Following Jiang Xiaohu's refusal, there was no sound in the room, and even the sound of breathing disappeared, as if the people in the entire room were frozen.


After a long while, the ancestor chuckled slightly, waved his hand, and motioned Jiang Xiaohu to come.

"No, I'm afraid of death, and I don't want to die in your hands!"

Upon seeing this, Jiang Xiaohu waved his hand and took a step back. This time, Qi Yun didn't force him, but just looked at him.

"Not to kill you, just to show you my body!"

The ancestor smiled upon hearing this, shook his head, and put his hand on the bed.

"That's okay!"

Jiang Xiaohu also knew that if the ancestor really wanted to kill himself, it couldn't be simpler. It would be better to walk down the stairs by himself. Even if he was caught like this, it would be better than being caught after a severe beating.

But... the ancestor did not make a move, but silently closed his eyes, quietly waiting for Jiang Xiaohu's pulse.

The Qi family has a great career and is much better than Jiang Xiaohu. Physicians who have seen a lot of abnormalities, even those 100-year-old masters have been invited to order, and the reason why they found Jiang Xiaohu is entirely because of Jiang Xiaohu. His true energy is extremely pure, otherwise, his ancestors would not bother to let him get his pulse.

"I go……"

Jiang Xiaohu just put his hand on the veins of the ancestor, and couldn't help but spit out softly.

The ancestor's body is almost perfect, every inch of muscle has been tempered to the extreme, if it is punched, it is estimated that the elephant will be killed.

Regardless of the high strength of the muscles, the bones of the ancestors are also terrifying, and the degree of toughness is really rare. At first glance, they have cultivated to the extreme and have faintly emitted golden light.

But it was not these that affected the ancestor's body, but his internal organs.

The lifespan of a person is limited. Pursuing endless ways in a limited lifespan is the life of every cultivator. The ancestors have already achieved perfection, but even so, they still cannot increase their lifespan.

His lifespan has been exhausted, and he is still alive, relying entirely on a strong body and the vitality of this room.

"What? Is there any help?"

"It stands to reason that it is gone. Your longevity has disappeared. If you continue to live, you will be a human being. You will live by cannibalism. But your family is so powerful, it shouldn't be difficult!"

Faced with questions from the ancestors, Jiang Xiaohu shook his head decisively and directly stated the real problems he saw.

"what did you say?"

Upon seeing this, Qi Yun stepped forward and stared at Jiang Xiaohu, very dissatisfied with this answer.

"I'm telling the truth, but it's not unsaved!"

While talking, Jiang Xiaohu began to visit the body of the ancestor again.

After all, he has experience, this experience is Gongsun Yao!

Gongsun Yao doesn’t have Yang Qi and needs to condense Yang Qi, while the ancestors have exhausted their lifespan. Relying on the lifespan of others to continue their lives can easily cause a turbulent flow of true Qi, and eventually become a human demon and lose reason. Therefore, It can also condense out the lifespan.

The so-called longevity is nothing more than the life span of all the cells in a person's body. If they are gone, they are gone, and there is no way to return. Living for a long time only slows down this speed.

But what Jiang Xiaohu thought of was...change this body back to its original appearance.

"Fart! You think you're the best? Someone has figured it out long ago! What nonsense?"

After hearing Jiang Xiaohu's method, Qi Yun, who seemed to be gentle, couldn't hold back, and directly cursed.

"Wait, I don't know what other people think. I think I have my own way. If you don't believe me, you kill me and go find someone else. I hope my ancestors can withstand it!"

Seeing that he was fierce, Jiang Xiaohu was not worried or afraid, so he stepped back and made a gesture of asking.

"Wait, you can talk about your thoughts. I am now at the end of the strong bow. There is no need to hold on. If it doesn't work, then forget it!"

The old ancestor looked a little more free and easy, looked at Jiang Xiaohu with a smile, and said in a low voice.

"No, no, I know you want to live, and I want to, otherwise you won't find me, and I won't think of a way, just like you said, my true spirit is very pure, those Why can't a person's true qi bring a certain part of the body back to life, but I can? It's because my true qi is pure, and their true qi carries the aura of all things in the world!"

"I tell you, if I stab him, his wound will heal, but the scar of the wound will still appear after he gets old, but I am different. I have been injured, but my body will never be injured!"

As Jiang Xiaohu finished his second sentence, Qi Yun frowned. When he suppressed Jiang Xiaohu, he inspected Jiang Xiaohu's body by the way, and he did not find any traces of injuries. There was not even a slightest ailment. It's like the body of a newborn baby, perfect.

"I believe you, but I still said that, if I die, you will be buried with me, you know I am afraid of death! Then don't lie to me!"

When the ancestor heard these words, he glanced at Qi Yun, and after the other party nodded, he put away the fake smile before and said in a low voice.

"Well, isn't it good to be simple? Old ancestors don't worry, I'm afraid of death, I won't mess around, but I need time to prepare!"


As soon as Jiang Xiaohu finished speaking, the ancestor waved to indicate that Jiang Xiaohu could leave.

"Let's go, the ancestors need to rest!"

When Qi Yun saw this, he pulled Jiang Xiaohu and left. After leaving the room, the two returned to the corridor again. There were already four young girls standing in the corridor. Each of them looked amazing and even more impressive. Surprisingly, between the eyebrows of the four of them are immortal auras that ordinary people do not possess, like a fairy descending to the earth, looking at the world, but also full of affection and amorous feelings.

"Is this a girl or an old fairy!"

Glancing at the four women, Jiang Xiaohu swallowed, and muttered blankly.

"Tonight, they are all yours. For some time in the future, they are all yours. All your enjoyment. After you can't reach the target and expected state, we will get it back a hundred times!"

Seeing that Jiang Xiaohu seemed to like it very much, Qi Yun said softly, still with a smiling face, but what he said made people feel cold.

"Don't worry, I'm also afraid of death, I still want to go back to herding cattle, my orchard is about to start planting, and winter is coming soon!"

Jiang Xiaohu was no longer afraid and horrified at this time. He gave a bitter smile and shook his head as he spoke. He subconsciously reached out and touched the cigarette in his pocket. After a few touches, he remembered the bathrobe he was wearing.

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