The Almighty Girl Is Spoiled by the Boss

Chapter 922: Demystify Qin Sheng

Li Wen said without hesitation: "Our boss can make tens of millions a day."

Lin Haocheng: "..."

Okay, he is indeed inferior to Qin Sheng.

He had some heart problems, and he didn't want to talk, so he went straight into Su Yixiu's office.

As soon as Lin Haocheng left, the artists and employees who had been secretly watching him immediately surrounded Li Wen.

"Li Wen, what did Haocheng tell you? Why did he come to our company today?"

Li Wen thought for a while, and felt that he couldn't tell them about Lin Haocheng's coming to the company. Once it was spread out, Shenghe Entertainment would inevitably be targeted by Stars Entertainment.

So, she replied: "He came here today to find the general manager for something."

These artists asked Li Wen about some other things.

Li Wen answered briefly, without revealing what Lin Haocheng meant to come to the company.

At noon, she returned to the dormitory.

Qi Xuan rushed forward, and she asked excitedly: "Li Wen, I heard from the people in the company that Lin Hao took over our company? He still talked to you."

Li Wen did not hide from Qi Xuan, "Lin Haocheng's contract with Stars Entertainment is over this month. I think he will come to our company."

Qi Xuan couldn't believe it, "How many entertainment companies wanted to poach Lin Haocheng, but he did not agree, and our company is just starting out, he is willing to come over? Fake it."

Li Wen guessed: "Lin Haocheng should have a close relationship with our boss."

The Lin family kept secret that their granddaughter was Qin Sheng.

Only those who have attended the confession banquet know Qin Sheng's specific identity.

Li Wen and Qi Xuan are not clear.

Qi Xuan did not doubt Li Wen's words, Li Wen is very smart, and what she said should not be false.

She sat at the table, dragging her chin, with an expression of a fascinating girl, "Our boss is so handsome, I never thought that even Lin Haocheng could listen to her."

At this time, Qi Xuan obviously forgot that she was a fan of Lin Haocheng.

Li Wen said again: "Senior Lin said that he is in love with our boss, he is pursuing her, and he asked me to help her speak nicely."


Qi Xuan stood up suddenly, "I love beans. He is handsome, but he is also very romantic. Our boss can't choose him as a boyfriend. With our boss's looks and financial resources, does he want a man? Senior Lin does have many advantages. , But when our boss’s boyfriend, she is very unqualified."

Li Wen raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you a fan of Senior Lin? Why are you keeping him down?"

"Fans?" Qi Xuan took out her mobile phone, she quickly tapped the screen, canceled her attention to Lin Haocheng, and even deleted her comments about Lin Haocheng one by one.

She murmured, "It won't be anymore soon, my idol is the boss."

Li Wen: "..."

Abandoning the celebrity who has been chasing for three years and fell in love with a woman, is this really good?


In the following days, Lin Haocheng went to Shenghe Entertainment and ran very diligently.

The contract between Lin Haocheng and Stars Entertainment has fifteen days.

Wu Yongli, the chairman of Stars Entertainment, also saw Lin Haocheng's desire not to renew his contract, so he asked his agent to arrange some work for Lin Haocheng.

If Lin Haocheng finished these shootings.

Both can create more than 200 million yuan in revenue for the company.

Of course, these days, Lin Haocheng has never listened to the company's arrangements.

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