Qin Sheng's paper involves many professional terms, which are obscure and difficult to understand. Even Gao Yongliang has to check it on the Internet.

At the beginning, Gao Yongliang just swept around roughly, which was enough to surprise him.

After he looked carefully, the more he looked, the more shocked.

If he did not know that Qin Sheng wrote this paper, then he would have thought it was a famous medical scientist.

Gao Yongliang's eyes lit up.

Qin Sheng's medical achievements must be good in the future, and his teacher will follow suit.

Gao Yongliang paid attention in his heart. He must train Qin Sheng well. Such talents cannot be buried. In the future, Qin Sheng will make many contributions to the medical field.

Of course, what Gao Yongliang didn't know was that Qin Sheng only planned to learn one skill, and did not want to engage in medical work in the future.

If Qin Sheng knew what Gao Yongliang was saying, he would definitely have a headache.

A semester passed quickly, and it was the summer vacation.

On the second day of Qin Sheng's holiday.

Elder Lin and Elder Qin ran to Fu Yuan again, sitting on Qin Sheng's side alone.

Qin Sheng, who was sitting in the middle, had a headache listening to their quarrel.

Both of them will come here every other time.

But she couldn't stop it.

Old man Qin smiled and said: "Sheng Sheng, you see, you stayed at the Lu family for a week last Chinese New Year, and because Lin Haocheng stayed at the Lin family for four or five days, only Qin’s family stayed for two days. Your summer vacation, yes I don’t want to stay at Qin’s house for a while.

Old man Lin stared, "When I was in the Lin family, that stinky boy in my family was always pretending to be pitiful, and took away all the attention of Sheng Sheng. The time spent with my old man was less than a day, and I was at a disadvantage. , Shengsheng has to come to Lin's house."

Father Qin: "Fart! Old Man Lin, you think that stinky boy Fu Hanchuan has been occupying Shengsheng when he was in the Qin family. How long can I get along with Shengsheng?"

Old man Lin didn't think so, "Fu Hanchuan didn't come to Lin's house in those few days. Didn't he follow Shengsheng all the time? Am I the same as you?"

Old man Qin gritted his teeth and said: "You come here almost every day to find Shengsheng, do you still spend less time with him?"

Old Man Lin made a cut, "Old man Qin, dare you to say that you are not, I came here someday, didn't all I meet you?"

The two of them were blushing.

Fu Hanchuan frowned upon hearing their words.

He regretted that he made them recognize Qin Sheng at the beginning. In the past, he was able to get along with Qin Sheng alone, but now, both old man Qin and old man Lin came to see Qin Sheng when they had the opportunity.

And Qin Yufei, Lin Haoyu and Lin Haocheng them.

And everyone was afraid of what he would do to Qin Sheng, and would often beware of him.

Fu Hanchuan rubbed his eyebrows, a headache.

Is he looking for sin for himself?

Old man Qin and Old man Lin are still having a quarrel.

Qin Sheng was used to their operations. She took out her mobile phone to look at it. She was waiting for Mr. Qin and Mr. Lin to ask her opinions.

Seeing that the two old men were about to fight, they all stopped in time and looked at Qin Sheng together.

Qin Sheng noticed their gaze and retracted the phone.

Raised an eyebrow and asked, "Grandpa, grandpa, what are you?"

"Go ahead, Shengsheng, where are you going?"

Father Qin asked, expecting in his eyes.

Elder Lu also looked straight at Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng replied: "I do not plan to return to City H this year."

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