After finishing the account of the things to be explained, Jiang Xiaohu officially entered the state of cultivation.

Soon, from the dragon-shaped jade pendant, the spiritual energy with very pure and majestic energy rushed out, and burst into Jiang Xiaohu's body along the arm.

Jiang Xiaohu quickly adjusted his breathing, and consciously guided the spiritual energy to walk along the meridians, and then sank into the Dantian Qi Sea after going around for a week.

The two gossip-shaped cyclones quickly revolved at high speed.

This situation lasted all night, and when he opened his eyes the next day, Jiang Xiaohu suddenly noticed that the color of the dragon-shaped jade pendant in his hand had faded a lot. If he did this again, the jade pendant would be completely scrapped.

"It seems we need to speed up the search for the jade pendant." Jiang Xiaohu said helplessly as he hung the jade pendant around his neck cautiously.

Just above the current earth plane, this kind of thin aura, if you want to further enhance your strength, it simply won't work.

"Without the jade pendant, you can only rely on the Spirit Gathering Formation. However, where do you go to find the Formation Spirit?" Jiang Xiaohu frowned slightly, thinking that the formation spirit was difficult to deal with.

However, it is not the time to study this kind of thing. After washing up, Jiang Xiaohu received a call from Yang Su and asked him to pick her up after breakfast.

After eating a happy breakfast with Zhou Lin, Jiang Xiaohu felt that he was comfortable and energetic, and the true energy in his body had returned to full state again. This was the only thing that made him happy.

This infuriating is just like money. No money can make people embarrassed and look down upon.

Without the support of infuriating energy, Jiang Xiaohu is a completely ordinary person, not only being looked down upon by others, but even being disgusted by enemies. In the end, he made a strange appearance of a rat crossing the street, everyone shouting and beating.

When Zhou Lin left home, Jiang Xiaohu drove another stylish car and rushed towards the place where Yang Su was. He didn't encounter traffic jams and other bad things all the way.

Soon I arrived at the place agreed with Yang Su. Today’s Yang Su deliberately put on makeup. It looks so sweet that people can’t wait to rush to kiss him.

Of course, Jiang Xiaohu would not do such a thing.

"Jiang Xiaohu, first go to the mall and change your clothes." Not long after sitting in the car, Yang Su glanced at Jiang Xiaohu and said softly.

"it is good."

Jiang Xiaohu lowered his head and glanced. Anyway, this outfit was worn for too long, and it would be pretty good to change to another outfit.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaohu can see it. Today's Yang Su, if she is not allowed to buy clothes, I am afraid that he will be anxious again, and he does not even dare to ask Jiang Xiaohu to go home with him.

I bought the clothes in the Wangfu Department Store, a whole set.

Jiang Xiaohu, who was completely renewed, was comfortable, but also brought out his temperament.

Especially in specialty stores, when the shopping guide said that Jiang Xiaohu is Yang Su's man, he was attracted by the noble aura exuding from Jiang Xiaohu's whole body.

Now looking at Jiang Xiaohu, Yang Su's eyes are full of satisfaction and joy.

Sure enough, people depend on clothes and horses depend on pommel horses!

On weekdays, Jiang Xiaohu looked more like a gentleman, and he became more handsome, which directly attracted her.

"Go to your house, right?"

Seeing Yang Su's dementia staring at him a little bit, Jiang Xiaohu couldn't help but urge.

"it is good."

Yang Su retracted his gaze, nodded lightly, and guided Jiang Xiaohu to the Yang family's old house.

On this road, Yang Su did not look down on Jiang Xiaohu.

She couldn't figure out why she had such terrifying energy in such a slightly thin body.

Of course, Yang Su also bought some gifts in the mall as Jiang Xiaohu's door-to-door gifts, but they were all paid by her.

Jiang Xiaohu felt like a little boy eating soft rice, but he did not have the consciousness of being a little boy.

After all, in his opinion, none of the gifts he bought were as valuable as the wind spirit pill in his hand, which was a good medicine that could not be bought by a million.

Soon, under the command of Yang Su, the car reached the destination, the old house of the Yang family.

However, when the two of them were about to go inside the house, they ran into Yang Su's sister Yang Yating.

The lover of the original owner of this body was finally driven out of the house by the Jiang family because he was unable to make progress. He went to look for Yang Yating, but was insulted by the other party and directly abandoned him.

As for what happened to Yang Yating, she didn't care.

Yang Su told Jiang Xiaohu that Yang Yating is one of her cousins ​​and a child of the second uncle's family.

When he saw Yang Yating, Jiang Xiaohu took a step backwards and was about to let her go in. He really didn't want to see her face.

But in Yang Su's view, he felt that Jiang Xiaohu was a little abnormal, and hurriedly said: "Don't be afraid, that's my cousin."


Jiang Xiaohu nodded slightly, really he was not afraid at all.

It's just that Jiang Xiaohu naturally wouldn't disobey Yang Su's kindness.

Jiang Xiaohu had no feeling for the former girlfriend of the original owner of this body, not to mention that Yang Yating had become a fragment of his memory.

There must be nothing to be afraid of.

However, what shocked Jiang Xiaohu most was that Yang Yating was followed by a man, who was the college roommate of the original owner of this body, Gou Dali.

When Jiang Xiaohu discovered Yang Yating and Gou Dali, both of them also saw Jiang Xiaohu's existence.

Obviously, a look of surprise flashed in their eyes.

Never expected that Jiang Xiaohu would suddenly appear here, and he would still follow Yang Su.

However, before the two men asked what was going on, Yang Yating's mother Lin Xiuqin appeared, twisting her waist, carrying a nameplate red bag in her hand, looking very eye-catching.

The point is that this woman has a mean woman with a wide forehead and a narrow head. Judging from his thousands of years of experience, this woman is definitely not a good crop.

Jiang Xiaohu also found that when the woman arrived, Yang Su's brows wrinkled slightly, and his face appeared unpleasant. It was obvious that he didn't want to see her.

"Yeah, Susu is here too, don't you usually have time to come back? Why do you have time to come back today to participate in your grandfather's 70th birthday? It's really a rare guest." Lin Xiuqin looked at Yang with a surprised look. Su, although there is a smile on his face, he is fake.

While looking at Yang Su, this woman didn't forget to glance at Jiang Xiaohu's body, as if she wanted to see who this man was.

Of course, Jiang Xiaohu only came back recently, and Lin Xiuqin couldn't recognize him.

Yang Su is a smart woman, how could she not hear the mockery in Lin Xiuqin's words.

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