
The old man coughed and expressed his dissatisfaction.

Sasaki, Masaaki Akiyama, and the other judge immediately looked elsewhere.

As the saying goes, it's none of your business, hang it high!

They showed the meaning of this sentence vividly!

Liu Ruge scratched her cheeks in embarrassment, then stood up and walked towards Nagi Alice.

"Okay! Don't cry!

Nagi Alice removed her hand from her eyes, and she glared at Liu Ruge.

Liu Ruge stretched out a hand to her and said, "Come! Stand up first!"

Nagi Alice hesitated for a moment, but finally put her hand into Liu Ruge's hand.

Liu Ruge immediately pulled her up.

As if feeling a little embarrassed by her reaction just now, Nagi Alice snorted, wiped her tears, and walked to the runner's passage.

In the contestant tunnel, Nagi Alice sees her cousin.

Erina Nagikiri, who was wearing a school uniform, crossed her arms and leaned against the wall.

Alice's footsteps paused slightly, and then quickened her pace, passing past her cousin.

"I envy you!" a voice suddenly sounded.

Nagi Alice turned around angrily and said, "Envy a ghost!"

After speaking, he continued to lift his steps, and soon walked out of the player passage.

Erina Nagikiri looked in the direction her cousin had left and muttered, "When you encounter something unhappy, you can cry at will..."

"That's great!"


At the same time, the other side!

Kohei Soma carried the chef's knife bag and walked to the end of the runner's passage.

He pushed open the door and entered the players' lounge, where he immediately saw Megumi Tazo.

And at the same time, Megumi Tadoko also saw Kohei Soma!


Megumi Tadoko's heartfelt congratulations.

Kohei Chuangzhen grinned, and the topic changed, "Anyway... It's your turn soon!"

"Well, yes!" nodded to Megumi Tazo.

The second fight of the first round is a duel between her and Ryo Kurogiba!

Kohei Soma stared at Megumi Tadoko.

Just when Megumi Tansho was confused and wanted to ask, Kohei Soma said, "Ah! You have really changed! I can't see any tension in you!"

"Really? maybe—" Tanso's eyes widened in surprise, and then a smile appeared.

Naturally, a ...

Suddenly the smile is even brighter!

"Next... The first round, the second, the two fighters enter!" The announcement in the lounge suddenly sounded the voice of Rei Kawashima.

"It's my turn!" said Megumi Tado.

Kohei Soma gave a thumbs up and said, "Come on!"

"Hmm!" Megumi Tazo replied.

Then he picked up his kitchenware bag and hurriedly lifted his steps.

In the other player's lounge—

"It's still the same... Your dishes are so beautiful!It's great for a formal setting, but it's not powerful enough to defeat your opponents!" Ryo Kurogiba said lightly, looking at Alice Nagikiri.

Nagi Alice was suddenly ashamed!

"Are you teaching me a lesson?

She's screaming!

Kurokiba Ryo lifted his steps and walked towards the player's passage.

When he was about to leave the players' lounge, Kurokiba Ryoshi turned around and said, "Of course, I made a statement on the premise of recognizing my identity!"

After saying that, he didn't wait for Alice's reaction, and continued to lift his steps.

After a while, Ryo Kurogiba came to the stage.

Megumi Tazo stands face to face with him!

One by one, the staff brought the kitchen utensils and ingredients to be used by the two contestants to the stage.

Rei Kawashima duly announced, "The theme of the second battle is—"


"It's two hours!

"Let's go!"

Kurokiba tied his turban to his head, and his temperament suddenly changed! his lazy and lethargic appearance disappeared without a trace, and the smell of wildness emanated from all over his body.

"Oh oh! Kurokiba got serious as soon as he came up!" A boy in the audience raised an eyebrow in surprise.

Someone near him immediately picked up and said, "After all, his opponent is not an ordinary person!

Megumi Super Tano——

It's the private name that the students of Yuanyue now call Megumi Tanoko!

The word super has the meaning of detachment from the ordinary.

Megumi Tasso, who passed the preliminaries with a perfect score, also deserves this title.

There was some commotion in the audience!

On the judges' bench, Liu Ruge and others were also discussing.

"There are three elements of ramen: noodles, toppings, and soup!"

"The soup is the most important thing, and it determines the final quality of a ramen!"

Sasaki crossed his hands, put them on the table, and talked eloquently.

As he spoke, he looked at this stove, and then at that stove.

Megumi Tadoko and Ryo Kurogiba have already started cooking at this time!

The movements of both people are clean and smooth!

However, relatively speaking, it is Ryo Kurogiba who is more eye-catching, and his every movement is wide open and close, full of violent aesthetics, sometimes causing some noble ladies to scream.

Those noble ladies...

I like men who are so wild!

With the passage of time, Liu Ruge noticed an interesting thing-

Nagi Senzaemon's gaze was always on Megumi Tazo.

"It's not enough... This piece of jade still needs to be polished!" he said suddenly.

Liu Ruge was stunned for a moment, and then nodded approvingly.

A hint of fragrance spreads between the moonlit sky!

Kurokiba suddenly lifted the lid of the pot and picked up a strainer to sweep the pot.

He began to strain the broth and prepare the soup for the ramen!

Taking this opportunity, everyone saw the ingredients he used to cook the broth.

"It's all fish bones with meat!" Akiyama Masaaki's eyes widened in surprise.

Sasaki looked at the fleshy fish bones in the strainer and said slowly, "Stone dog male, conger eel, flounder, black horned fish... In other words, is he going to make seafood-based seafood ramen?"_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, recommend, and share!

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