"What do you mean, Auntie didn't quite understand."

Shocked by the sudden words, Aunt Wang didn't react for a while and asked suspiciously.

"Jiang Xiaohu, I want you to marry your uncle today, so now I'm here to ask for your opinion. I don't know if you agree?" Zhou Lin helped explain after looking at Jiang Xiaohu.

"This, I'm afraid this is not appropriate?" Aunt Wang said after a slight daze.

Obviously, her emotions seemed a bit agitated. After so many years of care, she had already developed feelings for Jiang Jiaqiang, and even regarded Jiang's compound as her second home.

Dreaming of dreaming of one day being able to marry into the Jiang family dignifiedly and become the wife of the Jiang family.

I just can't think that this day will really come.

Aunt Wang's full name is Wang Xuemei, she is a simple woman, not so ambitious.

Every time she went to Jiang's house, she would behave very decently and never get into trouble.

"What is inappropriate, as long as you are willing, other questions are not a problem. I don't know if you agree?" Jiang Xiaohu smiled and said heartily as he looked at Wang Xuemei who was a little excited.

"Let me think about it, this matter is too big." Wang Xuemei said.

After speaking, he got up and walked to his bedroom, turned and closed the door.

At this time, Wang Xuemei's niece also returned from outside and saw two strangers with curiosity on their faces.

Before Jiang Xiaohu could speak, Zhou Lin stepped forward and said something about her future intentions, which made this queen niece Li quite interested.

"This matter, I think it is feasible, my sister-in-law has been too bitter these years." Wang Li took a deep breath and sighed.

"Then you can help persuade you. Our Jiang family will never treat your sister-in-law. It is also a graceful marriage." Jiang Xiaohu immediately patted his chest to make a promise.

"Okay, I'll go help persuade."

Wang Li nodded lightly, and immediately turned around and entered Wang Xuemei's bedroom.

After about ten minutes passed, the door of the room finally opened, and two women, one old and one young, came out of the house, with a touch of embarrassment still hanging on Wang Xuemei's face.

It's just that today's everything is too hasty so that she hasn't prepared well yet.

"Ready? Let me tell you, Stegosaurus and Ziyun got married, which was decided last night. Today is not the same as it went smoothly. Let's go, get in the car, and come back to Jiang's house with me." Jiang Xiaohu stood up directly. Invite Ding Wang Xuemei and Wang Li to go back with him.

"it is good."

Wang Xuemei immediately agreed, and the day she was looking forward to finally came.

"To get married today, everything is simple, there is no float to welcome the relatives, don't you mind?" Zhou Lin explained a little bit.

"I'm a lot of age, so what do I care about that?" Wang Xuemei waved her hand. Regarding those formal matters, there is no such thing as holding a wedding ceremony.

When he arrived at Jiang's house, Zhou Lin helped arrange for Wang Xuemei to put on her wedding dress, while Jiang Xiaohu went straight to the main house.

It happened that Jiang Zhanhao was there, so he ran towards him.

"Get up, you just ran out, didn't you see that everyone was busy? You guy, you kept the family busy with a word, but you ran out to sahuan." Seeing his son, Jiang Zhanhao complained in an angry tone.

"Stop, stop. Not two are busy, but three. I brought Aunt Wang back. What about another set of wedding dresses I asked you to prepare?" Jiang Xiaohu waved his hand and said directly.

"Son, if you wear Xuemei, I think it is more appropriate to wear Jiang suit." Hu Yuexin immediately understood what his son meant and said hurriedly.

"You bastard, it was this idea originally. You are not afraid that Nangong family and Ziyun will oppose it?" Jiang Zhanhao agreed with this matter in his heart, but he was also very worried.

Jiang Xiaohu disapproved: "You are the second person to ask me the same question. Don't worry, the Nangong family will agree."

"You kid, how do you feel that you are in charge of the Jiang family? I'm just a puppet pushed out by you. Okay, I'll talk to Nangongquan and Ziyun about this matter." Jiang Zhanhao stared irritably He glanced at Jiang Xiaohu and sighed softly.

"You can't, let me go."

Jiang Xiaohu glanced at Jiang Zhanhao and said, "I don't know your careful thoughts, advance as retreat, it's not obvious that I don't want to go. It's all because of my low mouth, that happened yesterday."

After speaking, he turned around and went outside. He didn't need to worry about the next thing. Anyway, watching his mother Hu Yuexin care more about this matter than himself.

Coming out of Jiang's house, he still drove the ordinary car, and drove towards the Nangong family.

On the way, I made several calls to Nangongquan, but the old boy just didn't answer, he was probably busy.

Nangong's family is in a large house on the side of Xiangshan Mountain. It was built just like Prince Gong's Mansion, with pavilions, terraces, and pavilions.

It is very convenient to have a car. In order to save time, Jiang Xiaohu simply walked around the city highway, but it didn't take 20 minutes before and after to reach the door of Nangong's house.

Today's Nangong family is much more lively than usual, and there is a lively and peaceful scene with lights and festoons at the door.

The car drove directly into the parking lot of the Nangong Family Family. After Jiang Xiaohu told the doorman, he went straight to the compound.

With the help of a maid, I don’t worry about getting lost.

As he walked, Jiang Xiaohu looked at it and found that there was a hint of aura remaining here, but it was already thin enough to be ignored.

As he walked around a pond, Jiang Xiaohu looked at the rockery and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It turns out that the problem lies here, which is a bit interesting." Jiang Xiaohu said with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

The maid didn't understand Jiang Xiaohu's words, she just thought that this man was young and handsome and exuded an aristocratic atmosphere. She was sure that this man came from a big family.

"Mr. Jiang, welcome. Why are you free to come to me today?" Nangongquan looked at Jiang Xiaohu with a smile and asked curiously.

"Why, do you mean that I am not welcome? If you are not welcome, I will leave now." Jiang Xiaohu raised his brows and looked at Nangong Quandao with a playful expression.

"You fellow, am I so busy? Don't take offense if you don't entertain me well." Nangong Quan said.

Jiang Xiaohu smiled slightly: "Actually, I came here to tell you something, I want two couples to hold a wedding at the same time. The other pair is my uncle and Aunt Wang, which is Wang Xuemei."

"Fuck, you guy has gotten into it. Anyway, I will marry my granddaughter to your family, and I will take 10 million as a dowry. It's okay for you, and I have to make another couple. What do you mean?" Nangongquan's eyes instantly Stared wide, with an angry look.

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