Time is efficiency, time is money!

Time is too precious for Jiang Xiaohu, and he must not waste every minute and every second.

"Come with me, it just happens that I have a laboratory here, which is specially provided for students to disassemble the computer, and has a lot of good things in stock." Zhao Xuecheng, who is engaged in computer hardware, said hurriedly.

When he said this, he invited Jiang Xiaohu to walk out of the computer center room with him, and walked towards the computer hardware floor located upstairs.

Yuan Keming and Zhang Qiankun also followed. They both wanted to see if Jiang Xiaohu had any other abilities besides super programming ability and crazy hand speed.

"Professor, you are just a baby here. It's too extravagant, too extravagant." Jiang Xiaohu was amazed when he looked at the computer accessories full of the room. The Academy of Sciences is the Academy of Sciences with such deep accumulation.

If this matter is left in Bale, it would be possible to create a supercomputer, so why use outdated electronic components to assemble an unsightly computer.

"You said it's a baby, those of my students still dislike the outdated things here, saying that the central processing unit in the world has reached three GHz." Zhao Xuecheng said helplessly.

Indeed, many of the components in this room even felt out of date. If it were not for scientific research in the spirit of termination, he would want to replace all the components in this room with new ones.

Who is rich who doesn't want to build a central processing unit that runs fast and has strong processing power?

"That's because they haven't seen the world, Professor Yuan, I'm afraid I will stay here in the morning. When I have lunch at noon, remember to call me." Jiang Xiaohu turned to look at Professor Yuan Keming and explained.

He has decided to do it himself and build a supercomputer.

"I'll stay and help you, and I'll give you a start." Zhao Xuecheng said immediately, half joking.

He felt that Jiang Xiaohu was definitely not as good as him in the field of computer hardware, and he was able to give some guidance beside him.

"Yes, you all stayed. If we left, it would be too bad. Anyway, the tasks of those doctoral students have been arranged, and they don't dare to be lazy even if they don't care about them all morning." Yuan Keming also plans to stay. .

"I'm fine anyway, so I will stay and see if I can help." Zhang Qiankun said.

In this way, all three professors stayed.

"Well, time is precious, I won't say much, let's start now." Jiang Xiaohu glanced at the parts and started to act immediately.

Millions of parts were quickly scanned into his head with his eyes. Since his strength broke through the middle stage of the Golden Core, Jiang Xiaohu's current brain capacity and processing speed have been hundreds of times faster than in the past.

If it takes hundreds of days or even half a year to assemble a supercomputer in Bale, he now spends at most one morning.

It is precisely because of this confidence that Jiang Xiaohu acted absolutely speeding.

Before it started, Professor Zhao Xuecheng discovered that the joke that Jiang Xiaohu had just hit her hands on had become a real situation.

Even soon, the three of their professors added up, and they were not too busy to start, and they were at best getting a spare part.

"Xiaojiang, is he still a human? If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes today, I would not have believed it would have been so fast." Zhao Xuecheng sighed. He found that Jiang Xiaohu's speed was so fast. Faster than machine production.

"This is the real talent. Thanks to our acquaintance with Jiang Xiaohu, he is a member of our celestial dynasty. God bless the celestial dynasty." Yuan Keming sighed.

Zhang Qiankun retired directly from the laboratory and dialed a phone call. The people over there said he would come right away.

Jiang Xiaohu didn’t know what the three professors were doing. He was completely immersed in his own world. His hands were fast. Whether it was soldering or testing, it was very fast. The assembly and soldering of a circuit board, a circuit board, and a central processing unit. installation.

The three professors in the entire laboratory only saw the humanoid shadows moving rapidly, and under their gaze, the prototype of a supercomputer with a structure that had never been seen before gradually took shape, and all were a one-time success.

The most important thing is that Jiang Xiaohu assembled 36 LCD screens together seamlessly to form a super large display, which was hung on the wall at a very strange angle.

As time passed by one minute and one second, Jiang Xiaohu's speed did not slow down at all, instead, it got faster and faster, and finally turned into a shadow that flickered in the laboratory.


With a computer humming, the three professors woke up from the shock, and they were immediately attracted by the strangely shaped supercomputer. At first, they couldn't believe it. The three used them almost simultaneously. His hand rubbed his eyes.

When I finally saw a supercomputer that I had never seen before, I believed that everything was true.

It turned out that relying on the strength of one person, it can be assembled into a supercomputer.

The most weird thing is that they discovered that the supercomputer Jiang Xiaohu had built in the whole morning did not emit any heat even though it had been running for a long time, as if all had been absorbed.

Without any doubt, the three professors are sure that the supercomputer made by Jiang Xiaohu is completely comparable to the computer downstairs, and even surpasses that computer in some respects, at least that computer is not so. The big screen.

"It turns out that it's amazing to be able to connect the line like this."

"This welding process, even if you hire an old welder with ten years of welding experience, I am afraid that it will not be able to weld so perfectly."

"This radiator can be installed like this, Xiao Jiang, you are a genius!"

The eyes of the three professors were dull, and one after another exclaimed. Today they really have learned what human potential is and possess terrifying energy.

"It's okay, let's make do with it first."

Seeing the improvised computer in front of him, Jiang Xiaohu was still not satisfied. If there were better spare parts, this computer would run faster.

"Does it work?"

The three professors glanced at each other, and they all saw the helpless look on each other's face.

Jiang Xiaohu moved the stool over and sat down directly, tapping his fingers on the keyboard quickly, and lines of code quickly appeared on the big screen.

"is acceptable."

After a little testing, Jiang Xiaohu found that this computer can keep up with the speed of the hand, which is quite satisfactory.

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