Yu Fengbai's movements froze: "No."

He had never brought a child, such a small baby, he had never even touched it. Suddenly serving such a small baby, he can only force calm down, he has not even heard of what a diaper is.

Seeing Yu Fengbai's stiff movements, Ye Huang couldn't stand it anymore, and patted Yu Fengbai away and said, "You can't do this, you get up—"

Really looking anxious!

After turning Yu Fengbai aside, Ye Huang held her breath and carefully unbuttoned the blanket that wrapped the baby.

As soon as the blanket was undone, the stench became more pronounced.

Ye Huang wanted to cry without tears and turned her head away. She couldn't take it anymore, she had never served a child before!

"Whoa whoa whoa-"

The little baby cried louder.

This side is relatively far away from the rocky beach, and the suffocating energy from the ground has not permeated over there. It is obviously suppressed by the powerful earth attribute of the mountains here.

At this time, the little baby recovered a lot of vitality, and the cry was louder than the cry.

Ye Huang only felt that the magic sound was filling his ears, and he couldn't wait to rush out to fight the star beasts and didn't want to stay here.

Yu Fengbai had no choice but to take over again.

Looking at the dirty place on the baby's body, he frowned and said, "Water!"

Ye Huang quickly took out a bag of water from the storage space. This water was warm water. The hot water that was boiled for Yuan Xihua during production was not used up. She directly put it in the heat preservation water bag, just in case the small Baby wants to drink.

I didn't expect that instead of drinking, I wiped my little **** first.

She wetted a small paper towel and handed it to Yu Fengbai. Before Yu Fengbai could pick it up, the nameless alloy long knife he placed beside him jumped to the side a few times.


Ye Huang is also speechless about this cleanliness mecha, she can do anything to Xiaoba, how can she despise a little baby so much!


Just then, there was a sound over the canyon.

Yu Fengbai immediately grasped the long alloy sword.

"You and Wuming stare,"

Ye Huang took the hand and said, "I'm coming!"

At this time, she couldn't care less, she wiped the little baby's body with patience and neatness, and threw the dirty blanket far away.

After changing to a new blanket and wrapping the baby again, the baby was still crying non-stop.

"Why are you crying!"

Ye Huang collapsed a little, "Are you still dissatisfied?!"

It's all cleaned up for her! Why does the little baby keep crying, keep crying! If she continued to cry like this, Ye Huang was really afraid that she would die from crying.

"She must be hungry."

Yu Fengbai raised his eyes and scanned the sky above the canyon, and found nothing unusual. Hearing Ye Huang's words, he looked back and said, "By the way, little babies can't eat normal nutrition supplements for adults!"

Then he explained, "I brought a nutritional supplement, but the energy of the nutritional supplement is extremely high, and she can't bear it."

Although it has become a habit for him to eat at the Ye family's old house many times, but when he is on a mission, the mecha warrior must bring high-energy nutrients in case of emergency.

"I don't have any nutritional supplements here at all!"

Ye Huang was even more blunt, "Is the nutritional supplement people eat?! It's unpalatable to death!"

She didn't want to eat a single bite. She had enough food in her storage space, all of which were made by the Ye family's old house...

But only little babies can eat.

Mainly because there is no milk!

In the interstellar space, she has not found a star beast that is closer to cattle and sheep. Some star beast meat tastes close to beef and mutton meat, but those milk, in addition to attribute energy, when these star beasts secrete milk, there will be a gland secretion. A special substance gets into the milk.

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