Jiang Xiaohu was really angry. Even if he was too critical, he had never seen a middle-aged man who was abused so miserably before, and he was the father of the original owner of this body.

"Hu'er, you can show your dad quickly. If it's late, I'm afraid your dad won't be able to hold it."

Hu Yuexin wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Your dad always said that Hu'er hasn't come back, and he won't look down. Now, he just supports it with one breath."

"Mom, don't worry, Dad can't die with me, and I have to find out who poisoned Dad!" Jiang Xiaohu said this, a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes. The killing intent appeared suddenly.

Ling Yu’s killing intent appeared in the room for only half a second, but Uncle Weng’s body trembled, and there was a sigh in his heart. It seems that the Jiang family is really going to change. I only hope that the young master will not have any trouble. it is good.

There was a look of consternation in Hu Yuexin's eyes, and she also felt that the aura on her son's body was completely wrong, as if he had walked out of Shura Hell.It's just that this kind of breath disappeared completely, making her think it was an illusion.

Therefore, Hu Yuexin was shocked for a moment, and soon turned his attention to her husband Jiang Zhanhao.

Only Zhou Lin, who really knows Jiang Xiaohu, knows a good-tempered Jiang Xiaohu, this time he is really angry.

In fact, even if Jiang Xiaohu wasn't angry, Zhou Lin couldn't stand it anymore. She never thought that it was the Jiang family. Someone actually poisoned Jiang Xiaohu's parents. How could this human heart be so cruel, even more vicious than a jackal.

"Wife, take my mother and them out. In the next hour, no one is allowed to approach." Jiang Xiaohu turned to look at Zhou Lin, and said with a serious expression.

It would be impossible for Jiang Zhanhao to regain his vitality without an hour.

And during this time, no one is allowed to come and disturb.

"it is good."

Zhou Lin nodded seriously, took Hu Yuexin and Uncle Weng out directly, and closed the door of the room at will.

Only Jiang Xiaohu and Jiang Zhanhao are left in the house. At this moment, Jiang Zhanhao's complexion is withered, his lips are white, and his eyes are even more apathetic. Only one breath is left hanging there, as if the one standing in the wind may go out at any time. The candlelight is just like, supported hard.

Jiang Xiaohu took out the needle bag, put it on the table, opened it, and pulled out dozens of silver needles and gold needles of various lengths. Then he lifted Jiang Zhanhao from the bed and let him lie on the folded quilt. Above.

"Dad, bear with me a little bit, I'll be well soon."

Jiang Xiaohu patted Jiang Zhanhao's shoulder lightly with his hand, and took the opportunity to infuse his true energy into his body. Now he must be kept alive before he can apply the injection.

Although this person is a stranger to Jiang Xiaohu, the original owner of this body is a close relative. Now Jiang Xiaohu's right is accumulating merit.

When taking the pulse earlier, Jiang Xiaohu discovered that many organs in Jiang Zhanhao’s body had premature aging, and that toxins accumulated in the body. This kind of poison usually had no effect at all, but when the toxins accumulated to a certain level, people would suffer Will die suddenly because of organ failure.

It can be seen how vicious the poisoner’s heart is. You don’t treat Jiang Zhanhao as a human at all, and you still want to torture him to death slowly, so you can achieve it, killing someone without finding your head. Come up.

After 20 minutes of continuous infusion of True Qi, Jiang Zhanhao's organ failure trend was forcibly stopped.


Jiang Zhanhao coughed feebly, only to feel the heat in his body before he woke up, slowly opened his eyes, felt the familiar breath, and said excitedly: "Hu'er, Hu'er, are you back?"

Because he was lying on his stomach, Jiang Zhanhao wanted to turn his head to see that Jiang Xiaohu had no strength.

"I'm Jiang Xiaohu, your son, come back to see you, Dad, don't move, I will treat your injury and detox. This requires a process, about forty minutes, you stick to it." Jiang Xiaohu took a deep breath. Persuaded in one breath.

"Son, forget it, Dad can see you come back to Jiang's house, I'm satisfied, and I have no regrets. Don't waste your efforts." Jiang Zhanhao said weakly, he knew his physical condition very well. No medical treatment has any effect.

And he didn't believe that Jiang Xiaohu could treat him well. Instead of this, it was better to let Jiang Xiaohu not waste that energy.

Jiang Zhanhao was also astonished. When did his son learn medicine?Moreover, the heat flowing from his hands is constantly nourishing his body, and his body is recovering little by little, and he can clearly feel the return of life.

Suddenly, Jiang Zhanhao felt a lot of information popping up in his head. He almost didn't recognize his son. Is he still the same Jiang Xiaohu?

Suddenly, he understood that this heat energy is not true qi?

So pure enough to be able to repair body organs for others, that zhenqi has reached the realm of the upper third rank.

In this way, isn't it that his son has already been able to cultivate and has become a strong man in the Golden Core Stage?

The more I think about it, the more excited Jiang Zhanhao is. He is also a cultivator. Even if his body is so bad, he can still breathe a sigh of relief. Isn't it because his true energy is alive?

It is the period of the clan comparison, and Jiang Xiaohu is really happy to come back.

"Without my permission, no one can let you die!"

Seeing that the restoration was almost done, Jiang Xiaohu put his hand back, and immediately sat on the ground to adjust his breath, his tone was particularly domineering and beyond doubt.

"Hey, why are you doing this?"

Jiang Zhanhao sighed, "Comparison is what you need to consider."

"Rescuing you is more important than any bird race."

Jiang Xiaohu smiled coldly and said that he had planned for the clan for a long time, and he would take back everything that belonged to him this time.

The current Jiang Xiaohu, it is precisely because of the dragon-shaped spirit jade on his chest that continuously delivers spiritual energy to him, that will allow him to have enough true energy to repair Jiang Zhanhao’s body organs, otherwise, even if he is the strength of the Jin Dan stage, Can't stand this kind of unrestrained consumption.

When he got up from the ground, Jiang Xiaohu immediately picked up the silver needle. With a soft drink, dozens of silver needles burst out from his hands at the same time, like a rain of bullets.

Swish to the acupuncture points on Jiang Zhanhao's back. The acupuncture points of each needle are very precise and just right.

Immediately afterwards, the silver needles spun gently, slowly injecting the Zhen Qi wrapped in them into the acupoints, and finally went towards the meridians.

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