This place is different from the Jiang family in the suburbs. The Yang family is located in a prosperous metropolitan area and belongs to the place where princes and nobles lived in the past.

If you sell it, I'm afraid it will cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

With such a huge amount of wealth, Lin Xiuqin's mean-looking Lin Xiuqin repelled Yang Su's siblings so much, it was a matter of reason, after all, she also wanted to get a share of the pie, and still get the bulk of it.

People die for money and birds die for food, this kind of thing is happening almost every day!

In the past when it was too critical, Jiang Xiaohu had also seen this happen.

This is the plane of the earth. Aren’t they fighting for wealth among so many ordinary people?

Under the leadership of Yang Su, Jiang Xiaohu came to the place where the old birthday star lives today. He happened to see a man wearing light green silk loose clothes, about forty-five or six years old, with a delicate appearance, and his eyebrows vaguely similar to Yang Su. The points are similar, and you know that she is Yang Su's mother.

Yang Su's mother is called Bao Bao Zhong, and she is a real lady.

"Mom, this is the Jiang Xiaohu I told you about." Taking Jiang Xiaohu to Bao Bao Zhong, Yang Su immediately introduced her.

"Hello Auntie." Jiang Xiaohu was naturally very polite.

As it is said that acting requires a full set of acting, Jiang Xiaohu considers himself a very qualified actor and shield.

"he is?"

Without warning, he brought back a young man, and Zhong Baobao asked such a low-level question before he realized what was going on.

"Mom, why have you forgotten that he is my boyfriend." Yang Su hurriedly explained, but he was still a little guilty.

"Oh. So it's your boyfriend, Xiao Jiang, sit down, sit down."

Baby Zhong finally reacted at this time, and immediately invited Jiang Xiaohu to sit down. The good cultivation instantly made people feel good.

When she said this, Zhong Baobao looked at her daughter Yang Su meaningfully.

Although yesterday, Zhong Baobao heard Yang Su say that she would bring a boyfriend back today. She thought Yang Su was pissed, but she did not expect that she would actually bring one back today.

Moreover, Yang Su directly praised Jiang Xiaohu as a flower yesterday.

"Baby, is this your son-in-law? He is really handsome, and our son-in-law Gou Dali, really can't compare with him."

At this moment, Lin Xiuqin, who had disappeared before, came up again very annoyingly, with a shabby tone in her tone.

Yang Su was very disgusted and projected an unhappy look at Lin Xiuqin, but the other party seemed to have not seen it at all. He still stood by Bao Bao Zhong, taking her unkind eyes back and forth. Jiang Xiaohu.

"You are Susu's boyfriend, then we are all your elders, should you introduce yourself? For example, what do you do?" Lin Xiuqin still said in a bad tone.

She has decided that she will find the place just now anyway today, and she will have a sense of existence.

In fact, she came here on purpose, just to see what family background Jiang Xiaohu was.

Moreover, Lin Xiuqin basically concluded that Jiang Xiaohu is a poor teacher at all, and there is no way to compare with them.

Because of this, Lin Xiuqin's voice is much louder, and she can't wait to use a loudspeaker to tune it to the loudest, and advertise it to everyone.

Many people immediately cast their attention here. Their faces were full of curiosity, and they all wanted to know what Jiang Xiaohu's true identity was.

"Ha ha."

Baby Zhong is not a stupid person, how can he not know what Lin Xiuqing wants to do?

However, Bao Bao Zhong himself wanted to know who Jiang Xiaohu was, and she actually made her proud daughter take a look.

You know, since Yang Su got a strange illness, she has closed the door of her feelings, and no boy can look good, but now the young man in front of him has changed the door of his daughter.

Baby Zhong can see that her daughter really likes the handsome young man in front of her.

Moreover, Bao Bao Zhong could also feel a sense of extravagance from Jiang Xiaohu. He did not seem to be a teacher at all, but rather like a child of a certain family.

The most important thing is that Baby Zhong saw in Jiang Xiaohu's eyes a touch of indifference that has been time-honored, and he is calm and calm.

Looking at her son-in-law, the mother-in-law has to say that Bao Bao Zhong really likes his son-in-law.

At this moment, Zhong Baobao saw Yang Yating standing with her boyfriend.

"Let's ask about Jiang Xiaohu's situation later. Why not introduce the boyfriend who looks good next to Tingting first? He seems to be visiting for the first time today." Zhong Baobao was also unambiguous, with a smile on his face. .

"Okay, let's introduce Tingting's boyfriend first."

Lin Xiuqin’s face was filled with a bright smile, "I’m telling you ha, our boyfriend Tingting, his name is Gou Dali, is the department manager of Minghao Real Estate Company. In addition, his family still runs a large company. Those who specialize in apparel manufacturing are well-known throughout the country."

In fact, Lin Xiuqin was eager for others to ask about Gou Dali's identity. In this way, she could brag hard and let everyone see that she was a good woman and had a good daughter.

"Hehe, then your daughter really found a good man, and she is right." Zhong Baobao glanced at Gou Dali, and said in an unkind tone.

She knows Lin Xiuqin's family very well, superficially beautiful.

In fact, Lin Xiuqin is a very face-saving woman. She is used to spending money and has no assets in her family.

The Yang family is a big family and has a big company. There is nothing wrong with this, but the management power is in the hands of the old man Yang Kun, who is extremely strict with the company.

Lin Xiuqin's husband, Yang Daqiang, holds a managerial position in the company and earns a lot of money, but he alone has income in the family.

Judging from the current attitude of the old man towards the children of several grandchildren, when the time comes to separate the family property, I am afraid that the Yang Yating family will not be able to divide anything at all.

"That's because Tingting from our family has a good vision and found such a good man."

Lin Xiuqin naturally heard the sarcasm in Baby Zhong’s words, but she didn’t care, instead she said with a smile, “They have entered the stage of marriage and marriage. In a few days, our parents will meet to discuss the engagement. , When the time comes for an engagement ceremony, you all have to come over and have fun."

Lin Xiuqin feels jealous for Zhong Baobao's sarcasm. The more jealous the other party, the happier she will be.

The most important thing is that Gou Dali's family is in a good family situation and will be the most powerful external aid for her to fight for the family property. Because of this, the more Lin Xiuqin sees her son-in-law, the more joyous it becomes.

It was as if she fell in love with Gou Dali, not her daughter.

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