The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 974: Rising to Two Hundred and Five


Zhou Lin will still remember this name from the time she can remember, until her mother was persecuted by the Zhou family, and she had always contributed to the Zhou family's property, but in the end she died without even getting the Zhou family's respect.

Zhou Lin never called these two words again.

When Zhou's mother was dead, she looked at Zhou Lin and Jiang Xiaohu, who was kneeling on the ground behind her and said nothing.

Only one sentence was left.

"Leave Zhou's house."

That's right, these four words.

Jiang Xiaohu entered Zuozhou's house, but it was also a rope tied to his daughter.

Mother Zhou hated Jiang Xiaohu, but she also knew that even without Jiang Xiaohu, she would only send Zhou Lin to the Zhao family, Zhang family, or even Long Ye in exchange for benefits.

But now it seems that Jiang Xiaohu is the best choice among them.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaohu did not evade Jiang Xiaohu.

The car quickly drove to Zhonglin Garden.

The entire Zhonglin Garden is owned by Zhou's family. Seventy percent of them live with Zhou's surname. Others, such as married daughters, or married sons-in-law, have many periods.

Every time she came here, Zhou Lin felt cold from the soles of her feet to her vertebrae.

Because Zhonglin Garden was built by Zhou's mother when she was alive.

But there is no place for her Zhou Lin's family.

"Miscellaneous people, wait, no entry!"

The two security guards saw a small car parked at the door and saw that the value of the car was less than 100,000 yuan, and the driver was also an unfamiliar face. They immediately blocked it and put down the barrier.

"it's me."

Zhou Lin, with a cold face, had no thoughts at the moment, and opened the window to respond.

"Oh, it's Miss Zhou, wait a minute."

"No! What Miss Zhou! I don't know, I thought Zhou's house was, really."

An arrogant drink came from behind.

In the distance, holding a Teddy puppy and wearing sunglasses with slender black silk thighs, the exposed woman slowly approached.


Zhou Lin turned her head, saw the person behind her, and immediately shouted.

In the last few years, this uncle's wife, who had a relationship with her mother and sister, could not wait to expel Zhou Fuguo's family immediately.

Later, if it weren't for Zhou Lin's impressive work in Xinlidu, it was almost true.

"Don't call me auntie! I didn't have your relatives, and I brought him here. Do you know where this is? You are shameless, and our Zhou family has even more shame!"

Roland looked disgusted, especially the sorrow of the other person, and asked her to retreat, as if it would be embarrassing to be seen.

Leading the Teddy dog, shake the entrance step by step and enter Zhonglin Garden.

Since there are such women in the world.

Jiang Xiaohu watched everything, and Jiang Xiaohu did not have the impression of this aunt among the people who were not happy with the former host Jiang Xiaohu.

It seems that the bad guys are hiding too deep, or they don't want to remember such a restless woman.

Although Roland had applied countless powders, it was difficult to hide the wrinkled skin on his neck.

In the past, there were at least fifty women who actually wore such tempting clothes as silk wa, which shows how much they need comfort.

At the thought of this, Jiang Xiaohu actually wanted to vomit.

All beings in Tailin seek immortals and ask questions, and some have no way of heaven. With thousands of years of age, they will do evil ways to extend their longevity by taking supplementary methods.

Such a monster has always shown people with an illusion, once it reveals its true face, even the stars will be horrified by it.

The old woman in front of her was actually comparable to the slightest weakness, which really made Jiang Xiaohu fearful.

"It's the Patriarch who came to me."

Zhou Lin didn't have time to talk with her aunt. Although she didn't know why her mother was always bad after her death, she didn't think much about it.

And Roland's viciousness has never been in front of others.

There were a lot of harsh criticisms of Zhou Lin, but it was also an elder who hated it, but did not blatantly frame Zhou Lin.At least Zhou Lin didn't know.


Hearing that Zhou Chushan asked Zhou Lin to come, Roland, who had just passed the level, suddenly snorted coldly!

The patriarch was called Miss Zhou. Where did these security guards dare to stop him, Roland immediately opened the railing to let him go without further instructions.

The car quickly arrived outside a villa under Zhou Lin's command. A servant outside the door saw the car coming and hurried up to ask.

The moment he saw Zhou Lin, he immediately entered the room and told Zhou Chushan.

"What is she doing! No see, let her go!"

Hearing Zhou Lin coming to look for herself, Zhou Chushan was taken aback for a moment, and his face suddenly became disgusted.

If it weren't for Zhou Lin's usefulness to Zhou's family, she would just listen to her eldest wife and drive her out of Zhou's family.

Together with Jiang Xiaohu.

"Miss, you better go, the master does not want to see you."

The servant still had a good impression of this kind little Miss Zhou.

Zhou Lin has also been here a few times, and the number of times I have seen Zhou Chushan is only a handful. If it is a weekday, after hearing these words, Zhou Lin will also leave, but now, she has to take down the beauty salon and at the same time, she has to leave Zhou family.

It wasn't that he didn't care about his frustrated father, but he had to make a clean break with Zhou's family at that time and had nothing to do with him.

Fulfilling mother's wish.

"Patriarch! I have something to tell you! I'll leave after I say it!"

Zhou Lin, who was gentle in front of people, suddenly yelled towards the villa. The sound was round and penetrating. Soon the uncles on both sides returned to Zhou Lin and came to Zhonglin Garden. They shook their heads at home and didn't want to pay any attention.

"Here, little lady, don't you, don't be like this, sir."

"What's your name! Master told you to go in!"

A middle-aged woman wearing a professional suit quickly ran into the distance. Before she came to the front, she immediately yelled after the voice of the servant Nono, whose voice became sharper and pressed against Zhou Lin.

The look in his eyes was full of contempt, and the clothes on his body looked like a mistress, but Jiang Xiaohu knew that this person was just the housekeeper Ling Cang of this villa, and that Zhou Chushan and Zhou's family were almost the same.

"You are still the Zhou family, ah! Standing outside yelling and shameless, there are still many foreign children in Zhonglinyuan, you..."

"Patriarch, I want to buy the new Lido!"

Stopped abruptly.

Zhou Lin knew that if he continued to let him go, Zhou Chushan could talk all day.

Since this person was the patriarch, apart from bringing the Zhou family to Binhai, he has not made any outstanding contributions to the Zhou family, but he can always reprimand Liwei.

In the past, Zhou Lin didn't dare to do this, but recently Zhou Lin really didn't have time to listen to these trivial things.

She didn't want to stay here for a moment.

"What are you talking about? Are you going to buy the new Lido?"

A beauty club in Xinlidu was not the largest industry for the entire Zhou family, but even so, Zhou Chushan never thought that Zhou Lin could buy it with money.

Because he still wants Zhou Lin to make money for Zhou's family for a lifetime, just like her mother.

"Two million, you can transfer to Zhou's account now, please Aunt Ling Cang prepare the contract, we will go through the formalities immediately!"


When did the Zhou family give her Zhou Lin's face?

Jiang Xiaohu, standing behind him, became Zhou Lin's greatest support.

"Two million is the price I told you last year. Now everything is increasing in price. You open a store, don't you know, now it takes 2.5 million to buy a new Lido!"

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