The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 976 The disease is not cured?

After Jiang Xiaohu came to this world.

Without these two words, the Zhou family is the same, and the Jiang family is the same!

"You! Okay, only 2.5 million! Leaving Zhou's house, Ling Cang! Renew the contract!"

Zhou Chushan did not expect that this Jiang Xiaohu suddenly became like this.


"go with!"

Ling Cang was still in a daze, Zhou Chushan yelled again, and finally recovered, it would be good to throw out.

As for Zhou Chushan's heart.

The Jiang family cannot be offended after all.

This is the real reason for Zhou Chushan's decision. Of course, there is also the weight of selling his granddaughter and the fear of facing Jiang Xiaohu.

After today, the Zhou family has completely drawn a line from Zhou Lin.

If Zhou Lin is still in Zhou's family, and the Zhou family's internal conflicts are incompatible, Zhou Chushan will be embarrassed.

However, if Zhou Lin had already left the family, she even issued a statement.

Zhou Chushan has already figured out how to make Zhou Lin's beauty shop unable to open in Binhai in the future, and how to use Zhou's men to retaliate against Jiang Xiaohu.

He can't do business, and he can't do foreign affairs. He will always have countless ways to deal with his descendants.

The contract was printed, Zhou Lin checked it carefully, and finally signed the name.

In duplicate, it means that Zhou Lin and the Zhou family are no longer involved.

"Zhou Lin..."

The procedures have been completed, Jiang Xiaohu led Zhou Lin to the door.

Stepped away and returned home numbly.

"Why are you coming back so late! See what time it is now, so I have to wait for you! Hey, talking to you, my ears are deaf?"

Saw Jiang Xiaohu and Zhou Lin coming home together.

Chen Meijiao didn't care about talking to the wild man she raised outside, and shouted at Zhou Lin.

"Tell Zhou Fuguo that we have left the Zhou family and will not be the Zhou family anymore."

Zhou Lin didn't pay attention to the stepmother at all, went back to her room, and simply packed up the pictures of her mother, took a few clothes, and walked downstairs quickly.

Zhou Lin raised this father for five years.

The other party not only didn't help, but also found a stepmother for Zhou Lin.

Now that he got the contract, Zhou Lin and this family couldn't stay for a moment.

"What are you talking about! What are you talking about! You are crazy! Zhou Fuguo, your daughter is crazy! Get up..."

The noisy sound behind him passed into Zhou Lin's ears, Zhou Lin turned a deaf ear.

Jiang Xiaohu has been silently by his side, acting as a driver.

No need, Jiang Xiaohu didn't want to get involved with the people around Zhou Lin at all.

It seems that it is a bit late to stay out of the situation now, if so, then quickly restore the previous strength and protect this poor woman.

"Where to go?"

"Tailin Beauty Club, where is our home."

The car was advancing fast, on this dark road.

Jiang Xiaohu cried silently, and finally Zhou Lin, who fell asleep, took out of the car and put it on the couch in the beauty shop.

Frowning and turning around, adjust to a comfortable position.

Cover it with a sheet and wipe the tears from the corners of the eyes.

It was about to dawn in five hours. Jiang Xiaohu didn't want to waste any time, and his cultivation began immediately.

This time, helping Zhou Lin cut off the Zhou family's involvement, and I believe that there will be no more trouble in a short time.

The "Nine Turns of Universe Jue" keeps running.

The aura of Qi is like flowing silk, and as Jiang Xiaohu's exercises continue to operate, they are sucked into the body.

When the first ray of sunlight reflected on Jiang Xiaohu's face through the metal frame of the beauty club's signboard, the aura around him was gone again.

It's too thin.

If it wasn't because of the remoteness of the world here, Jiang Xiaohu would not choose this plane to leave a ray of life.

It now appears that the resurrection is complete, but it takes a lot of time to cultivate to the original state.


At 6:30 in the morning, the keyhole of the beauty club turned a half circle, and a pretty face appeared as the door opened.

"Ah, Jiang Xiaohu, why are you here?"

It's Xiaoli from the beauty club.

Yesterday when Huang Liying had facial poisoning, she was also here.

Jiang Xiaohu recognized it at a glance, and then made a silent gesture.

Xiaoli shut her mouth immediately, followed Jiang Xiaohu's finger from the corner of her mouth to point to Zhou Lin, and suddenly bowed her eyebrows knowingly.

Yesterday, the girls in the beauty club had long been impressed by Jiang Xiaohu's brilliant rejuvenation. At this time, they saw Zhou Lin on the sofa, and they were even more cautious.

"I'll go out for a while, and you will take care of her here. You will not open the door for business today. When the others come, I will keep your voice quiet. When the wife wakes up, I will hold a meeting for you."

"Oh. Okay."

Jiang Xiaohu knew that the beauty club was now under Zhou Lin's name.

Many things need to be dealt with, and he also needs to prepare some health-building herbs.

There is no time to delay cultivation.


At the moment it sounded, Jiang Xiaohu held down the sound transmission port and left the club for more than ten meters before answering.

"Hey, Master! Master Huang's illness hasn't been cured?"

Qi Minghai's voice was eager.

When he arrived at Huang's house last night, he used Taiyi Xuan Needle to treat his old friend.

As he gave the injection, the old friend's condition improved immediately, but this morning, the old friend who was sitting across from Qi Minghai just drank a sip of tea, suddenly his whole body twitched and his hands and feet stiffened.No matter what method Qi Minghai uses, there is no effect.

He could only stun the old friend immediately, and immediately called Jiang Xiaohu.

"Send a location."

Hanging up, Jiang Xiaohu quickly received Qi Minghai's WeChat location.

The world's technology is still developing well. At least when Jiang Xiaohu has no Nascent Soul and has the ability to lead the way, he can quickly learn the location of the other party through something like a mobile phone.

The taxi arrived in the urban area of ​​Caesar Biyuan Villa in an hour.

"Brother, do you want to wait for you here? It's not easy to take a taxi here."

The taxi driver’s kind reminder also wanted to attract more repeat customers.

"No, there will be a car to see me later."

Waving his hand, walked towards the villa door.

"Send you off? You can still have relatives living inside, but this is Biyuan! Okay, let's see how you get out then!"

The driver was still not reconciled, so he ran back for a short time and drove the car to the foot of the mountain in the villa area.

The entire villa area is covered with a beautiful lotus mountain. When a car drives in, it needs to circle the entire mountain more than half a circle before it can reach the entrance of the villa.

Lianhua Mountain is not a private place, as the driver said.

There are many people here who use it as a place for fitness and mountain climbing. When going up the mountain, Jiang Xiaohu saw many tourists.

Parking is not allowed at the foot of the mountain, and the driver can only park at the entrance of the entire Lotus Mountain, where it is connected to the city road.

If the driver stayed at the door of the villa for a while at this time, he would be dumbfounded immediately.

At the gate of the villa, a beautiful girl in a floral skirt was like a beloved waiting to return. When he saw Jiang Xiaohu's appearance, she immediately pulled her into the gate, boarded a scooter, and galloped toward the villa.

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