Wuming immediately sent a lot of data. The most important data showed that the energy of the soil attribute in this area was increasing by geometric multiples!

"It's going to be turned on, it's going to be turned on!"

Ye Huang excitedly grabbed Yu Fengbai's wrist and hurriedly said, "It's activated!"

"What's on?"

Yu Fengbai said hurriedly.

"Mysterious realm - oh, it's the ruins of Andromeda you're talking about!"

Ye Huang said excitedly, "That should be a star wheel array, a secret realm maintained by the energy of the star wheel array!"

She said why she thought the positions of the three flaming mountains were a little familiar...

Isn't that a natural formation that is in line with the star formation?

The ice attribute is suppressed in the middle, the soil attribute is explosively increased, and the Qianyuan is abundant... A series of characteristics are all in line with the elements of the star wheel array.

"You mean, the ruins of Andromeda will be here—open?!"

Yu Fengbai frowned.

"To be exact, the door to the space passage to the ruins of Andromeda will appear here!"

Ye Huang felt that it was a bit troublesome to explain, so he could only give a rough outline, "How should I put it, the ruins of Andromeda should have a relatively fixed position in space, it will not appear in space casually-"

"But, that time, many years ago, it happened—"

Yu Feng said whitely.

"Listen to me," Ye Huang interrupted Yu Fengbai's words and said, "The last time you mentioned that it appeared, it appeared for a very short time and suddenly disappeared mysteriously, right?"

Yu Fengbai nodded suspiciously.

"In your records,"

Ye Huang followed and said, "Did you mention that before the ruins of Andromeda appeared, there were some particularly strong energy fluctuations in that space?"


Yu Fengbai was also unforgettable, and he remembered the documents he had read very clearly, "But at the time, it was concluded that it was the energy that appeared in the ruins of Andromeda. Could it be that—"

"Yes, you guessed right, but it's not actually the energy contained in the ruins you saw. The ruins that appeared at the beginning should also be an illusion—"

Ye Huang said, "It does not contain too much energy itself, or in other words, the causal relationship should be reversed. It is an energy burst that occasionally appears in that piece of space, which leads to the intersection of the space energy of the Andromeda ruins and the energy of that location. So there is an illusion!"

Yu Fengbai's eyes jumped suddenly.

"And the eruption of this fiery mountain right now—"

Ye Huang pointed out the porthole of the mecha, and said, "This is also a special burst of energy, which led to the ruins of Andromeda. With the energy here, there will be a kind of superposition and superposition, so we only saw the illusion of the ruins before. !"

The more he said, the more logical Ye Huang's logic became, "The reason why this illusion is short-lived is because this kind of superposition and superposition is not stable. The overlap will be complete!"

"But, didn't you just say, what kind of star wheel array is this fiery mountain?"

Yu Fengbai wondered.

"Damn, do you think all the formations are man-made?"

Ye Huang stretched out his hand and pinched Yu Fengbai's nose, "This is a natural formation, a miracle of creation! And—"

As she said that, she paused.

Yu Fengbai couldn't care less about being pinched by Ye Huang's nose, and hurriedly said, "And what?"

"And I'm guessing that this is not the first time a large eruption of this fiery mountain has occurred,"

Ye Huang said, "Someone should have discovered that in the large eruption, there will be the ruins of Andromeda!"

Rancho's dispatch of ice ghosts this time must be related to this!

I just don't know, who found this at the time? ! If Rancho's actions are really related to this, how did they know that they could enter the "secret realm"? !

Could it be the consciousness of the cultivator that Msa devoured and told them? !

If the ice ghost really wants to enter the secret realm of ruins, someone must tell her how to crack this huge natural formation and enter the "passage" smoothly.

However, the residual consciousness of the cultivator seems to be very scattered, and he can really crack such a natural high-level formation, which is not something that residual spiritual consciousness can do...

Ye Huang's eyes flashed.

Yu Fengbai paused, then reached out to hold Ye Huang's hand holding his nose, looking at

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