyes, and asked in a low voice.

"I, yes! No, who are you?"


Jiang Xiaohu nodded instinctively. Before asking a few questions, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and he fell softly into the other's arms.

"So strong, fierce... Good luck..."

Before he fell into a coma, Jiang Xiaohu just silently complained and lost consciousness.

With the physical quality of Jiang Xiaohu now, not to mention ordinary people, even people who practice Sanda all the year round can hardly get him injured, let alone be knocked out.

I don't know how long it has passed before Jiang Xiaohu finally has consciousness, but he is not eager to open his eyes, but silently feel the muscles all over his body.

"The back of your head hurts, don't use the iron rod!"

With a spit, Jiang Xiaohu suddenly opened his eyes, and a carp stood up and looked around.

In the dim room, everything around was so dark, Jiang Xiaohu concentrated his true energy in his eyes, and everything became brighter. In the eighteen flat rooms at the end of the month, except for him in the middle, there were a dozen surrounding four walls. People stood against the wall, and the man in front of him was sitting on a stool, looking at him with interest, the door was also behind him.

Catch the thieves first, catch the king, this is the truth since ancient times.

"who are you!"

Jiang Xiaohu snorted and slammed on the ground with his feet, the marble floor tiles instantly shattered, and his figure shot away and went straight to the man.

"My name is Qi Yun!"

The man didn't change his face or dodge, and said with a chuckle.


When the words fell, Jiang Xiaohu's fist hit a black shadow's chest. This punch seemed to hit the steel. If he hadn't really seen the person in front of him, Jiang Xiaohu would have thought he was on a construction site with steel. On the wall..

"When did he show up!"

Jiang Xiaohu was stunned for the man who appeared suddenly in a punch, and even forgot the sharp pain from his fist.

"You can use true energy? It's rare. If you can win Qi Feng's trick, I will give you a chance and let you try it. If you can't win, then it will prove that you are just a small sensational character. Just kill it!"

Qi Yun sitting on the stool didn't know when he had reached the left side of Jiang Xiaohu's body, with a cold and merciless smile on his face, and said a word softly.

The voice fell, and before Jiang Xiaohu could speak, the man named Qi Feng in front of him fell with a punch, and he aimed at Jiang Xiaohu's Tianling cover and smashed it down.

If this punch hits, Jiang Xiaohu can't guarantee that his physical fitness will not be split by a big brain.

"are you crazy!"

Seeing that his fist was about to hit him, Jiang Xiaohu frowned and snorted and pushed back quickly to avoid the punch.

When he missed a punch, Qi Feng did not get angry, but continued to chase with a calm face. Regardless of Jiang Xiaohu's physical fitness, he didn't really have any way to deal with these things when he fisted. .

Within a few minutes, Jiang Xiaohu had already eaten a few fists, fists to the flesh, Jiang Xiaohu's face flushed, and he resisted a qi and kept avoiding.

"Little bastard, I disrupt your infuriating movement!"

Seeing Qi Feng bullying him again, Jiang Xiaohu looked gloomy and rushed forward, making a fist with his right hand, as if he was going to face Qi Feng hard.

The two fists collided, and Jiang Xiaohu clearly heard the sound of ticking coming from his arm. If he guessed right, the bones should have been cracked.

"You are done!"

After taking this punch hard, Jiang Xiaohu naturally had a plan in his heart. His left hand suddenly grabbed Qi Feng's wrist, and the pure and extremely pure Qi was released into Qi Feng's arm like the Yellow River into the sea.


With a low growl, Jiang Xiaohu's majestic zhenqi began to move wantonly in Qi Feng's body, causing Qi Feng's face to begin to blush.

"This alone can't defeat him!"

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu's practice of hurting the enemy by one thousand and eight hundred, Qi Yun stood aside and chuckled, and couldn't help but reminded.

"It's not over yet!"

It’s just that Jiang Xiaohu didn’t stop, but his left hand rushed forward again. Without the support of his true energy, Qi Feng’s body was still strong, but his speed slowed down a lot. He failed to grasp Jiang Xiaohu’s left hand and was A palm hit the pubic area.

At this moment, the true energy in Jiang Xiaohu's body suddenly began to circulate quickly, condensed along the palm of his left hand, and got into Qi Feng's body. In an instant, an invisible vortex appeared in Jiang Xiaohu's hand.


Seeing this scene, Qi Yun hurriedly stopped, but it was too late.

I saw that as Jiang Xiaohu's palm pulled back hard, there seemed to be a huge object in Qi Feng's lower abdomen that was attracted by him. He pushed his belly two inches away, and the pain caused Qi Feng to instantly lose his resistance. , Kneeling directly on the ground.

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