As soon as the pill entered the body, it released a powerful medicinal effect, the warm current rushed, repairing his body, and at the same time consolidating the foundation, so that the damage to his body originally caused by cultivation was repaired.

In an instant, Nangong Quan knew that the one who helped him was definitely an expert in medical skills.

If you have a good relationship with him, I'm afraid it will be of great benefit to the Nangong family in the future.

Because of this, Nangongquan desperately wants to find Jiang Xiaohu!

However, after hearing the words of Mr. Nangongquan, Zeng Guangtai hurried over and leaned forward to ask for the credit: "Mr. Nangong, you have finally recovered. I just gave you the cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It seems to have worked. Up."

When he said this, Zeng Guangtai still didn't forget to slander Jiang Xiaohu severely, "Master, there was a kid who didn't know the heights of the sky just now, and he didn't even check it up, so he said that you were not sick just now, but injured. You also talked a little bit. What kind of messy exercises, that person is too funny."

Naturally, Zeng Guangtai didn't see that Nangongquan's face was getting more and more ugly. The techniques he practiced turned out to be a mess in others' mouths. Did this guy not figure out the situation?

If it weren't for good cultivation, Nangongquan really wanted to slap Zeng Guangtai to death!

"By the way, Mr. Nangong, I saw that the guy gave you a dark thing just now. You are fine now, but later, you must go to the hospital for a check. Can some things be eaten casually? In case it is poisonous, the consequences will be unimaginable." Zeng Guangtai's mouth was full of saliva.

Zeng Guangtai got more excited as he talked about it, anyway, as long as he could hit Jiang Xiaohu, he would be happy.

Moreover, he took all the credit to himself, just to get the favor of the Nangong family and give him the position of a private doctor.

As a high-achieving student in the medical school, Zeng Guangtai naturally knows very well that in the Imperial Capital, no matter it is in any of the major families, if he is given a private doctor position, he will not have to worry about income in this life.

"Dad, he's a student of Yang Zhishan, the medical leader, Zeng Guangtai." Nangong Yuhui introduced.

Nangong Quan squinted his eyes slightly, and looked up and down Zeng Guangtai, a touch of disgust emerged in his eyes, too exaggerated, too hypocritical, taking the credit of others to himself.

Seeing Nangongquan's reaction, Zeng Guangtai was overjoyed. He saw a smile on his face, and soon saw the disgust in his eyes again. This must be for the young man who beat him just now!

Then he slapped him a bit later, he would definitely be able to make Nangong Quan hate that guy. With the power of the Nangong family, wouldn't it be easy to teach that guy a vicious lesson?

Just thinking about it, Zeng Guangtai was very happy.

But soon the smile on his face solidified!

Nangong Quan’s voice was extremely cold, and he was not polite: "Huh, ignorant child, extremely stupid! It really ruined the fame of medical hero Yang Zhishan!"

Zeng Guangtai trembled, isn't he talking about himself?

"I haven't even figured out what is sickness or injury, and I still have a face behind my back to slander others, either stupid or bad! Hui'er, if you have time to talk to Old Yang, this person can't stay!" He didn't want to see Zeng Guangtai, so he said to Nangong Yuhui.

This sentence is equivalent to directly sentenced Zeng Guangtai to death, and asked Nangong Yuhui to talk to his mentor Yang Zhishan, is this unclear if the road is blocked in the future?

"Yes." Nangong Yuhui agreed immediately.

After understanding the situation, Nangong Yuhui didn't hate Jiang Xiaohu at all, but regretted that he believed in this ignorant child!

According to what the old man said, isn't it exactly that Zeng Guangtai almost killed him?

Such a person, who keeps it and enters the medical world, can only bring danger to people, and it is a good thing to get rid of it as soon as possible.

"Hui'er, the person who rescued me just now is a medical expert. I want you to find him at all costs. I want to face him and express my gratitude." Nangongquan looked at his son with a serious face, and said very seriously.

"Yes." Nangong Yuhui hurriedly agreed.

At this time, Zeng Guangtai's noodles were ashes, knowing that everything was over.

It was even clearer in his heart that he was just dying, no wonder others.

Old man Nangong is because of the injury from the practice, not the illness. This kind of misjudgment naturally makes people who study medicine very clear about the consequences.

"What are you doing in a daze, look for it!"

Seeing that his son was still standing there, Nangong Quan scolded.

The voice was loud and full of air, which meant that Nangong Quan had completely recovered, not to mention, the whole person was suddenly younger for several years.

Nangong Yuhui's wife, who has been serving the old man, has the deepest experience naturally, with a look of horror on her face.

The young man just now was a baby, his strength was too strong.

She witnessed Jiang Xiaohu's whole process from the shot to the end, it took less than ten minutes before and after.

Ten minutes ago, the old man was about to die. Ten minutes later, he was restored to life and full of energy.

I don't know that people would definitely not think that Old Man Nangong was ill just now.

"Jiang Xiaohu, do you know who those few people were just now? If you act on them, you are not afraid of revenge?"

Yang Su was a little anxious and asked with concern, and at the same time she made up her mind that after returning home, she must move the old man out to ensure that Jiang Xiaohu is fine.

"People from the Nangong family, I know." Jiang Xiaohu didn't hide it, his tone was rather plain, with an indifferent expression.

"Since you all know, do you still have to do something against Nangong Yuhui?" Yang Su said with a speechless expression on his face.

"He will not retaliate."

Jiang Xiaohu gently shook his head, and said in a very cold manner.

He was really telling the truth, the other party would not retaliate at all, but would ask him for forgiveness at that time.

Of course, as for forgiveness is another matter.

After the two bought the clothes, they left the shopping plaza. Jiang Xiaohu offered to send Yang Su home, and Yang Su naturally agreed.

"Well, Jiang Xiaohu, I want you to help me with one thing, okay?"

Yang Su finally plucked up the courage, turned around, stared at Jiang Xiaohu with scorching eyes, and asked tentatively.

She considered this matter for a long time, and all the friends of the opposite sex around her ruled out that only Jiang Xiaohu could take on this big task.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Xiaohu asked puzzledly.

Suddenly asked by Jiang Xiaohu, Yang Su didn't have the courage to say it, just like a frustrated ball. The key is that this question is too much for Jiang Tu, and she is afraid that Jiang Xiaohu will not agree.

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