The Almighty Goddess of Interstellar Rebirth Has Fallen

Chapter 1310: Would you like a professional to come over?


Siman let out a soft exclamation, his face turned pale in shock, and looked at Ye Huang suddenly.

Ye Huang glanced over and was shocked. She could see that Siman's clothes looked like... about to give birth? !

No way? !

Ye Huang was also in a hurry. She checked the pulse for Si Man, and felt that she could wait for more than ten days! Why are you giving birth all of a sudden? !


Si Yunting rushed here, shocked, "Sister, what's wrong with you? What's wrong?"

Glancing at his sister's clothes at a glance, he took out an energy cloak from his storage space, and after wrapping his sister tightly, he stretched out his arms and hugged Sima.

"Quick, come with me!"

Ye Huang instructed Si Yunting to hug Si Man, and ran to Si Man's room. While running, he said to the stunned Anan, "Hurry, hurry, go and boil more hot water, hurry up—"

After he finished speaking, he immediately stopped Anandao, "Wait, you ask Dad to go to the No. 7 cabinet in the small warehouse and take out each medicine bag, boil the water, boil the medicine bag, and send the treated water. Come to Siman's room, hurry up!"

Anan responded in a panic and rushed towards the kitchen. Mu Hong and the others were also startled when they saw this situation.


The third master stood up abruptly, but bumped into the chair and made a loud noise, which made everyone who was nervous suddenly even more nervous.

Yu Fengbai, Qi Han and the others also followed and left the hall, but at this time no one could help, so they could only wait outside Siman's room, with a hint of urgency and worry in their eyes, waiting quietly.

"Brother Yu,"

Qi Han said nervously, "Would you like to invite a pharmacist from the Mecha Academy over there? Would you like to send the instructor there? There is a medical cabin there!"

In case something happens, there is a guarantee!

"Their medical cabin,"

Yu Fengbai said lightly, "How about the treatment cabin of the Yuanneng Mecha?"

Qi Han suddenly stopped talking.

He, Yu Fengbai, and Si Yunting were all here, together with three Yuanneng mechas. To be honest, they really didn't need those medical cabins.

Although Wuming and Hei Bing were in the ruins of Andromeda, they almost ran out of energy, but after returning, Wuming and Hei Bing had already flown back to the headquarters automatically, and they had already had enough energy.

A full-energy Primordial Energy Mecha, whether it uses a therapeutic instrument or other convalescent cabins... The performance is much higher than that of ordinary medical cabins!

And now, there is a training camp here. When some high-energy instruments of Yuanneng Mecha are activated, the energy fluctuations generated have also been recorded at the main star detector, which is different from the previous ones.

"Besides, there should be evil spirits in the child's body,"

Yu Fengbai said lightly, "Ye Huang will be safer here!"

Qi Han nodded hurriedly, and when he looked over there, he couldn't help but feel a little dignified. It was the first time he faced this situation, and it was even more nervous than going to the battlefield.

The third master couldn't calm down. He walked to the side of a big tree, stood upright against the trunk, and clasped the trunk with one hand behind his back, his fingers almost digging into the hard bark.

In Siman's room, after watching Ye Huang quickly spread the blankets on Siman's bed, Anan immediately put the sterilized bed sheets on his father's bed and hurriedly spread it with Ye Huang.

"Boss, are you okay?"

Anan's nervous voice became tense, "This, this... Do you want Emperor S to hire a professional?!"

There should be such specialized institutions in the main urban area, and there should be specialized pharmacists to provide mothers with various high-energy nutrients.

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