The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 988: Do You Like Me?

This slap completely awakened Wang Hao. The sober Wang Hao felt that he was beaten by Jiang Wen, and the slap was a big slap in the face.

Zhou Lin, who was standing outside the store, saw this situation, desperate to rush in and stop.

Jiang Xiaohu held her hand tightly, not letting her in.

Before Zhou Lin questioned and became angry, the figure of another man also rushed into the hotel.

This person didn't know him, but he saw the five fingerprints on Jiang Wen's face, punching and kicking Wang Hao.

When Wang Hao saw his enemy who had robbed his wife and drove him out of the company, he was even more jealous when he met.

You come and go for a while, and it's fun to play.

The ambulance just called came and found that the people inside were still fighting. The guests were all frightened by the sight and fled.

After a while, the police car also came.

Wang Hao and the strange man became pig heads. Even Jiang Wen, a woman in fur clothes, had a lot of dust on her body, and the corners of her mouth were even more colorful.

The three were tortured by the police and walked out of the hotel, just to see Zhou Lin and Jiang Xiaohu standing there.

Wang Hao suddenly came to his senses. He originally wanted to use wine to provoke Jiang Xiaohu to leave, and then asked Zhou Lin to complain, and even wanted to transfer his feelings to Zhou Lin who was better than Jiang Wen.

Why did he suddenly hurt Zhou Lin?

On the contrary, it was Jiang Wen who saw Zhou Lin, like a mouse walking on the street, with a drooping head, covering her injured face with big wavy hair.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't know Wang Hao's thoughts. To be precise, he just saw that Wang Hao was malicious towards him.

But this person is too good at hiding, too good at disguising.

He deliberately embarrassed himself and drove away those classmates. In fact, the ultimate goal was to get Jiang Xiaohu to leave.

Jiang Xiaohu just didn't leave. Before taking the seat, he slightly blocked the cold wind from the air conditioner, making the layout of the store warmer.

In this environment, inspire people's hearts and remove their disguise.

Soon Wang Hao's tyrannical side appeared.

It's not that a family doesn't enter a house.

Two men and women who are equally good at disguising live together.

It was normal for them to fight each other and finally part ways.

Jiang Xiaohu always wanted Zhou Lin to avoid such people. If they can't avoid them, let them show their true self.

"I'm really sorry, Jiang Xiaohu, I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"An accident. Don't care."

A cause and effect, just end.

Zhou Lin apologized and was about to go to the western restaurant. Jiang Xiaohu opposed it at this time. If he took the car and waited for the food to be served, he might have passed the meal.

Eating too late is not good for your health, and one's strength is strong.

It lies in its ability to control its own work and rest rules and strictly control all time.

Jiang Xiaohu was able to use medicine to enter Taoism precisely because he understood the importance of health preservation and Taoism.

"Shopkeeper, make a table of your signature dishes."

The proprietress originally wanted to refuse, but the chef's husband repeatedly agreed.

After all this sudden occurrence of such a thing, the loss is not small.

When the troublemaker Wang Hao and his boss Liu Yong came out to compensate, they still don't know when.

At this moment, some guests are willing to come to the door so that students outside can see it, and the impact can be eliminated very quickly.

Simply clean up a table, wipe it clean again, and a big table of delicious food will be served in a short while.

The owner of this shop is really good at craftsmanship. Every dish is done very well. It is estimated that he should be a chef before.

At present, Zhou Lin quickly forgot all the unpleasantness that happened before and joined the army of feasting.

In the middle, after Zhou Lin had eaten enough, she was still chattering about the things of her old classmates, thinking that doing so would break their relationship completely.Jiang Xiaohu has only one sentence: If it doesn't break, what can be done.Zhou Lin's mouth was immediately blocked.

That said, dragging, more painful.

For a moment, Zhou Lin thought of her mother.

If someone could help, the mother divorced his father or left Zhou's family.

Maybe, everything else will not happen.

In this world, all that is not needed is compromise.

If it's something you don't want to do, and insist on still doing it well, instead of doing your best, just don't do it.Now that you have done it, stick to it.

Zhou Lin opened the shackles in her heart again and began to let the store serve wine.

This is a student shop, there are no such things as high-grade liquor and foreign wine.

It turned out that it was beer alone, and it was quickly drunk by Zhou Lin after a glass.

Jiang Xiaohu frowned.

Zhou Lin ordered another bottle.

He knew that Zhou Lin might have thought of something and urgently needed to vent.

But if you use alcohol, it hurts your body.

Moreover, if he is drunk, I am afraid he will have to carry Zhou Lin home.

Forget it, since you have endured so much, then indulge it once and see the past completely.

Thinking about this, Jiang Xiaohu started drinking with Zhou Lin.

The two drank six bottles in the blink of an eye, four of which were drunk by Zhou Lin alone.

Bitter and sour.

taste not good.

Compared with Qiongyeyulu, this thing is no different from horse urine.

Jiang Xiaohu really couldn't understand how anyone would like to drink such things.

After drinking two more cups, the effect of alcohol made the touch of the tongue seem to have changed a little. This refreshing and stimulating feeling began to mobilize every pore of the body to expand.


Same effect as Qiongyeyulu.

Scan QR code to pay.

The princess hugged the drunk faintly, Jiang Xiaohu, who kept talking drunk, walked towards Lanting Yawan.

"Jiang Xiaohu, hehe, Jiang Xiaohu, hiccup, are you the Jiang Xiaohu that the Jiang family doesn't want, you say! Hiccup, why do you carry it every day! I can't see you smiling all day long! Hiccup, it's really annoying, always Fight with people! You think I don’t know why those people beat you! Hiccup..."

In her arms, Zhou Lin was still dishonest.

While holding Jiang Xiaohu's neck, he used Qianqian's fingers to paint on Jiang Xiaohu's face and slide around.

"Smelly boy! Hiccup, he is obviously handsome, but he always bows his head! Hiccup, you don't have to fight for me in the future! The mouth is on someone else, if they want to say it, just let them say it! Hiccup! You are a man! Be strong! Do you know?"

After the face was drawn, his fingers began to click on Jiang Xiaohu's chest.

Zhou Lin regarded Jiang Xiaohu as weak before, and Jiang Xiaohu was shocked when she said something.

The host had never said the reason for the fight before, and it seemed as smart as Zhou Lin, and it was not completely clear.

"Do you like me! Say! Hiccup, you've been peeping at me on the day of your wedding! How good am I?"

Zhou Lin's face was completely red, and her hair fluttered in the wind on Jiang Xiaohu's face.

Jiang Xiaohu got itchy from Huashun's hair.

"good looking!"

In order to prevent Zhou Lin from continuing to talk nonsense, Jiang Xiaohu agreed.

"Do you like it?"

This time, Zhou Lin's finger was placed on Jiang Xiaohu's lips.

Jiang Xiaohu regretted it and shouldn't take the call.

I just walked downstairs to Block C to enter the elevator and pressed the number 27.

"Hey, wait a minute. Huh? Did you move in?"

"Jiang Xiaohu! Tell me, do you like me?"

Yuan Yimeng:!!!

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