The owner is a middle-aged woman in her forties. She looks like she is about 30 because of the maintenance.

Standing with Zhou Lin, it felt like a sister.

"My sister is here. It looks like business is good, why, or how old is this?"

For the first time seeing Zhou Lin bringing a man to her store, Wu Ling was taken aback for a moment, and then greeted Zhou Lin enthusiastically.

"My husband, Jiang Xiaohu."

Zhou Lin was a little shy, especially when she said those two words.

"Oh, you are Zhou Lin's husband, I am lucky to meet you."

The two were familiar with Zhou Lin's situation, and Wu Ling also knew about it.

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu looking around in the store, he was not as wasteful as the legend, especially the several medicinal materials that Jiang Xiaohu looked at were top-grade in the store, and he was even more confused.

"Can you sell this grass?"

After walking for more than half a circle, Jiang Xiaohu immediately asked when he saw a small black grass planted in a flowerpot in the corner.

The shape of the grass is no different from other ordinary weeds, except that the color is black, and in the corner, it is more dying and about to wither.

"Do you know it?"

When Wu Ling heard Jiang Xiaohu's question, her face was even more surprised.

This grass was presented by a medicinal farmer when Wu Ling entered the mountain to collect medicinal materials.

The medicine farmer said at the time that this grass grows in the middle of a medicine field. The medicine farmer used to uproot it as a weed and threw it on the ridge, waiting for it to be dried to make fertilizer. He didn't expect to see it again the next day and found that it was still there. The grass on the ridge took root and stood up again.

The medicine farmer found it magical, so he planted the grass alone in the yard.

When Wu Ling came home, she didn't have much culture, so I asked Wu Ling.Wu Ling, who has been collecting medicinal materials for more than ten years, can't recognize the species of this herb. The medicine farmer felt that Wu Ling had helped them a lot, so he immediately made a small pot, installed the herb, and gave it to Wu Ling.

When Wu Ling brought it back, she didn't care too much.

I have been still in the corner, putting it together with some cacti, aloe and the like that I took care of.

"Recognize, this thing is called Bilingcao."

"Bi Lingcao?"

The two women were taken aback at the same time and looked at each other.

Obviously I have never heard of this name.

"If you like, take it away. It's not a valuable thing anyway."

Knowing the name of Cao, Wu Ling didn't care too much.

"Here is one hundred thousand, I will buy it!"

give away?

Sorry, Jiang Xiaohu did not accept it.

Some things like causality are inevitable and some are accidental.

Jiang Xiaohu never accepts obtaining things for no reason. At the time of Tai Lin, he had done some competitions in order to improve his cultivation, but he never accepted gifts. Because gifts are more causal than grabbing. It's hard to pay off.

"One hundred thousand!"

Watching Jiang Xiaohu pull out a bank card and put it on the table, Wu Ling's eyes widened.

One piece of grass gives so much money.

"Sister, you have made a fortune. So generous, then I'm not welcome!"

She is in business, and she delivers it by herself. People have to pay, there is no reason not to.

The big deal, Zhou Lin will come to buy medicinal materials again and give more discounts.

"Jiang Xiaohu's money, take it!"

Zhou Lin was blushing, Wu Ling not only laughed at her, but also grabbed her face.

Jiang Xiaohu was very happy when he bought Bilingcao.

Although Bi Lingcao is an extremely low-level spiritual grass species in Tailin, it is extremely rare in this world, especially since this grass has entered the mature stage, and can be taken directly when it is fully mature.

Only waiting for Jiang Xiaohu to absorb enough aura and take Bi Lingcao, he will be able to break through and reach the foundation building.

Wu Ling's shop is no different from other shops, in other words, she has a bold personality and is familiar with Zhou Lin.

After the medicinal materials are prepared, they will be delivered directly to the door.

Jiang Xiaohu chose some medicinal baths, as well as the medicinal materials needed to treat Huang Liying's facial ointment last time, and bought the commonly used medicinal materials, and then he left with Zhou Lin holding Bi Lingcao after paying.

Along the way, I watched Jiang Xiaohu holding the Green Grass bought for 100,000.

Zhou Lin once thought that Jiang Xiaohu would return to his previous semi-silly state, how could a normal person suddenly buy a piece of grass, and even if the shop owner said that he would give it away, he would spend one hundred thousand to buy it.

If it weren't for Jiang Xiaohu's choice of medicinal materials, Zhou Lin really wanted to grab the bank card from Jiang Xiaohu's hand.

This man is too prodigal.

"Is this grass important?"

Until I got into the car, I saw that Jiang Xiaohu didn't want to let go and drive.

Zhou Lin finally couldn't help it, and asked.

"It's okay. But now there is only one."

A biling grass, when Jiang Xiaohu uses other medicinal materials to stimulate aura, it is enough to help break through.

But after all, it is still too little.

Before leaving Wu Ling's shop, Jiang Xiaohu asked carefully if there were any more. Seeing that Jiang Xiaohu was so caring, Wu Ling immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the medicinal farmer who gave Bilingcao.

The call was quickly connected, and Wu Ling asked if there was any more grass, and got a negative answer.

In front of Jiang Xiaohu, Wu Ling told the drug farmer that if she finds that there are more, she must keep it for her. At the same time, the money earned this time will be divided into half of the drug farmer.

Yao Nong was immediately very happy when he heard that he could get 50,000 yuan.

On the phone, Lianlian promised to try his best to find Bi Lingcao.

Even so, Jiang Xiaohu also knows that in today's world where aura is so thin, it is very difficult to be able to give birth to a bilingcao. This is probably due to the perennial planting of medicinal materials, allowing the fields to gather aura.

With this kind of aura intensity, even Jiang Xiaohu was not sure that he could cultivate one by himself.

The birth of this green grass is the will of heaven and earth, the meaning of gift from heaven, and if you want to force it, it will be difficult to reap.

"Hmm. Would you like to try and plant yourself?"

Knowing that Zhou Lin also cared about herself, Jiang Xiaohu smiled and shook his head.

Bi Lingcao is not just plucked everywhere in Tailin, Lingcao Linghua Linggen Lingguo.

All need chance and the will of heaven and earth.

This is not a medicinal material, you can grow it if you want to cultivate it yourself.

Unless Jiang Xiaohu has the strength of the Daluo Jinxian at the moment, he may be able to do it, but he really has such strength, so why bother to waste time on this low-level spirit grass, it is better to practice.

"watch cars!"


Patronizing and chatting with Jiang Xiaohu, Zhou Lin, who was starting the car, for a while forgot to loosen the clutch before starting.

After hearing only one sound, the car hit the Audi A8 just out on the left, the door of the A8 suddenly dented, and Zhou Lin's taillight also crashed and fell to the ground.

"How did you drive! Your eyes are lily! Can you drive! Did the history teacher teach you to drive! Huh? Zhou Lin?"

The owner got out of the car and looked distressed when he saw his car hurt.

I haven't seen anyone yet, I just yelled at him, then looked up, completely stunned.

"Wang Hao? I'm sorry, sorry, I didn't pay attention just now."

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