The others didn't believe Jiang Xiaohu's words at all, and they took out their own ears one by one, as if they had misheard them.

The young man who gave the old man Australia Coral before, stared at Jiang Xiaohu like a fool.

"I said, you are really fooling people not to write drafts. I bought this Australian coral for 200,000 yuan, and I never said that it is of great value. You, this little walnut, dare to say that it is of great value. Bah!" The young man was full of mockery.

I originally wanted to give away an Australian coral that was bought back for more than 200,000 yuan today. I was able to win the gift-giving championship, but I didn't expect such a situation, and the Wanfushou bottle presented by Zhang Yating won the first place. .

This made him extremely depressed and very unhappy.

Now Jiang Xiaohu says that one of his little Wenwan walnuts is very valuable. Isn't this stepping on his tail?

This is pretty good, and naturally it cannot be tolerated.

"Susu, who did you find this guy, who didn't brag without blinking?"

"A little wenwan walnut, I have several in my family, and I haven't seen it show it off. Young people nowadays know how to blow it indiscriminately."

"People who don't know think that this walnut is made of gold."

"Even if it is made of pure gold, it doesn't cost much. It's really helpless."

The crowd sneered at the walnuts Jiang Xiaohu sent out, and the tone was harsh and shocking.

The higher they jumped, the happier Jiang Xiaohu became. These people were really ignorant, and there was nothing to tell him.

Yang Daxian and Zhong Baobao's and his wife looked tarnished, and they wanted to leave the scene angrily. They felt that they were about to be overwhelmed by the spit stars, and the words of these people were even more vicious.

Jiang Xiaohu squinted his eyes slightly, opened his mouth, and looked at these people like a fool, really ignorant.

Yang Su thought that Jiang Xiaohu was going to fight back, and hurriedly pulled his arm and said, "Forget it, don't say anything, isn't it just a literary walnut? It's also worthless because of what you said?"

"It's really worth the price, wait." After taking a deep look at Yang Su, Jiang Xiaohu was still so calm and calm, and his tone was still that confident.

As he said just now, those who understand will naturally understand, and those who do not understand will be useless even if they explain more!

These people are nothing more than a group of jumping clowns.

Although he didn't explain too much, Jiang Xiaohu's eyes were always fixed on Yang Kun.

This Wenwan walnut looks very ordinary, but what it contains is not ordinary.

Of course, the medicinal effects in Wenwan walnuts will not appear immediately. On the contrary, they will only moisten things silently, and it will take a certain amount of time to accumulate to appear.

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu not speaking, Lin Xiuqin seemed to have won the quarrel and finally got her back. The smile on her face became stronger, and the eyes of Yang Su's family were full of mockery.

Today is doomed, the boss and his family will make a fool of themselves.

And their family was in the rise, if the old man's illness is cured today, then their family will be treated better.

After so many years of competition, today there is finally a result to appear.

Therefore, Lin Xiuqin smiled unscrupulously and vented. He was really happy.

Especially thinking that Gou Dali contributed a lot today, rich and handsome, he really likes the more he looks, this is the real good son-in-law.

What is Jiang Xiaohu, an ordinary person.

It was incomparable with Gou Dali, one in the sky and one on the ground.

"The genius doctor is here, the genius doctor is here."

But at this moment, there was a commotion among the crowd, and they quickly separated from both sides.

An elderly person wearing white traditional clothes walked in, full of spirit, white hair and flowing, quite a bit of fairy style.

Next to him are Yang Yating and Gou Dali.

Then Yang Yating rubbed her body against the old man's body from time to time, as if she was tempting him.

The voice just now was called by Yang Yating.

This old man is Luo Tianyi, a well-known old Chinese doctor in the imperial capital, who has the nickname Luo Yitie.

As the name suggests, it is his one-post medicine to go down, so you can see it well.

When this old guy came, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"This is the real genius doctor, Luo Yitie's name is not covered."

"Tsk tusk, Tingting is still very good, and she was able to invite the genius doctor Luo over. This time the old man must be saved."

"The genius doctor, you came right in time. Just now he said that this walnut has medicinal value and can cure the father's disease."

The last sentence was uttered by Lin Xiuqin. It was a fabricated one by her. When Luo Tian came over, her eyes were full of sharp light, and her face was full of excitement. Today, she is going to smash the boss's family and make them famous. It's completely smelly here in Yang Kun.

In this way, their family will be able to obtain more benefits, and then the inheritance will be more.

Hearing Lin Xiuqin's words, Jiang Xiaohu raised his eyelids slightly and glanced at her. This woman is quite powerful, and she knows that this walnut is good for Yang Kun's disease.

Of course, he was also very clear that the reason Lin Xiuqin said these words was to continue to attack Yang Su's family and deliberately embarrass them. After all, he did not say these words.

"What, can he treat the old man's disease?"

"Is this too good to blow?"

Many people hadn't heard clearly what Jiang Xiaohu meant before, but now Lin Xiuqin explained it like this and suddenly exclaimed.

"Walnuts do have medicinal value, which is in ancient books."

Luo Tianyi glanced at Jiang Xiaohu, and then explained, "However, if you want to achieve the purpose of curing the disease, you need to insist on eating every day. It has the effect of replenishing the brain and delaying aging, but it should not be excessive, otherwise it will cause food poisoning. "

As Luo Tianyi said, eating more walnuts can replenish your brain, but you can't overdo it.

Anything, we must pay attention to a principle of moderation, and we can't be foolish.

Luo Tianyi stroked his gray beard, slowly explaining, with a very unpredictable appearance.

After the explanation, Luo Tianyi didn't forget to glance at Jiang Xiaohu, as if to say that young people must be humble and cannot brag.

Of course, he didn't care too much about Jiang Xiaohu's existence, in his opinion, it was simply not worth mentioning.

If he argued with Jiang Xiaohu, his identity would be lowered.

If Luo Tian didn't argue, it didn't mean that Lin Xiuqin would stop here. On the contrary, she became more excited and proud, wishing to have two mouths to laugh.

It's so happy, it's so happy.

She feels that today is even more joyous than the Chinese New Year.

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