"How did you do that?" said Nagi Senzaemon.

Liu Ruge smiled and said nothing.

Nagi Senzaemon glanced deeply at Liu Ruge. Then, he lowered his head and looked at the magic mapo tofu.

Magic mapo tofu is very similar to the mapo tofu of Kuga Teriki.

However, the colors should be more vivid and showy, and the fragrance should be much stronger.

The difference between the two is like that between a delicate commodity and an ordinary commodity.

A demon called appetite awakens in the hearts of the trio!


Almost at the same time, the three of them reached out and scooped a spoonful of magic mapo tofu into their mouths.


Like a volcano, the delicacy erupted violently, and the hot magma drowned the three of them!


The scene in front of her gradually blurred, and when Erina Nagikiri woke up again, she found herself on a piece of jade with no clothes in her eyes.

No! No!

It's not jade!

It's tofu!

At the feet of Erina Nagikiri is a huge piece of tofu, which is square and about half a meter in diameter.

There were countless pieces of such tofu, scattered in a haphazard manner on the steaming magma. Some tofu has huge green onions on the surface.

This is...... The world of magical mapo tofu!

"Erina, let's play a game!" Suddenly, a deafening voice rang out.

This voice is somewhat familiar, it is Liu Ruge's!

Erina Nagikiri recognized it, and subconsciously refused, "No! I don't play!".

"I can't help you!".

"The name of the game is - Death Struggle!".

"The game is officially on!".


Forced game!

And I haven't said the rules yet!

Erina Nagikiri was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood.

After that, I felt the tofu block under my feet vibrate, and the tofu block began to collapse from the outside in.

If this continues, Erina Nagikiri will fall into the magma sooner or later.

Erina Nagikiri understood the rules a little, quickly glanced around, and jumped onto the tofu block next to her.

The moment she jumped away, the original piece of tofu shattered into slag and fell into the lava.



A fine layer of sweat broke out on Erina Nagikiri's forehead, and she couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, her mouth was completely numb, but it was unexpectedly comfortable, as if there were countless little hands gently massaging her mouth.

Nagi Senzaemon opened his eyes, and said with a moving face, "The sixth taste..."

"Crisp!" Chapelle spat out a word.

The sixth taste?


What the hell?

The faces of the people in the A venue were full of doubts, and Jiuga Teruki also frowned, looking puzzled.

The sixth flavor is crispy

What's going on?

Could it be that Liu Ruge's magic mapo tofu has six flavors?

I guessed for a long time, and Erina Nagi subconsciously analyzed.

"The first flavor is the spiciness, the second is the aroma of garlic sprouts, the third is the color of the "red" of chili peppers, the "white" of tofu, and the "green" of garlic sprouts, the fourth is the hotness emitted by heat, and the fifth is the hemp brought by small peppers. In addition to that, there is also the soybean ground meat that brings—".


"Six in one! The six flavors are perfectly blended together... This is the best mapo tofu I've ever tasted!

The people in the A venue were immediately moved!

The commander-in-chief even commented that it was the most delicious mapo tofu!

Doesn't that mean that...

Liu Ruge won!

The eyes of the students in venue A widened suddenly, this doesn't make sense!

According to the investigation, Liu Ruge was promoted to three-star chef only a few days ago, but he was a three-star chef a year ago, and as a veteran three-star chef, he has no reason to lose!

Rei Kawashima reacted, holding the microphone and said, "Please score the three judges!"

10 points!10 points!10 points!

Ten points in one!

Liu Ruge won an overwhelming victory!

"Give me a taste of your cooking!" I gritted my teeth and came to Liu Ruge's face.

Not convinced?

Liu Ruge looked at me for a long time and thought to herself.

Then let you take it!

Liu Ruge turned around and came to the edge of his stove and served a plate of magic mapo tofu.

"Here you go!" Liu Ruge handed the magic mapo tofu to Kuga Teruki.

Jiu Teruki immediately picked up the spoon, scooped a spoonful of magic mapo tofu, and put it in his mouth.

The pupils dilated instantly, and a trace of incredible color crossed the bottom of the eyes.

Color, fragrant, spicy, hot, numb, crispy...

The combination of the six flavors is wonderful!

"I lost!" I spit out a few words unwillingly.

Although I don't want to admit it, any resistance is pale in the face of the facts!

The students in venue A were in an uproar!


At this moment, the system's prompt sounded!

Liu Ruge has completed the task of [The Road of Famous Teachers (2)], and the degree of completion is...

100 percent!

Harvested 800 reputation + recipe "Smoked Fish" (purple).

Liu Ruge's face immediately showed a smile.

The halberd is over!

Liu Ruge returned to the classroom with Kuga Zhaoji and a large group of students.

When leaving venue A, Erina Nagi came to Liu Ruge, crossed her arms and said, "Don't get me wrong! I give you 10 points, but I don't recognize you!, but I approve your cuisine!".

"Hmm!Got it!" Liu Ruge nodded casually.

Then, he lifted his steps.

Erina Nagikiri's expression was stunned for a moment, and then she was a little annoyed.

What's your reaction?

How can it be so bland!

Don't you take me seriously?


Erina Nagikiri was about to say something, but Ryu Ruge had already walked away.

In the end, Erina Nagikiri could only stomp her foot unhappily.

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