"Who do you think you are? Since you dare to point fingers at us!"

Doctor Li, who looked more like a businessman than a doctor in a suit and leather shoes, was furious when he heard Jiang Xiaohu's words!

The boy in front of him was too despised.

"Qi Minghai, who is this person?"

Dr. Sun was also a little annoyed, so he said he was also the vice president of the hospital.

When they received a call from the Huang family, they rushed over immediately, and they were in the consultation process, but they were asked to go out by a guy who broke in suddenly.

He has been in the hospital for many years when he has received such treatment.

"Old Sun, I just said, this is my master. Walk around, the master must have a cure, let's go out and wait first, Doctor Li?"

Saving people is like fighting fire.

Qi Minghai knew that the master was here, and he would definitely be able to cure it.

Sun Lean and Li Wanjie didn't see what happened yesterday. They didn't know the master's ability. Qi Minghai had already admired Jiang Xiaohu's five-body attitude. I believe this time, Jiang Xiaohu will definitely heal the old friend.

At this moment, Qi Minghai wants to be a peacemaker, so he first persuades people to go out, so that Jiang Xiaohu can treat his old friend with peace of mind.

But what he said, if usual, maybe Li Wanjie would listen to it, now.

Li Wanjie yelled at Jiang Xiaohu furiously, this kid didn't even lift his head.

"You are crazy! Are you a doctor! Now that the patient is in danger, you are fooling around!!"

Jiang Xiaohu did not respond. He raised his hand and pulled out the oxygen mask of Huang Yingsheng's nose and mouth and the heartbeat monitoring of his chest, and threw it aside at random.

Seeing what Jiang Xiaohu did, Li Wanjie was completely angry.

"Quickly put it back, otherwise Master Huang will have three long and two shortcomings, and you can't afford to pay for it."

When Sun Lean heard Qi Minghai's words, he planned to go out and wait. After all, Jiang Xiaohu was the eldest of the Huang family, and Huang Liying personally brought him.

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu's actions at this moment, he stopped, and his face instantly became cold!

When the two came here, they just happened to catch Huang Yingsheng’s second illness. This time, Qi Minghai could not stop Huang Yingsheng’s violent tremors no matter how he administers the injection, and he took a towel and a porcelain spoon to block his mouth. The oxygen supply machine was connected, and as the oxygen was poured into Huang Yingsheng's body, this slowly subsided.

It can be said that Li Wanjie's actions at the time really contained Huang Yingsheng's condition.

And this kid, who didn't do any treatment, actually made trouble.

Qi Minghai also witnessed what happened just now, and it was not easy to refute the two doctors' claims.

"You brat! Let go!"

He was once despised by Jiang Xiaohu. No, Li Wanjie, who had never even looked at him, felt the humiliation at this moment. He felt that Jiang Xiaohu was here to make trouble.

Everyone is a doctor, all for the patient. Now that the patient’s identity is so noble and you have a treatment plan, then you should tell it. Let’s discuss the feasibility together. What does it mean for you to be blind, can you?And, which green onion are you!

That's what Li Wanjie thinks. Don't think that Qi Minghai asks you to be your master and let you mess around.

When the voice fell, Li Wanjie stepped forward and grabbed Jiang Xiaohu's arm to prevent him from untying Huang Yingsheng's shirt. At the same time, he picked up the oxygen mask that was just removed and was about to reinstall Huang Yingsheng.

"Uncle Li, let Jiang Xiaohu have a look at his father."

The verbal conflict rose to the limbs, and Huang Liying saw that things were going to be out of control, and she immediately spoke out.

Huang Liying is in time. If he is one second slower, Li Wanjie, who is blocking Jiang Xiaohu, will be interrupted immediately.

If you dare to do something on the big Luo Jinxian, you must pay a price.

"Liying, who did you just say? Jiang Xiaohu? Is he Jiang Xiaohu, the son-in-law of the Zhou family?"

Sun Lean pointed to Jiang Xiaohu's face in shock, and asked Huang Liying loudly.

Some bad guesses appeared in Huang Liying's mind, but those were also facts, irrefutable, and she could only nod slightly.

"Liying, you!! Liying, you just called me Uncle Li, that is when I am a family, how can you let the waste of the Zhou family treat the disease, he is sick, where can he cure the disease! This is joking about Master Huang's life!"

Li Wanjie saw Huang Liying nodding, and the whole person felt bad.

What's up?A waste, you let him heal the disease.

Although Jiang Xiaohu had never seen him before, the laughable and generous wedding made the headlines.

After all, this is also the first time that the Jiang family have been door-to-door son-in-laws.

At that time, there was a sensation in Binhai, and none of the people in Binhai knew about it.

Li Wanjie originally thought that Jiang Xiaohu was a child of a medical family, and now he heard that it was the waste of the Zhou family, and he couldn't let go. Jokes, no one is qualified to stand here.

"No, Mr. Jiang is very good. Yesterday..."

"Needless to say, I suggest that Mr. Huang should be sent to our hospital immediately. Now it is obviously a sign of poisoning. You need to take blood tests immediately, make antidote, and prepare a car quickly. These equipment must not be removed!"

Huang Liying still wanted to explain, Li Wanjie didn't want to listen any more.

Having just discussed with Qi Minghai and Sun Lean for a long time, the two and a half old men kept denying their diagnosis.

Li Wanjie was going to prove his superb medical skills with facts, and slapped a Chinese doctor in the face.

The human body is not just those faults, where it is broken is the kingly way!

"That's too late."



Jiang Xiaohu didn't have time to pay attention to Li Wanjie's long-winded aside, he had not dared to stare at Huang Yingsheng's body carelessly.

This is not a means used by evil cultivators, but body mutation.

The source of the variation is actually the heartbeat monitor of the oxygen supply machine next to him.

Too many people were connected to these two machines at the time of their death, so the instrument was also contaminated with a lot of undetectable microbes. Originally, these microbes would not have any effect on ordinary people. The weakest single cell may be killed by sweat on the body's surface just when it touches the human body.

Until, they encountered Huang Yingsheng's illness.

Using Huang Yingsheng's vitality as a medium and using his body's symptoms as a guide, he constantly absorbed the microbes on the instrument into his body.

At this moment, Huang Yingsheng's whole body suddenly sat up, his closed eyes suddenly opened, and his entire eyes became ink-like black. This situation made Li Wanjie look crazy and shout.


Seeing the appearance of her father, Huang Liying rushed towards Huang Yingsheng frantically.

She also had fear in her heart, but she was even more worried about the safety of her father.

"Everyone get out, hurry up!"

The greatest harm to a mutant organism is not its destructive power, but its infectiousness.

Once bitten by a mutant body, it cannot be avoided, and it will even spread quickly.

"Go, trust the master!"

Huang Yingsheng, who rushed forward, was firmly pressed on the hospital bed by Jiang Xiaohu with one hand.

Li Wanjie, who was still very close to his side, was crawling and rushing out of the door at an extraordinary speed.

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