The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 951 The wind is messy

Compared to the uneasiness of the juniors of the Nangong family, the juniors of the Jiang family seem to be much more calm.

They had already guessed in their hearts that the reason Jiang Jianlong suddenly became so powerful was definitely what Jiang Xiaohu had brought out.

Jiang Jianxiong was dumbfounded. In the past, what he didn't like most was Jiang Jianlong's fake handles, his mouth was barely spoken, and he belonged to the kind of weak scholar who had no power to bind a chicken.

Moreover, this guy likes to provoke Nangong Ziyun and directly give the other person a head, completely turning on the dog licking mode.

It made him extremely contemptuous, but now he is completely two people.

"The name of this move is a bit weird, I'm afraid it is not an orthodox name?" Nangong Quan looked weird and turned to look at Jiang Xiaohu.

He could see that whether it was the moves or the names of the moves, they seemed to be tailor-made for Jiang Jianlong, and his physical potential was fully stimulated.

This is what he has always wanted to pursue. He teaches the juniors with the attitude of a master, so that they can be taught in accordance with their aptitude and get the best teaching, so as to realize the potential of the whole body.

But he had never done this step, and he felt unable to do that step.

"The tailor-made exercises, of course, the tricks are named arbitrarily."

There was a strange look on Jiang Xiaohu's face, "This kid is not kind, and even changed the name of the trick I named."

In the latter passage, Jiang Xiaohu seemed to be talking to himself, with a very low voice.

"What are you talking about? You named this trick?" Nangong Quan heard it very sincerely, horrified and surprised.

"Why, do you have an opinion? It's really annoying, to tamper with the name of the move." Jiang Xiaohu glanced at Nangong Quan, still a little unhappy in his heart.

"No comment, no comment."

Nangongquan shifted his gaze to the arena, and saw that the two were fighting, but his granddaughter was down again.

But curiosity made him careless to watch this wonderful match.

"What was the original name of this move?"

Nangong Quan asked curiously, and took a sip of tea.

Jiang Xiaohu said solemnly: "Awei Eighteenth Style!"


A sip of tea came directly from Nangongquan's mouth, which made him cough several times.

It took a long time to relax, and exclaimed: "Awei Eighteenth Style, your name is really random enough."

His remarks weren't very loud, but it made everyone from the Nangong family or the Jiang family stunned. Can they still operate like this?

This name is so coquettish, no wonder Jiang Jianlong wants to change his name.

But soon, they were completely shocked, changing their names, doesn't it mean that this exercise was compiled by Jiang Xiaohu.

What is the strength of this guy?

This is too scary, right?

You know, even a figure of the martial arts master level, dare not say at will that he will compile a exercise technique, right?

The most important thing is that this set of exercises is obviously very suitable for Jiang Jianlong, and it has almost brought his strengths to the extreme.

"Isn't it just a move? After searching the internet for a long time, I found this name very appropriate."

Jiang Xiaohu raised his head and glanced at the two people on the ring, "And you didn't realize that Stegosaurus played these moves very well? It's just that the foundation is a little shallower, and I don't usually refine Qi, otherwise... forget it. There is no such assumption."

"Couldn't you mean that you overturned my granddaughter in one round?" Nangongquan stroked his beard, and he was still a little bit unconvinced in his heart.

Among the younger generation of the Nangong family, Nangong Quan’s most important thing is Nangong Ziyun, who has excellent roots and is born as a martial artist. Can't it?

"Almost. How about I go up and teach your granddaughter a few tricks? Use the same trick?" Jiang Xiaohu said half jokingly, there is no pity for him.

"Forget it, I don't want the Nangong family to be one less expert." Nangong Quan refused directly.

He knows very well that if Jiang Xiaohu goes up in a pervert, maybe his granddaughter will be scrapped, so he can talk about the teaching of the fart?

"By the way, the relationship between our two families is so good, or else, look at the juniors of our Nangong family, is there anyone suitable for cultivating immortals? Send it over, and you will give some guidance?"

Nangongquan pondered for a while, and tentatively asked, "Don't worry, I will never treat you badly. I will give you 100 million for training a child. Other expenses are needed, and our Nangong family will also photograph it."

"When I really open a martial arts gym? I'm very busy." Jiang Xiaohu glanced at Nangong Quan, and said bluntly.

"Two billion."

Nangongquan thought that Jiang Xiaohu felt that he was short on money, and immediately stretched out his hand and set up two fingers.

"I said, why are you so obsessed with cultivating immortals? Haven't your Nangong family's martial arts inheritance done very well?" Jiang Xiaohu was quite curious. Nangongquan wanted his younger generation to enter the path of cultivating immortals.

"On the way of martial arts, you have cultivated to the top, that is, the level of martial arts immortal, but apart from the first generation of ancestors in the Nangong family, no one has reached the martial arts immortal level."

Nangongquan sighed, "You don't understand how hard it is to practice martial arts. Many people die before the age of fifty because of the excessive physical overdraft. But the cultivation of immortality is different. With the growth of strength, The longevity is longer."

When he said these words, Nangong Quan's face showed the vicissitudes of life, as if he could not see the future.

In the past few years, the talents of the Nangong family have faded so badly. If it continues to do so, it will not be long before the Nangong family will decline and eventually become unavailable.

Originally thought this matter was so hopeless, but today he saw Jiang Xiaohu, which rekindled hope for him.

No matter how much it costs, as long as Jiang Xiaohu helps, the Nangong family will definitely climb up again.

"Buddhist Immortal Venerable, it sounds very powerful. In the end, you used martial arts to achieve Xiantu. Your ancestors of the Nangong family are quite capable." Jiang Xiaohu smiled slightly, and he has always respected the strong.

Whether it is too critical or falling on the earth, Jiang Xiaohu has always believed in strength.

Above the earth plane, in the final analysis, it still depends on strength to speak.

A person can be strong enough to destroy a country just by flipping his hands.

"But that's only one."

Nangongquan said infinitely sad, rather lamented.

"You Nangong family didn't do anything wicked, should you be punished? If that's the case, even Daluo Jinxian can't save it."

Jiang Xiaohu turned his head and stared at Nangong Quan, his meaning was very obvious. If he did something bad, he would be punished by heaven. This is the power of law.

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