Nan Ren was stunned at first, and then he was extremely surprised. As soon as he reached out and pushed away the crowd around him, he rushed towards Ye Huang's side!

I really want to call Master, but I can't!

Nan Ren felt that his stomach was screaming, and he could not wait to drag the master away all at once.

Master actually came to the main star!

I don't know if the master is here too!

When the master and master came to the main star, why didn't they tell him? Didn't he already recognize him, was he officially admitted to the division?

How could you be so cold to him... woohoo!

Nan Ren felt wronged again in his heart, and the arrogant little prince who lived in his heart was crying frantically!

Such an abandoned rhythm!

Ye Huang noticed Nan Ren's movements, and immediately quickened her pace. This flower apprentice shouldn't catch up, she wants to be clean!

"Brother Nan!"

At this time, Mrs. Jun also walked down the stairs, and happened to meet Ye Huang head-on. Seeing that Ye Huang's long legs were already two or three steps, she couldn't help but wonder, "Is there any urgency in such a hurry? "

In this short pause, Nan Ren's figure flashed over.

He grabbed Ye Huang's arm and his lips trembled with excitement!

Mrs. Jun looked at the trembling flowers on Nan Ren's head, looked at Nan Ren's face, and glanced at the granddaughter who was rushing back here...

She seemed to guess who the pharmacist was.

"Master Nan?"

Mrs. Jun tentatively said, "Do you know my Nan brother?"

After speaking for a while, he hurriedly said, "By the way, your surname is Nan... Brother Nan, are you and Master Nan from the same family?!"


Nan Ren was taken aback, when did his master take the surname Nan? !

Ye Huangfei gave him a quick look.

Nan Ren has always maintained his master, and he responded quickly, and immediately nodded: "We are one family!"

After saying this, he was so moved that he almost cried...

It's like a family!

"Distant relatives,"

Ye Huang saw the people over there who were staring at her, and quickly corrected, "Distant relatives..."

Saying that, he grabbed Nan Ren with a backhand and smiled, "Master Nan, for the sake of us being distant relatives, I owe you money, please wait a little longer—"

Hearing this, the onlookers immediately stopped paying attention to Ye Huang, and dared to owe Master Nan money!

I'm afraid I owe a lot, otherwise how could Master Nan be so excited? !

"Master Nan, come come—"

Ye Huang took Nan Ren and walked up, "Let's find a clean place and talk about how to pay back the money!"

After speaking, he could not help but pull Nan Ren away.

Nan Ren followed the master upstairs without saying a word.

There is a box fee for the box on the second floor. Many have booked out, but Nan Ren has also booked. Ye Huang happened to follow Nan Ren into the box he reserved.

The world is finally clean!


As soon as the door was closed, Nan Ren cried out excitedly.

"What are you doing here? What do you want to shoot?" Ye Huang asked directly.

"The same medicine,"

Nan Ren said honestly, "I also want to see that tripod."


Ye Huang raised an eyebrow, "Do you know where that Dinghao is?"

"do not know,"

Nanren's attitude is still very honest, "I heard that it has something to do with ancient culture, I want to take a picture and give it to the master!"

Ye Huang: "..."

"Good apprentice!"

Ye Huang patted Nan Ren on the shoulder and said, "Do you have the money to take it?"

Nanren said: "I think that the tripod, no one should **** it from me, but if it's just the starting price, it's absolutely fine! Master, what do you think of that tripod?"

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