The sun was setting, and the world seemed to be burning red.

I was unexpectedly tired and fell into a sound sleep. It was past opening time, but that wouldn’t be a problem.

I got off the hard bed and prepared myself. I put on my leather armor over my clothes, as well as my boots and gauntlets. If you want to intimidate your opponents, you need to look important.

Even if I’m guarding a tavern, I don’t want to cut any corners. Even if the quality is minimal, as long as you look strong, that’s all that matters. A little ingenuity 1 can go a long way in reducing the number of people who go berserk under the influence of alcohol, making it a highly effective preventative measure.

After putting on all my protective gear, I left the house with my newly issued Blunt Sword No. 2 hanging from my waist.

The air outside was lukewarm, and it looked like it would be hot again this evening.

As I walked along the street, I noticed something strange. Are there, more people ……?

In particular, there are many adventurers with weapons hanging from their arms.

「It’s only been a day or so, but rumors of the dungeon’s discovery are already spreading outside?」

Rumors had been circulating that monsters were coming out of the forest near Yang. It would not be surprising if a smart guy would have thought of the possibility of a dungeon and headed here. I was surprised by their quick movement, but I didn’t think it was suspicious.

They were probably trying to make a quick buck before the dungeon was officially placed under the control of the Lord and the number of rivals to explore increased. If I had continued to be an adventurer, I would have done the same thing.

As I walked along thinking about it, before I knew it, I was in front of the inn where Sophie was staying. Even from outside, I could hear the hustle and bustle inside.

It’s more livelier than when I ate at the restaurant. I hope it ends peacefully.

Such a fleeting wish was shattered the moment I opened the door.

「What do you mean there’s no room?!!!!」

A large, bear-like man was grabbing the innkeeper’s Pops. There are three adventurers around him, who maybe, are his companions.

Helmine nuzzled her face into Sophie’s chest, her shoulders trembling slightly. She seems to be crying.

Yang is a small village, and this is the only place to stay. The rooms must have been filled up quickly due to the rush of adventurers who came here for the dungeons. This in itself is not unusual. In a small village, it happens every once in a while.

In these cases, we either rent a vacant house or give up and camp out near the village. …… Do you think that your opinion will be accepted if you complain?

Increase my work with your selfish ideas. You have no manners. I get angry, but I keep it down with reason. If I were to get out of control here, it would be impossible to get things under control.

I take a big breath in and then let it out.

Okay, I’ve calmed down.

I winked at Sophie, who had been watching me for a while, and approached the two noisy people.

It seemed like they were grabbing each other’s chest, but at the same time they saw me.

Hey, hey, are you guys actually close? I’ll leave if I’m bothering you.

Having a silly fantasy, I decided to smile and call out to them.

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