"Jiang Xiaohu, do you know what it means to give a diamond ring to a girl?" Yang Su took a few deep breaths and calmed down, staring at Jiang Xiaohu tentatively.

"What does it mean? Isn't this just an ordinary stone? I have seen a lot, hey, it's a bit more expensive. If I knew it was so expensive, I would bring a sack back." Jiang Xiaohu shrugged, full The face said flatly.

"What? Are you bringing a sack back? Are you kidding?" Yang Su felt that he and Jiang Xiaohu weren't on the same channel, and patted his forehead with his right hand and looked defeated.

"No." Jiang Xiaohu gently shook his head and said.

Originally, he was telling the truth, there was no need to deceive.

"Well, let's not discuss this for now."

Yang Su didn't want to continue to talk about this topic, but asked, "Then do you know what does it mean to give a girl a diamond ring?"

Jiang Xiaohu did not speak, but looked at Yang Su curiously.

When he came to the plane of the earth, he had never cared about what it meant to send a diamond ring to other girls.

I only knew that Zhou Lin seemed to have a small diamond ring in her hand, which looked very precious.

Even if he came to the plane of the earth and collected the memory of the original body, there is no memory of this aspect.

"Forget it..."

Yang Su decided not to pursue the question of meaning anymore. She only knew that the diamond ring was in her hands now, and it had become a doomed fact.

Before the words were finished, there was a rush of shouts not far away.

"Dad, dad, what's wrong with you, don't scare me. Who knows medical skills, come and save people."

"Help, save people."

These words were like bombs, shocking everyone and watching over there, instantly turning there into an encirclement.

"Let's go and take a look." Yang Su took Jiang Xiaohu and walked over there.

Yang Su knew that Jiang Xiaohu's medical skills were good, and if he could provide some help, he might be able to rescue the old man.

When they walked past, the crowd was full of water, and the sound came from here.

Jiang Xiaohu took the lead and squeezed in. He saw an elderly man in his seventies lying on the ground, his eyes closed, his face full of pain, and his aura, like a candle in the wind. If he can't get timely help If you do, your life will be in danger at any time.

Of course, Jiang Xiaohu could tell at a glance that this old man was still some distance away from death.

Beside the old man, there was a middle-aged couple squatting. They were dressed in expensive clothes and looked worried.

Judging from their clothes, I am afraid that either is rich or expensive.

The imperial capital has always been a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. For this, Jiang Xiaohu learned from the original memory of this body.

There were a lot of people around, but no one dared to mess around without authorization.

After all, if the treatment is not good, it is a responsibility.

In today's deteriorating society, no one wants to cause trouble.

Jiang Xiaohu followed, really wanting to help others and accumulate some merit.

The middle-aged couple behaved very calmly, especially the man, who took out his cell phone and called the emergency number.

Of course, it is impossible for an ambulance to fly to the mall immediately with wings to drag people to the hospital for rescue.

Putting down the phone, the middle-aged man immediately looked up at the crowd and asked sincerely: "Everyone, do you know medical skills? To save my father, even if I give some first aid measures, I am Nangong Yuhui. Grateful!"

"Nangong Yuhui, isn't it a member of the Nangong family?"

"This person is really Nangong Yuhui from the Nangong family?"

"This person, but one of the four princes of the Imperial Capital, I saw a real person today."

Many people around exclaimed that the Nangong family was a first-line family in the imperial capital. Many people in the family were either officials or businessmen. Anyway, they were like dragons and phoenixes among people.

Jiang Xiaohu rested his chin with his right hand, and his eyes narrowed slightly. According to the memory of this body, the emperor has eight families. Except for the Jiang family, there are only Nangong family, Ouyang family, Bai family, Chang family, Li family, Zhao Home, the seven members of Linghu's family.

The energy possessed by each family should not be underestimated. People like them stomped their feet and the heavens would shake.

The head of the Nangong family is called Nangong Quan, the eldest son is Nangong Yuhui, and there is an illegitimate son named Nangong Yufei, which is also quite remarkable.

Doesn't it mean that the old man lying on the ground is Nangong Quan?

Jiang Xiaohu was about to stand up to help, and at this moment, a young man with gold rim glasses came out and squatted directly in front of the old man.

"I'm from Beiqing Medical College, I can give it a try." The young man put his right hand on the spectacle frame and said, looking at Nangong Yuhui.

"Okay, okay, then you get started."

Nangong Yuhui nodded to the young man without any doubt about him, and immediately asked him to treat him.

"He is not sick."

Seeing the young man put on a diagnostic posture, Jiang Xiaohu couldn't help saying.

He observed for a while, and he knew that the old man was not sick, but was temporarily unable to supply blood.

Yang Su knew that Jiang Xiaohu would not say nonsense, he said that if it is not a disease, it is not a disease.

Jiang Xiaohu's words were like stabbing a hornet's nest, and immediately let people cast suspicious eyes at him.

If the old man is not sick, why would the old man suddenly fall to the ground for no reason?

She started to look pale, as if she was dying.

"It's nonsense, if old Mr. Nangong is not sick, what is it? I'm a medical student, don't I even know this basic point?" The young man turned his head and glanced at Jiang Xiaohu, his eyes showed disdain. .

Nangong Yuhui and his wife also cast puzzled gazes at Jiang Xiaohu, and the two did not speak.

"He is hurt!"

Jiang Xiaohu sighed softly, "He is working too hard, even walking and practicing, there is a problem with the exercise method, and it is normal for a moment to get angry."

The result of this is the old man who is also cultivating while walking, but it is a pity that he is not at home with his kung fu, and there are serious problems with the practice. He has not been properly controlled for a while, and his qi is lost.

Of course, if treatment is not given in time, the old man's life will end today.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaohu believed that this young man couldn't heal Nangong Quan at all. He was just a clown squatting there.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaohu did not look at him from beginning to end.

There are a lot of people like this who are too critical, and the end result is very miserable, a lot of deaths.

Naturally, Jiang Xiaohu's explanation did not convince everyone at all, but instead revealed an expression of disbelief.

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