Nangong Ziyun had the same curiosity as Zhou Lin. She had known before that Jiang Jianlong belonged to the eldest and was still the uncle of the Jiang family.

"Jiang Jianlong has become like this, you must have tuned it out?" Nangong Ziyun's beautiful eyes stared at Jiang Xiaohu for a while, and asked after a while pondering.

"Teaching? Could it be that you want me to train you? It seems that your potential is also good, but this move, between the big and the big, lacks some soft beauty. If it is more smooth, it will be better. "Jiang Xiaohu smiled faintly, just like that.

"You, what you said is true? You also know martial arts?" Nangong Ziyun's eyes were shocked, and her chest was violently ups and downs, showing how shocking she was in her heart.

In the past, she only knew that tricks required sturdiness and strength. When she was practicing, she took the initiative to ignore her gender, and she still practiced to death. It can be said that even if she is extremely talented in martial arts, she does not. Very hard work.

There were even sweating and bleeding many times.

But I didn't expect that the person in front of me who was even more powerful than the master of martial arts would be able to see the shortcomings of her tricks at a glance.

"I don't understand. It's purely a personal suggestion. As for whether you want to listen, that's another matter."

Jiang Xiaohu smiled noncommitantly, and immediately thought of Nangongquan's decision, "By the way, you should think about another matter. Tomorrow Jiang's and Nangong's will hold a wedding for you two, so that you can make your bridal banquet early. "

"What, get married tomorrow?" Jiang Jianlong's eyes widened for a few minutes, and he said in surprise.

"Ah, why is it so fast? He hasn't asked me to marry him yet. If you marry him so unclearly, it would be too cheap for him." Nangong Ziyun was more relaxed and glanced straight at Jiang Jianlong.

In order to wait for Jiang Jianlong to really grow up and use her real strength to defeat herself, she has waited for many years.

Today I finally won the battle. Naturally, I want to join Jiang Jianlong as a family as soon as possible, and I don't have to worry that this guy will give up someday.

You know, the marriage certificate has no expiration date.

"Why so fast, you should know it yourself? Okay, let's put it all in this. You can enjoy your single life tonight. Tomorrow you two will be husband and wife." Jiang Xiaohu had a strange smile on his face. Said pointedly.

"He dare!"

Before Jiang Jianlong could say anything, Nangong Ziyun answered first, with warnings between her eyebrows.

She seemed to see through Jiang Jianlong's careful thoughts, like someone who had known each other for a long time.

"Don't dare, don't dare." Jiang Jianlong hurriedly waved his hand.

"Couldn't it."

Jiang Xiaohu shook his head lightly, too lazy to bother with this guy, turned his head and looked at Zhou Lin and said, "Let's go, go to rest early."

"it is good."

Zhou Lin nodded lightly, turned around and followed Jiang Xiaohu towards the hall.

"I think Jiang Xiaohu is right. You two hurry up and enjoy your single life." Halfway up the road, Zhou Lin suddenly turned to look at the two.

After saying this, no matter how tired these two people were, Zhou Lin followed Jiang Xiaohu and left.

Back in the house, Jiang Xiaohu closed the door, took out the spiritual stone from Yang Kun's secret room from his pocket and placed it in front of Zhou Lin.

"What is this? It seems that the spirit is very abundant." Zhou Lin asked the spirit stone curiously.

"The original spirit stone has the ability to regenerate aura."

Jiang Xiaohu pointed to the open space on the bed, "Start practicing now, hold the spirit stone in your hand, then seal, enter the cultivation state, and strive for a breakthrough tonight."

"it is good."

Zhou Lin didn't doubt that he was there, and immediately sat cross-legged on the bed and started practicing.

Now her strength can advance to the middle stage of foundation construction. With the help of this original spirit stone, Jiang Xiaohu believes that she can break through tonight and reach the level of a small powerhouse.

Time always flies very quickly during cultivation, almost as soon as I close my eyes, the next day the sunlight penetrates through the window, shining on Zhou Lin's face on the bed, and it makes her very comfortable.

But now is in the critical period of breakthrough, she doesn't want to give up all her previous efforts, she just clenched her teeth and persevered, letting the aura rush out from the original spiritual stone, drilled in from the palm of her hand, and then followed the veins. Flowing away from her body, she finally gathered in her dantian.

The pubic area was already full of milky white spiritual energy at this time, constantly expanding.


But at this moment, the critical point suddenly appeared, the aura suddenly exploded, and finally contracted rapidly, becoming a fist-sized disk-like object, which was truly materialized.

This is one of the signs of the mid-term foundation construction, and its appearance means that Zhou Lin's strength has reached the mid-term foundation construction.

"Son, get up quickly and help entertain the guests." Hu Yuexin's shout soon came from outside the door.

"it is good."

Jiang Xiaohu glanced at Zhou Lin and saw her ruddy complexion, still a breakthrough appearance, so he agreed.


Zhou Lin condensed her breath, let out a long suffocating breath, slowly opened her eyes and said, "It's really comfortable. I didn't expect to break through in one night. This spiritual stone is really good."

After that, Zhou Lin stood up and handed the original spirit stone to Jiang Xiaohu.

"Give it to you, it's yours, what else are you giving me?"

Jiang Xiaohu glanced at the original spiritual stone that was darkening in color, and smiled faintly, "I'm not afraid that after I take it back, I will never give it to you?"

"You won't. I mainly think that this thing is too expensive. The original spirit jade that you finally found is very unsafe to put in my hands. If you are low in strength, you will naturally be seen and snatched away." Zhou Lin was full. The face said seriously.

Ever since ghosts and gods stepped into the world of cultivating immortals, Zhou Lin had not consciously learned more about the convenience of cultivation, and naturally understood how important spiritual energy is to cultivators.

Since this original spiritual stone can regenerate aura, it is naturally a more precious thing.

Provoked the peeping of the strong, and even started to snatch her, is she still alive?

"Let's go, wash up, we're going out to receive guests. The two married, naturally many people will come over, and today is destined to be lively. It seems that you are quite lucky to be able to witness a real rich wedding."

Jiang Xiaohu laughed suddenly, very strange, "Or, let's make a very unforgettable wedding for Stegosaurus?"

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