As I proceeded to follow the tracks through the grass and trees, I heard a small scream that I could just barely pick up.

「Just in time!」

As I ran, I pulled my sword out of its scabbard.

I jumped over a fallen tree and slashed through the long grass at the rapids. I ran out on to the path made in the forest.


While defending Helmine, Sophie skillfully used her staff to fight back.

As expected, the enemies were two skeleton knights. They each have a sword and a shield. They were well-balanced in both offense and defense, and it would take some time to defeat them.

The staff that Sophie is using has a rainbow-colored crystal attached to the tip, and there are many small crystals floating around it.

I had seen this staff before, when the 《Saint》 was unveiled in this country, the capital of Rondalto. I could only see her from a distance, so I couldn’t remember her face, but I still remember her distinctive staff.

『I was told that he was going to marry another woman.』

『I was also kicked out of the church.』

That’s what Sophie had told me the night we first met.

I had made a painful mistake in relation to my love life, and I didn’t pursue the topic deeply. Now I regret it.

I don’t know why, but the Church’s expulsion of the saint was enough of a problem, and now she was living in Yang village. It would not be surprising if they were pressured in some way, or worse, sent assassins to kill us.

If I had known about this beforehand, I would have chosen a different village to move to.

It was as if I had been thrown into a nest of demons without knowing it.

It’s more troublesome than monsters and dungeons!

「Lars-san! Can you please buy us some time?!」

Needless to say to Sophie. I know. I’m not worried about the future, I just know that I have to solve the problem at hand.

Swallowing what I wanted to say, I kick off the skeleton knight that was stuck to Sophie.

「Leave it to me!」

If she’s a real saint, she knows what she’s been aiming for. All I have to do is act as a decoy and buy myself some time.

I use wind magic to deflect the two swords that are coming at me. In close combat, the true value of a magic swordsman is the ability to use precise, fast magic with little power.

You can’t run away from Helmine, who has fallen on her butt(or back), but I’m confident that I can last for hours like this.

I’ve fought more powerful monsters before, so I have more time to spare.

After a few evasive maneuvers, I suddenly saw a glow under my feet.

「【Turn Undead】!」

This is one of the holy magics that the church keeps secret.

It’s a powerful magic that erases undead-type monsters that have failed to resist, and its success rate and range vary greatly depending on the user’s ability.

If she really is a saint, she can eliminate a skeleton knight in an instant.

As if to affirm my prediction, when my vision that had been stolen by the light returned, there was no trace of the Skeleton Knight.

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