The Almighty Goddess of Interstellar Rebirth Has Fallen

Chapter 1147: what is your wedding date

Ye Huang said, pointing to the seat and saying to Yu Fengbai, "Sit down!"

Her wife is too tall, and it is difficult for her to operate without sitting down.

Seeing that Yu Fengbai sat on the seat obediently, Ye Huang said very seriously, "Close your eyes!"

Yu Fengbai had some doubts, but he still closed his eyes, and he was still looking forward to this new method that Ye Huang said.

To be honest, listening to Qi Han's description of the special aura he felt, he had to admit that he was very moved!


Xiao Ba, who had been watching Ye Huang and Yu Fengbai interacting with his head on the cockpit floor, blew a bunch of bubbles at Ye Huang after eating the little jerky in his mouth.

"Don't look!"

Ye Huang said, "Wuming, cover Xiaoba's eyes!"

A pair of manipulators stretched out from the inner wall of the mecha cockpit, gently and neatly hugged Xiao Ba.

"Enjoy it well, don't move,"

Ye Huang lowered his voice, leaned over and said, his breath almost blowing on Yu Fengbai's face, "If you make a move, you will lose all your achievements - I will also be mentally damaged!"

Yu Fengbai nodded.

Seeing Yu Fengbai obediently closing her eyes, Ye Huang ruffian smiled, her brows curving like a little mouse who was looking at an oil lamp ready to steal oil.

After examining the beauty of his wife, Ye Huang kissed him on the lips.

Yu Fengbai, who was caught off guard, froze suddenly.

Ye Huang was not polite at all, taking advantage of the victory to pursue her attack, she simply straddled Yu Fengbai's legs. With a convenient posture, she leaned over to strengthen the kiss.

Eh, goose goose... her wife is so sweet!

Yu Fengbai: "..."

This is called double repair? ! What did you fix? !

But Ye Huang didn't say a word. He was unpredictable and silently endured Ye Huang's crazy kiss. The reason why he thought it was "suffering"...

That's because he didn't even know how much effort he had to use to suppress the flame in Ye Huang's heart.

He only felt that his whole body was burning, Ye Huang's lips and tongues were like the strongest flames in the universe, igniting every cell in his body. Want but can't...

Really like torture.

If it hadn't been said by Ye Huang, tampering might damage her spirit. He was afraid that he couldn't bear it. He wanted to chew this life into pieces in one gulp, and devour all the leftovers!

Seeing that Yu Fengbai didn't move, Ye Huang was very happy, and without hesitation, he attacked the city more crazily than before...

Who will not attack!

And there is no omission, and will not miss the slightest bit that can be captured!

Yu Fengbai felt that his whole body was burning with smoke. He clasped the armrest of the seat with both hands, and tried his best to leave the last bit of clarity.

But the body's reaction is very real.


When he noticed Yu Fengbai's reaction, Ye Huang was stunned for a moment. The triumphant smugness didn't return to his senses for a while, and subconsciously reached out and pressed down in confusion.

Yu Fengbai almost jumped up from the chair, and an uncontrollable whisper came out of his throat.


Ye Huang was taken aback and almost jumped up from Yu Fengbai's body. After standing to the side in a bit of shock and looking over, the whole person was stunned.

Realizing that Ye Huang had finally left him, Yu Fengbai suddenly opened his eyes, and there was already a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

"you you you--"

Ye Huang's gaze at Shangyu Fengbai was a bit at a loss at first, then raised his eyebrows and whistled at Yu Fengbai, "Wife, you're not good! You seem to be moving—"

The kind that almost startled her!

Yu Fengbai's breathing was still a little heavy, his eyes swept across Ye Huang's face, and when he saw the expression on Ye Huang's face, he immediately reacted.

"You're lying to me?"

After Yu Fengbai held his breath, he looked at Ye Huang and asked, his voice was still a little hoarse.


Ye Huang hurriedly said, "It was you who interrupted me—our Xuanmen did have a double cultivator talking about it, and you were interrupted at the beginning!"

"Just started?"

Yu Fengbai squinted, "What will happen next?"

Ye Huang's eyes rolled.

"Do you want to continue?" Yu Fengbai asked in a hoarse and low voice.

"Forget it now,"

Ye Huang was shocked by his eyes, and felt as if he had stabbed a thunderbolt, and quickly recovered, "I'll teach you later!"

Saying that, he pointed out the porthole again, "We are about to reach the floating cloud island. After finishing the work this time, we will continue after returning home!"

"If you want to teach now, I can temporarily levitate Wuming,"

Yu Fengbai said quietly and lowly, "As long as it takes!"

Ye Huang blinked, and suddenly Yu Fengbai's gaze made him feel a little guilty.

"By the way, Wuming," she immediately changed the subject, "Wuming, I have decided, what I said before doesn't count, Xiaoba can't marry you - you want to marry Xiaoba!"

Wuming said quietly: "You just said that a gentleman can't chase after a horse!"

When Ye Huang and the third master were talking just now, he learned this sentence, and quickly realized the meaning!

Ye Huang was stunned for a moment, and immediately said: "...I'm not a gentleman!"

Saying that, he continued to be a rogue, "I've decided anyway, you want to marry Xiaoba, and Xiaoba wants to marry you—understand? Xiaoba, right?"

Xiao Ba happily blew a bunch of bubbles at Ye Huang again.

"My core system has completed this update,"

Wuming said solemnly, "Sorry, it can't be changed! If it must be changed, my system will choose the self-destruction program."

Ye Huang: "..."

Yu Fengbai: "..."


Yu Fengbai frowned, "I didn't give you any instructions to update the core system!"

Heck, can the core system be updated as soon as it is updated? !

Not to mention the core system of the Primordial Energy Mecha, even if it is an ordinary energy mecha, it is impossible to update the core system at will!

What's more, the update of the core system is generally written in the initial program of the system, and it cannot be updated under any random condition!


Wuming explained quietly, "My system tells me that the high degree of autonomy I have includes this right!"

Yu Fengbai: "..."

Ye Huang glanced at Yu Fengbai speechlessly: "Lao Yu, your mecha is very capable!"

Yu Fengbai remained silent. Before he met Ye Huang, although he knew that this Primordial Energy Mecha had a high degree of autonomy, it was not much different from other Primordial Energy Mechas except that he did not accept his name.

Since meeting Ye Huang, this Primordial Energy Mecha seems to be floating!

"Alright alright!"

Ye Huang was helpless in the face of such a mecha, her eyes turned and said, "You still marry Xiaoba, let me tell you, the promised dowry can't be less!"

Wuming said quietly: "My core system guarantees that it will definitely fulfill its promise and fulfill every condition of the betrothal gift!"

"Except for the dowry,"

Ye Huang hurriedly said, "I haven't said the date of the engagement yet, wouldn't you think that if you have the dowry gift ready, you will be able to marry my little eight right away?!"

Wuming quietly waited for Ye Huang to continue.

"What about your wedding date, let's fix it this way,"

Ye Huang thought about it for a while, and laughed, "When did your master marry me, and when will Xiaoba marry you!"

Yu Fengbai: "..."

What? !

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