I don’t need you anymore, so please die.

“Why did the head of the family join the dangerous investigation team?”

It was a trivial question, but one that had been bothering me for a long time.

There was no need for the head of the family to take on a dangerous role himself. There are ways to make preparations to manage the dungeon such as, leaving it to his son and his subordinates.

Negotiations related to taxes with the Erler family and the coordination of interests with the surrounding nobles are things that only the head of the family can do, so they are usually shared. Even if I was curious about the situation, I should have come here after I had gathered the information.

I wanted to know the answer to that question.

“It’s because they’re all incompetent and there’s no one else I can trust! They’re all making fun of us!!!!”

My question seemed to have hit a sore spot and he suddenly shouted in anger.

He was the head of the family and he was being made fun of?

“Please calm down. What’s going on?”

“What’s going on? I just complained that I failed to invest and I was in debt!!!! I’ve decided that I’ll definitely pay you back for this investigation! Commoners, you can help!”

So Christo was abandoned not only by the Erlers, but by his family as well.

[TN: You reap what you sow .]

I’d like to ask him for more details, but he’s too scared to explain in a way I can understand. I think I can get it out of him if I take my time, but, even though the [Holy Sword] is scaring the monster away, it’s not a situation where I can slow down and give up.

“That’s right. I didn’t know, but I asked a rude question.”

Immediately after I said that, I turned off the [Holy Sword].

“I don’t need you anymore, so please die.”

Christo, who was expecting me to fight with the weapon I was carrying, made a dumb face at the statement that he probably didn’t expect.

He immediately raises his eyebrows and shouts while spitting.

“What? You want me to die? Don’t be silly!”

You’re an irredeemable idiot. This is the part where you show your willingness to fight with your sword, not shout at me, right ?

[TN: Redeemable= Susceptible to correction or reform. Antonyms= Irredeemable.]

How dare you ruin your own chance of survival?

Look, with the [Holy Sword] gone monsters will come to you.


A humanoid monster with both arms cut wrapped around Cristo.

It sucks out the vitality as it is.

Christo is trying to move his limbs in an attempt to escape, but it doesn’t make sense.

“What do you want from me!? Commoner! Help me quickly!!”

It’s a good thing that you’re so energetic, even though you’ve been sucked out, dry of life.

“The reason why I wasn’t attacked is simple. The monster decided that it couldn’t win in its wounded state. It’s only natural to go after the weaker one first, right?”

“I’m not going to let you get away with it! You’re no better than me!”

“Don’t complain to me, complain to the monster.”

Cristo’s face is full of wrinkles, as his skin seems to be steadily draining water while he is talking. He has gone from a young, ambitious face in his late twenties to a dying old man.

“I’m sorry …… for what I did, help me!!!!”

“I see no reason to help you.”

A person with social status and money is being killed by a monster, that is outside of reason.

That’s what dungeons are all about. You paid a lot of money to learn that, didn’t you?

Pray that you can make use of it when you are reborn.

After the water was sucked out of his body and he became a mummy, he was thrown away by the monster. What used to be poor Christo is now lying on the floor.

This way of dying will be judged as the work of monsters. Everything was going as planned.

I shifted my gaze from Christo to the monster. The black haze that had faded due to the life energy it had absorbed had thickened, and both of its arms had regenerated.

As it fired a [Black Bullet] at me, I created a [Holy Sword] and cut it down.

“It’s about time I killed you too.”

With the sword full of magic power, I raised my sword and cut down the approaching monster.

[TN: The author probably did a mistake here and write ‘scythe’ instead of ‘sword’. So I changed it because it made more sense.]

As the effects of the [Holy Magic] invaded the body through the wound, it consumed the demon’s body like a poison.

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