Qin Sheng didn't answer Shen Mei. She asked the village chief, "Shen Mei came to our village to make trouble, uncle village chief, do we have the right to drive her away."

Shen Mei's eyes widened, and she pointed at herself in disbelief, "Qin Sheng, you actually want to drive me away? I am your foster mother, so you don't need to pay to support me, but you are embarrassing me in public!"

If she is driven away today, how will she face the people in Feng's village in the future?

"Heh, foster mother." Qin Sheng sneered, "I also hope you gave me away, Shen Mei, you should be thankful that I didn't retaliate back, otherwise, you will end up just like Gu Cuilan. "

Qin Sheng didn't slap the Feng family cruelly, mainly because he wanted to keep them and continue to **** blood on Qin Churou's body.

She likes this kind of dog biting scene best.

Shen Mei was furious, and her fingers pointed at Qin Sheng trembling, "Qin Sheng, to your adoptive parents like you, I tell you, sooner or later you will be punished!"

The old village chief frowned, "Shen Mei, do you leave by yourself, or should I let someone take you away?"

Shen Mei stared at the old village chief, "You are not dead, I want you to take care of it!"

The old village chief became impatient and was about to speak when he heard Qin Sheng's voice, "come out."

Two bodyguards came out not far away.

They were wearing black suits and sunglasses, and they were full of momentum. When Shen Mei saw it, her legs were weakening and she was scared.

Qin Sheng ordered: "Take Shen Mei out of the village."

The bodyguard heard the words and did so, and the two of them directly took Shen Mei's arms and shoulders, ignoring Shen Mei's yelling, and Shen Mei's voice gradually disappeared.

All this is too late to prevent.

Gu Cuilan was stunned, and did not react at all.

Qin Sheng raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you still going?"

Gu Cuilan stepped back subconsciously, but when she saw the two reporters, she straightened her back again. If Qin Sheng's vicious actions were exposed, it would be Qin Sheng who would be unlucky.

Qin Sheng used the house to threaten her and Feng Yongli's behavior. It was originally Qin Sheng's improper behavior.

No matter what, those netizens will turn to her.

Thinking of this, Gu Cuilan said triumphantly, "Qin Sheng, you even drove away your adoptive mother, heh, you are an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, Qin Sheng, let me tell you, this house, even if we don’t You have to pay for the divorce."

Qin Sheng just laughed.

She glanced at the time, Feng Yongli should almost come over.

Sure enough, in less than three minutes, Feng Yongli arrived. He looked at Qin Sheng and took his attitude very flatteringly. "Xiao Sheng, let Gu Cuilan run outside to slander your reputation. I was negligent. Don't worry, I will divorce her as soon as possible."

Gu Cuilan panicked when she heard it.

She took Feng Yongli by the arm, "No, husband, you can't divorce me for a little money, please, don't be fooled by this bitch."

Feng Yongli was impatient to throw off at Gu Cuilan.

"Go away, I'm making trouble every day. I regret marrying you."

Feng Yongli's eyes were determined, and Gu Cuilan could see that Feng Yongli really wanted a divorce. If she went back this time, he was afraid he would send him Xiusong to the police station.

Gu Cuilan gritted her teeth and knelt on the ground. She grabbed Feng Yongli’s trouser legs and cried with her nose and tears. “Husband, let’s not divorce. Mother."

The villagers scoffed when seeing Gu Cuilan's appearance.

Gu Cuilan was demolished on the spot, "Will you care about your sons and daughters? Gu Cuilan, we all see that there is something delicious. You will send it to your mother's house. What kind of clothes are you wearing? What about the son and daughter Chuan? You still don’t use your child as a shield."

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