The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 895 Two Jiang Family

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Xiaohu once again sensed the violent shaking of the dantian, as if something was about to explode inside, and hurriedly sank his divine consciousness into the dantian and examined it carefully.

He didn't want to make a dantian explosion and finally turn into a horrible thing.

I saw a masterpiece of light of two different colors of Qi Dan, one black and one gold, between the two cyclones that formed before, illuminating the Dantian with a translucent light, and even these rays of light shot out of the body, illuminating the entire dark room.

If it weren't for the entire secret room to be enchanted by Jiang Xiaohu, I'm afraid that these two rays of light will burst out from the dark room, causing the emperor to have an astronomical phenomenon.


The strong light lasted for more than ten minutes before it gradually faded. At this time, Jiang Xiaohu suddenly discovered that two cyclones that had previously operated independently had collided with each other at extremely fast speeds, as if there was a huge magnet in the middle. Generally, attract the two to the middle.

Soon the two cyclones collided together, sending out a violent shock wave, stirring the entire Dantian Qihai.

Such a terrifying breath quickly swept the entire Dantian, causing Jiang Xiaohu's body to shake, just like someone hoisted Jiang Xiaohu and beat it with a stick.

"Fuck, two Qi pills won't explode, will they?"

When they collided with each other at such a fast speed, even if the car collided, it would be smashed into pieces. Jiang Xiaohu instantly lifted his heart, even if it was too critical before.

But Jiang Xiaohu was not worried. If the collision failed, the energy produced by the collision of the two Qi Dan was enough to fry the strong body that Jiang Xiaohu had finally cultivated into meat sauce, and it was still a terrifying implosion mode.

This method of death by explosion is more tragic than the method of tying a bomb to the extremists.

Jiang Xiaohu felt that he was a time bomb at this moment, and he was in danger of exploding at any time!

At this critical moment, Jiang Xiaohu couldn't take care of so much, and hurriedly converged his mind. All his energy was devoted to cultivation, and he did not dare to lose the slightest attention.

When the two cyclones collided together, they began to blend together quickly. After a pause, they quickly revolved in a clockwise direction at a high speed. The two Qi cores were also moving towards both ends during the rotation, and they soon formed. A yin and yang fish resembling a gossip pattern.

And the previous two Qi Dan, one black and one gold with two different colors, became the two eyes of Yin Yang fish.

Seeing that there was no explosion, Jiang Xiaohu released his hanging heart again. It turned out to be a false alarm.

The formation of two Qi Pills at once was really quite unexpected. Jiang Xiaohu felt like he had double the true Qi of others, his whole body was surging, and he could feel his strength improving.

It lasted for about half an hour before Jiang Xiaohu slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a sigh of breath. He looked at his hands and finally laughed. He didn't expect to break through the early stage of the Golden Core and enter the middle stage of the Golden Core.

This is something he couldn’t think of. The breakthrough in strength meant that his brain capacity would be larger, and his information processing ability would be greater. It can be said that if someone else has a single-core processor, then he is now a dual-core processor. The information processing capacity is dozens of times more than others.

Standing up from the ground, Jiang Xiaohu saw the last paragraph on the wall: "Some content will disappear within half an hour after reading it."

After reading it, when his gaze drifted to other directions, all the information he had picked up from Kunlun had disappeared, but Jiang Xiaohu's head had a huge puzzle.

What is the true identity of this body? Is it a human or other ethnic group behind it?

"Is it a fairy?"

This sudden information directly shocked Jiang Xiaohu.

He came from being too critical to cultivate immortals. Of course, the immortal he cultivated is completely different from the mythical immortals on the earth plane. However, it has to be said that the Kunlun Secret Realm is too critical, As far as the earth plane is concerned, they are all very mysterious places.

There are also immortal cultivators on the earth plane, but apart from the people in several big families, these people are rarely seen.

Jiang Xiaohu felt that after they had cultivated to a certain level, they would gather in one place.

It's just that he doesn't know where this place is.

Jiang Xiaohu glanced at the dragon-shaped jade pendant on his hands, but suddenly found that the previous one had crumbled into powder and disappeared completely.

"It seems that this spirit jade gem is completely useless after the aura is consumed?" Jiang Xiaohu still does not understand why this dragon-shaped jade pendant turned into powder, after all, he still doesn't know the spirit jade mine very well.

Jiang Xiaohu used computer technology to check a lot of information and entered the dark web, but there was no news in this regard.

Putting the jade pendant on his neck again, Jiang Xiaohu didn't want to stay here anymore.

Walking out of the forbidden area, the sky was already bright, and I went there for a long time without knowing it.

Even if he didn't sleep all night, Jiang Xiaohu was still full of energy and energetic, and the temperament of this person had changed.

"Husband, why do you seem to have changed yourself?" Zhou Lin said this as soon as she saw Jiang Xiaohu.

"Changed person? Am I still me?" Jiang Xiaohu scratched the back of his head, a little puzzled.

Zhou Lin stroked her chin with her right hand, looked back and forth at Jiang Xiaohu, and finally nodded very seriously: "I'm very sure that you have changed, not the person, but the temperament that emanated from the whole body has changed, yes, that is The temperament has changed."

"This kind of change will happen if your strength is improved." Jiang Xiaohu said after thinking about it. Only this kind of explanation is reasonable, otherwise the temperament of the person will change overnight, and it will not be a sudden wealth.

"So, you broke through last night? What about the spirit jade ore you told me?"

Hearing that, Zhou Lin couldn't wait any longer. She also wanted to change her temperament. Which woman would despise herself for being more beautiful?

"Well, forget it, take you to see something, call your parents to go with you, and the three elders."

Jiang Xiaohu didn't want Zhou Lin to know that the dragon-shaped jade pendant had turned into a fan, so he simply changed the subject and had to publish the things on the darkroom wall, so that Jiang Zhanhao could be the head of the Jiang family.

"it is good."

After Zhou Lin took a deep look at Jiang Xiaohu, she turned around to invite Jiang Zhanhao and the others.

Looking at Zhou Lin's back, Jiang Xiaohu was lost in thought. How should he go to the Lingyu Mine? Could it be that he needed a trip to Kunlun?

According to the meaning on the wall, the Jiang family is divided into two branches, one is the ancient Jiang family in secret, and the other is the current Jiang family.

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