"Wuwu... Third Master!"

The third master's subordinates all bit the meat fiercely, while eating and crying while watching the third master scream, all of them looked very excited.

They are not excited!

In the ghost gate, I just want to create a world of my own. In this iron camp, the brothers can follow the third master to become stronger and stronger!

Interstellar is strong, and being able to become stronger has always been their only goal!

But today, when the first bite of meat was in their mouths, they suddenly had one more purpose in life!

want to eat.

I want to eat meat!

The third master glanced at his subordinates speechlessly. Originally, all of them were sturdy and unsmiling, but after taking a bite of meat, they became crazy foodies with shining eyes!

However, this meat... is really delicious!

How could star beast meat taste like this? !

The third master looked at Ye Huang, his eyes flickered, and then he looked at his nephew who was surrounded by Ye Huang and was swept coldly by Yu Fengbai from time to time, and he was even more speechless.

He could understand why his nephew was so determined to live in Ye Huang's house!

"Third Master?"

After one of his subordinates devoured another golden clay sculpture, he couldn't bear it anymore, and whispered to the third master while rubbing his stomach, "I think the young master is very strong, should the third master consider staying with the young master for a while longer? , to get acquainted with each other and communicate with each other?"

The other subordinates nodded their heads desperately, and they felt the same way!

The third master slapped the man on the back of the head: "talk!"

Before he said anything, these people called his nephew "Young Master" instead, and even boasted... Is this Kua Suo Huange really strong, or is Kua Suo Huange well-connected?

After all, befriend Ye Huang!

Luo Tianhe over there was similarly shocked. It was also the first time for him and his subordinates to eat this kind of thing other than nutritional supplements.

The two guards around Luo Tianhe couldn't even bend down. Even if Luo Tianhe was reserved, he secretly moved while no one was paying attention.


Ye Huang looked at Yu Fengbai and asked, "This meat is really tender, tender and fragrant, right?!"

Even better than she imagined! Sure enough, after the foundation was established, the strength has improved too much, and this "cooking" is also advancing by leaps and bounds!


Yu Fengbai squinted slightly, his eyes shot back and forth on Ye Huang, "It's tender and fragrant!"

When he kissed Ye Huang just now, the smell on Ye Huang's body made him feel more comfortable, almost to the point of infatuation with him.

If the timing wasn't right at this time, he'd only be afraid to go further. Since Ye Huang bumped into his life, he would never let go.

Yu Fengbai's eyes were a little dark, and his eyes couldn't help but swept back and forth at Ye Huang again, and an unnoticeable aggressive smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

"Really? You can eat as much as you like. Eat more!"

Ye Huang was also very happy to eat, looking at his wife and kept talking with a smile, her eyes were glued to her wife's face and she couldn't bear to look away.

Suo Huange, who was watching everything, felt a little weird... Sure enough, Ye Huang would look at his face? !

Look at that poisonous snake, it's obviously more colorful!

Who is more aggressive? !

Suo Huange felt that the air around her was a little sour, and turned her eyes subconsciously, facing Shang Qi Han's line of sight.


Suo Huange gritted his teeth and said, "Damn!"

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