The meaning of these people is very obvious. It means that Yang Su's vision is too low, and he finds a farmer who has no income to be his boyfriend.

By doing this, Yang Su was losing the face of their Yang family.

They even thought dirtyly, if Yang Su were tossed to Africa, wouldn't she find a black man to be her boyfriend?

Of course, this is not to discriminate against blacks, but the skin is too dark and the smell on the body is too strong, so that they become the object of ridicule in their hearts.

Yang Su is not a fool. Naturally, these so-called stabbings by relatives are very clear. It is nothing more than calling her too anxious.

But people like them don't even know how good Jiang Xiaohu is. When they know, I'm afraid this face will be swollen.

Well what does that mean?

Isn't it just pulling Jiang Xiaohu over as a temporary shield, even she has other thoughts in her heart, is this wrong?

Do you know Jiang Xiaohu's excellence?

However, what tricks Jiang Xiaohu is playing, he is obviously not an ordinary person, he even belittles himself and makes himself slandered.

Jiang Xiaohu is all to blame, it's all his fault!

In such an instant, Yang Su cast a faint glance at Jiang Xiaohu.

However, before Yang Su could speak, Jiang Xiaohu looked at these chirping women with a playful look, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The words of these people had no effect on him at all.

"You said these things as if you had lost your eyes. Why, which of you didn't grow up eating whole grains? Come, raise your hand?"

Jiang Xiaohu smiled faintly, his eyes swept away, "Don't tell me, among you, who grew up eating that? If that's the case, I really admire it!"

When he said this, Jiang Xiaohu also reached out his hand and slapped his nose, as if the smell was floating here.

Jiang Xiaohu's remarks were very subtle, but everyone present could hear what he didn't express. It was nothing more than that they grew up eating shit.

"We didn't grow up eating whole grains, what did we grow up eating? Are you nonsense?" Someone immediately stood up, staring at Jiang Xiaohu with a disgruntled face and retorted.

"Since you grew up eating whole grains, why do you underestimate the farmers? Without the hard work of the farmers, what do you eat? Do you eat shit?" Jiang Xiaohu directly turned back, as if it had been long ago The prepared blade was average, and he stabbed it hard.

After these words were said, the people present instantly became quiet.

All of them stared at Jiang Xiaohu with wide eyes, but they couldn't think of anything to refute.

Although these words are vulgar, they are justified. Aren't they smashing their jobs with their jobs?

After being in the cold for a while, Lin Xiuqin turned red with anger, and pulled in with both fists. If it weren't for the fear that Jiang Xiaohu is a man, she would have already started to kill him.

"You really are such a good Su Suha. To find such a vulgar man to be a boyfriend, it's ashamed of our Yang family." Lin Xiuqin took a deep breath and pointed the finger at Yang Su and shouted.

Seeing Lin Xiuqin and others deflated, Baby Zhong was happy, and he had never been so happy.

"Is it vulgar? I think that my son-in-law is telling the truth!" Zhong Baobao said with a smile on his face and spoke for Jiang Xiaohu cheerfully.

To be honest, when Jiang Xiaohu personally said that she was a farmer, she was also a little disappointed, but she didn't expect that this moment of effort made Lin Xiuqin and others unable to speak.

Baby Zhong is a smart person. Naturally, he can see that Jiang Xiaohu is extraordinary. He must not be a farmer. The other party said so on purpose.

Degrade your identity and fight back fiercely!

With retreat as progress, this trick is so skillfully used, is he still an ordinary person?

She even felt that Jiang Xiaohu must belong to a big family, could it be the family of Emperor Jiang?

Thinking of this, even if Baby Zhong was well-informed, he couldn't help taking a breath, and the more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

Otherwise, there is a seaside person thousands of miles away from the emperor, how could they come here by such a coincidence?

Baby Zhong still knows something about her daughter Yang Su. She couldn't make such an arrangement in advance. At most, she ran into Jiang Xiaohu on the street.

She knew very well that Yang Su had a high-sightedness. Even the sons of those families in the imperial capital, the second generation would not look good, except for the obsession with this young man. She, as a mother, knew what was in it.

By this time, Baby Zhong was also a little interested in Jiang Xiaohu, this young man was not simple.

She was really looking forward to what changes this young man's arrival would bring to the Yang family!

Lin Xiuqin became even more angry when she was so bitten by Baby Zhong, and naturally became even more rude to Jiang Xiaohu.

"We are all your elders, and you are so rude to us. Are you doing this by a junior? You are so unrequited!" Lin Xiuqin glared at Jiang Xiaohu, trying to stand morally. Attack it from the commanding heights.

Originally didn't want to harass Lin Xiuqin, but at this time she came to the door again, and Jiang Xiaohu naturally wouldn't just let it go.

The face delivered to the door is not white or white.

At the same time, there was a cold snort in my heart, it was so funny that people like them dare to call themselves elders in front of them.

He is a thousand-year-old monster, how old are these women?

"This is good, but the education I have received is that dogs that bite people must be beaten severely. Is it necessary to respect it?" Jiang Xiaohu said without alarm.

"Who are you talking about is a dog?" Lin Xiuqin looked very angry with round lights in her eyes.

Jiang Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders and said very plainly: "Whoever picks it up will do it."

"I'm fighting with you!" Lin Xiuqin yelled angrily, showing her teeth and claws.

And Jiang Xiaohu was like a okay person, and a silver needle that was two or three inches long appeared in his hand in a tricky manner, shining with cold light.

Seeing the silver needle, Lin Xiuqin couldn't help but shrink her neck, and put her raised hand down. She didn't want to be pierced by the needle.

This young man doesn't play cards according to the routine at all.


Lin Xiuqin subconsciously took a step backwards, her chest violently ups and downs with anger, and she almost fainted.

After swearing for so many years, even if he could not be named the quarrel king, it would be the same.

But today, she was so shocked that she didn't even know what to say.

Seeing that Lin Xiuqin was so embarrassed, Yang Su and Bao Bao Zhong were so grateful that they couldn't help laughing.

Especially Yang Su, how could he not think that Jiang Xiaohu, besides possessing amazing medical skills, even cursed people so badly, he was so handsome!

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