"You are right, everything is possible. Today, I must promote my dad to be the head of the house!"

Jiang Xiaohu sneered, "Open the Shimen and see if the old thing is dead or alive."

Coming back today, Jiang Xiaohu didn't want the tragedy that had happened to happen again. Jiang Zhanhao must be promoted to the position of the head of the Jiang family. Of course, this requires Jiang Bang's personal nod. This is determined by the Jiang family's rules.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't want to do something that violated this rule. After all, Jiang Zhanhao would still need to rely on Jiang's family rules to rule the entire Jiang family.

Jiang Jiaren's eyes flashed fiercely, his fists were clenched, but they were quickly released, and he took a step backwards. He wanted to stop Jiang Xiaohu, but he found that he couldn't stop it at all. Moving forward was just a waste of effort.

When she retreated to Chang Xiaojing's side, she lowered her head and said something to him. In the end, Chang Xiaojing was so angry that she stared at her husband.

She knew very well that Jiang Xiaohu was not a good stubborn at all. If something happened, she would be an ordinary person, she would not be Jiang Xiaohu's opponent at all, but would have her own life in vain.

In any case, she didn't want to die!

After taking a deep look at Jiang Jiaren, Jiang Xiaohu had a not-so-good feeling. He always felt that this guy had something to hide from him. Could it be that he didn't care about the status of the successor of the Jiang family?This was equivalent to the position of the prince in ancient times, the future head of the Jiang family.

Jiang Xiaohu had already reached the forbidden area Shimen, as long as he slammed it down a little harder, the Shimen would definitely be opened, but he hesitated a little at this moment.

Jiang Xiaohu's sense of consciousness quickly dived into the back of Shimen, and suddenly he sensed that although there were spiritual fluctuations in it, it was not popular, that is, there was no one inside.

This made him feel very unhappy. If there is really no one inside, where did Jiang Bang go?

"Jiang Xiaohu, don't go on, stop." Jiang Jiaren stared at Jiang Xiaohu with a very complicated expression, and said slowly.

Jiang Xiaohu gently shook his head: "You want me to stop, there is no way. I know, you must know what the result is, why, you only allow you to know, will you keep everyone in the dark?"


Jiang Jiaren was taken aback for a while, he had already guessed that Jiang Xiaohu must have known what was behind this Shimen.

He really underestimated Jiang Xiaohu, he didn't expect him to be so powerful.

"Huh, today I will expose your hypocritical face. If I don't make a big fuss, I'm afraid everyone will be kept in the dark by you?" Jiang Xiaohu sneered at the corner of his mouth, always in his right hand. The golden infuriating energy gathered, and quickly condensed into an oversized hammer.

When the people around heard Jiang Xiaohu's words, they all looked at each other, all wondering what they meant.

When did Jiang Xiaohu and Jiang Jiaren fight back, what kind of plane are these two people doing? What kind of treasure is hidden in Shimen, making it so mysterious.

First tried a punch and smashed it down, Shimen made a bang, and the dust fluttered wantonly.


Jiang Jiaren sighed, his face was dissatisfied with the haze.


Jiang Xiaohu raised his hand and bombarded it with a punch. In an instant, the stone gate collapsed, the explosion sounded, and the smoke billowed, as if the sky and the earth were cracked, the forbidden area began to vibrate.

After the dust cleared, Jiang Xiaohu immediately raised his leg and headed to the forbidden secret room, where the ancestors of the Jiang family practiced.

Walking down the passage, it didn't take long to reach the secret room.

The underground secret room is the real Jiang Family forbidden area.

The most important thing is that the secret room is empty, exactly the same as the situation he had sensed before.

But Jiang Xiaohu was wondering where did the aura in this secret room come from.

I clearly sensed the existence of spiritual energy before, and it was quite rich, as if someone had arranged a spiritual gathering formation in this underground secret room.

"Empty. How could it be empty?"

"Master, where did you go?"

"Jiang Jiaren, have you already known the situation here? Did you murder the old man? You tell me clearly!"

Regardless of Jiang Zhanhao or the three elders who followed, they saw that the place where the secret room was meditating was already covered with dust. It was clear that the secret room was already empty, and Jiang Bang didn't know where to go.

In addition, just now Jiang Xiaohu and Jiang Jiaren were fighting, almost everyone targeted Jiang Jiaren and Chang Xiaojing.

These people saw Jiang Bang enter the forbidden retreat with their own eyes, but now there is no one, and only Jiang Jiaren is in charge of them on weekdays. Now they are actually empty. Who should he not look for?

Chang Xiaojing was also stunned. She never thought that Jiang Bang was not in the secret room. Even if she died, she would still see the corpse, but now she didn't even see the root hair.

Jiang Jianlong who rushed over, Jiang Jianxiong was also surprised.

This forbidden secret room turned out to be empty. Doesn't it mean that Jiang Bang is no longer practicing in the secret room?Where did Grandpa go?

It disappeared inexplicably, just like a bomb exploded in Jiang's house.

"Jiang Jiaren, why is there no Patriarch in the forbidden secret room? Is it a ghost?"

Before Jiang Xiaohu could question, the hot-tempered Third Elder jumped out, staring at Jiang Jiaren like a man, and roared.

"You have to give everyone an explanation, otherwise you don't want to continue to be the successor of this Patriarch!"

"I think he must have done it. When we were not at home, he opened the stone gate and killed the owner of the house from the inside, so as to replace it!"

"Jiang Jiaren, if you don't explain clearly today, I will send you to the west!"

Many people immediately launched a verbal attack on Jiang Jiaren, with a rhythm that would kill Jiang Jiaren if they didn't agree with them.

Even Chang Xiaojing's eyes showed an unbelievable look. This thing was too weird to explain clearly, why did Jiang Bang disappear.

"Jiaren, if you know something, just tell everyone, otherwise the old man disappears for no reason. This kind of thing is very big. If you don't explain it, I'm afraid they will swallow you in one bite." Chang Xiaojing persuaded. Tao.

When these people targeted Jiang Jiaren with full firepower, Jiang Xiaohu searched in the secret room. He had absolutely no sense of error just now, there was aura, and the aura was quite pure.

If there was a dragon-shaped jade pendant here, it would be perfect.

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