"Hey, I heard it was a seaweed bento, but I thought it was a flat square container!" Akiyama Masaaki looked at the multi-layered bento box in front of him and wondered.

The container in front of you is a three-tiered bento box!

Sasaki took over the conversation at the right time, "And this container is a recently pushed out insulated bento box, which is made of stainless steel, which can maintain the heat of rice and soup! Even after half a day, it can maintain a certain temperature!"

"Oh... Really, Japanese bento boxes are so advanced!" said Alice Nagiri, holding her index finger to her chin in surprise.

Liu Ruge lifted the lid on the top of the lunch box, and the topmost side dish immediately caught his eye.

There are three side dishes: fried bamboo wheel with seaweed, stir-fried burdock with sauce, and fried cod!

These three side dishes divide the space of the side dish layer equally, and the world is divided into three parts!

Sasaki and Masaaki Akiyama, among others, also lifted the lid.

According to personal preference, I picked up chopsticks and sandwiched a side dish.

Liu Ruge sandwiched a piece of fried cod and put it in his mouth.


The outer layer of the mask was bitten through, Liu Ruge savored it carefully, and then looked at Kohei Chuangzhendao, "The warm flavor..."

"It's like a gentle breeze blowing through the spring plateau!"

"You cooked it in the broth of tuna bonito before frying it, right?"

"Yes!" Kohei Soma suppressed his smirk and said seriously, "I cooked cod with a dashi made from tuna, bonito and kelp!"

Tuna bonito –

It is a type of bonito, made from yellowfin tuna!

The soup base is lighter than the bonito bonito dashi, but it has a delicate and elegant taste.

"The taste of cod is light, and the taste of tuna bonito is delicate... These two go well together!" Akiyama Masaaki, who also ate fried cod, showed admiration on his face.

He put the deep-fried cod piece he had bitten into in front of his eyes and stared, "And there is beer in the coat, so even if it is fried, it is not greasy..."

On the side, Sasaki and others also commented on other side dishes one after another.

Liu Ruge tasted the three side dishes in turn.

Putting aside the side dish box, I picked up the insulated box in the middle.

The insulated box in the middle contains soup!

Kohei Soma's soup is bacon and onion miso soup.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, too!"

"The unique aroma of tuna bonito permeates the entire nasal cavity ..."

"The gravy and miso of bacon... An unexpected pairing! And it goes well with the mild sweetness of the onion!

Sasaki, who tasted the soup first, had a hint on his face, and he was there talking.

The other judges added a few words.

Immediately, I picked up the last bento box.

"So... What does rice look like? Anyway, rice is the protagonist of the bento, exactly... Uh-huh?" Akiyama Masaaki opened the last insulated box expectantly, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

The look of surprise seemed to be contagious, and in the blink of an eye, it spread to the faces of the other judges.

Except for Liu Ruge, who knew in advance and was not surprised, everyone else was shocked by Kohei Chuangzhen's rice.

The white rice is covered with some kind of black particles!

"What is this? Caviar?"

"No! no, the caviar is not that big..."

"And if it's caviar, it's not a seaweed bento!" Akiyama muttered to himself as he stared at the mysterious grains on the white rice, furrowing his eyebrows.

Sasaki and the others also looked puzzled.

Kohei Sojin had no intention of explaining, he stood in front of the judges' bench with his arms crossed, and the corners of his mouth were hooked.


"I can't see it!"

"No matter! I'll try it first!"

Sasaki suddenly shouted and reached for the lunch box with his chopsticks. He picked up some rice and mysterious black particles and put them in his mouth.

"It's like salmon roe, and the umami of seaweed is seeping out of the particles!" Sasaki blurted out subconsciously with a round eye.

The umami flavor of seaweed seeps out of the particles?

In the audience, a boy blinked a little confusedly.

What does that mean?

I don't understand!

He doesn't understand, but Alice Nagi does!

Suddenly turned around, surprised and said to Kohei Somana, "Why did you master this technique?"

"These particles... It is made by extracting the salty taste of seaweed and converting it with sodium alginate and calcium chloride..."

Alice Nagiri tells the secret of the particles in one bite!

The audience was in an uproar!


Is that molecular cooking technology?

There was a look of surprise on everyone's faces.

"I tried it when I was a kid!" replied Kohei Soma, picking up his steps.

He walked over to his stove and picked up something.

Returning to his place, he revealed what he was holding.

The photographer immediately gave a close-up!

What he had in his hand was a pack of cheap snacks.

"This is a dim sum with artificial salmon roe making steps!I combined this to make my own seaweed umami bomb!" Kohei Soma grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

And when his words fell, it immediately caused another commotion.

"I learned the molecular cooking technique from cheap dim sum," a male student covered his face.

What a blow!

He suddenly felt that he might have lived to be a dog in his life!

Scenes like this keep happening.

"Luxury in the ordinary!" Liu Ruge put down his chopsticks and spit out a few words.

Kohei Soma's cuisine has a mediocre appearance, but it contains a lot of it.

If Alice's dishes are well-organized jewelry boxes, they are pleasing to the eye. Then Kohei Chuang's treasure chest is really stuffed with treasures, which is exciting.

In between, each has its own characteristics.

But there's more to Kohei Soma's cuisine than that...

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, recommend, and share!

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