Obviously, Fu Hanchuan noticed them.

These dudes only felt a chill in their backs, and looked towards Fu Hanchuan along the way. They happened to meet Fu Hanchuan's cold eyes.

Their bodies trembled, and they always felt that Fu Hanchuan would kill them if they continued.

I dare not speak anymore.

Of course, these dudes didn't end up very well after they returned. Fu Hanchuan remembered them. After the banquet was over, he stumbled on their family and lost a few big collaborations.

The reason Fu Hanchuan gave them was to take care of their lower body.

For this reason, these dudes were beaten up at home, and some were cut off from pocket money.

They soon thought of Fu Hanchuan's body, regretted not falling, they should not miss Qin Sheng.

Fu Hanchuan did not allow anyone to put ideas on Qin Sheng.

Here, when Zhao Xiang heard the discussion about Qin Sheng, his lips curled up triumphantly.

Fighting her, Qin Sheng was still tender.

Zhao Xiang sneered: "Fu Hanchuan, Qin Sheng has given you a cuckold, and you are still protecting you, how much do you like her? Or did Qin Sheng give you some ecstasy soup that made you desperate."

Fu Hanchuan's voice was very cold, and his eyes were full of disgust when he looked at Zhao Xiang, "I believe her, it is not your turn to be an outsider."

Zhao Xiang disdain, "I saw Qin Sheng behave intimately with a man wearing a mask."

Qin Sheng only needs to think about it and it will be clear.

The person Zhao Xiang said was Lin Haocheng.

Only Lin Haocheng wore a mask to pick her up.

Fu Hanchuan naturally thought of it.

Lin Haocheng wanted to rush forward to explain that his sister's reputation should not be damaged.

It was stopped by Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng wanted to teach Zhao Xiang a lesson. At this time, the harder she jumped, the more face she lost.

Father Zhao, who was talking with others, noticed this, and asked someone about the whole thing. He walked up and said in a deep voice, "Xiangxiang, don't apologize yet!"

Father Zhao also thought that Qin Sheng was raised by Fu Hanchuan, and he didn't put Qin Sheng in his eyes.

But today is the Lin family's banquet, it would be unlucky to cause this, and it would make the Lin family feel bad.

He worried that the Lin family would hate the Zhao family.

Unexpectedly, where to go to make trouble, Zhao Xiang would make trouble at the Lin family's banquet unconsciously.

Zhao Xiang didn't feel that she was wrong, she stubbed her neck, "Dad, I don't tell, why can't I say this when Qin Sheng did this?"

Father Zhao has a headache. It seems that he usually spoils Zhao Xiang too much.

He murmured, "Xiangxiang, do you want our Zhao family to lose face?"

Zhao Xiang had made up his mind to drive Qin Sheng out.

She rushed directly in front of Lin Haoyu, "Mr. Lin, Qin Sheng, who came in, was taken care of by the host. The Lin family banquet invites all very high-status people. It is always inappropriate for her to appear here. The grade of the banquet."

Lin Haoyu raised an eyebrow, just about to speak.

A puffy voice came out, "Who has been kept?"

This is the voice of Old Man Lin.

The people in a circle and a half walked aside and gave way to Old Man Lin.

Lin Haocheng greeted him with a smile, "Grandpa, this is because some people say that Shengsheng is being raised and is asking her to be driven out by my eldest brother."

When Zhao Xiang heard Lin Haocheng's name Shengsheng, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

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