The next morning. I’m good physical condition, having gone to bed early last night. It’s weird for me to say this, but it feels good after being kicked out of the party.

It’s only been a few days since I left the party, but I can’t remember their faces anymore. Colette is no exception.

I thought I was going to hold a grudge for a long time after the way they treated me, but that was not the case. In fact, I feel refreshed. I don’t think I’ll remember it as a bitter memory. But I do think “The best revenge is for me to be happy”.

“I’m hungry.”

I get out of bed, get ready and go downstairs.

I placed an order when I sat down at the counter where Pops stood.

“One breakfast, please.”


He put down some bread and soup, which he had left on the counter. The village was not very populated, so there was not much variety in the food. I’m not a good cook, so I don’t think I’ll try it, but I think there might be a unexpected demand for a food stall or restaurant that serves unusual foods. But would they get bored quickly?

While I’m thinking about this, Pops comes to talk to me.

“After you went back to your room, I heard from Sophie-chan. She told me that your fiancé was cuckold.”

He smirks and says something insensitive.

I was going to slam the wooden plate with the soup in his face, but then I thought of something more effective: ……

“Annoying. I’m going to tell Helmine-chan that you’ve been cheating on her.”

“Oh, come on, I’d never do that, would I?”

“Third Avenue, Barbara’s Brothel, Millaine.”

“Stop! Stop! Stop! How do you know?”

Because Licht, the Hero son of a b****, went there.

It wasn’t enough to have Rosa, the wizard, and Eva, the recovery teacher, Collete as a samurai, but the professional Onee-sans also took care of him. Moreover, it was beyond the scope of my understanding because it was said that those two people used it with permission.

At that time, I was listening to it with the feeling that I wasn’t talking about silly things. I never thought it could be used in such a place.

“What’s to stop me? Which one of us made the first move?”

I laughed at him sarcastically.

It’s not that I’m mad about it, but I can’t afford to be lambasted. I’m not sure if I’d be able to do that if I were you. [T/N: Lambasted= criticize (someone or something) harshly.]

“I understand. It was my fault! I’ll add one more dish. Let’s call it a night!”

“It’s meat.”

“I know! I’ll bring you the best I’ve got.”

As I watched Pops disappear behind the counter, someone sat down next to me.

She was sitting next to me, and I could smell the sweet scent of her in the air, so I knew who she was.

“Good morning, Sophie-san.”

“Good morning. You’re on good terms from the morning.”

A disproportionately beautiful girl was looking at me in this village.

Come to think of it, I wonder if she’s going to move in  with me. Moreover, I felt a strange connection to sit in the same seat and eat with me twice. [T/N: Hold on dude, aren’t you being way too delusional??]

T/N: Hello there readers! I’m the T/N{believe it or not}. You see, I got a 87.6% in my university exams and didn’t get into the preferred college. The required percentage was 96 so I will be trying to do my best from the next week for the upcoming exams so the releases will be a bit random or erratic. However, I will not drop this series. Thank a lot~~ Stay safe, stay healthy.

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