Chapter 488 103: Visit

  Shu Zihui's identity is not a secret in Fencheng.

  Everyone knows that Shu Zihui is the son of the former president of the Shu family; that is, the son of the head of the Shu family!

  In an instant, the three words Shu Zihui suddenly entered everyone's sight.

   The man squeezed the phone tightly and opened the tablet. Sure enough, Shu's stock fell all the way!

   "Why didn't we curb online news in time!"

   The man in black explained with trembling lips, "Didn't you say last time that we wouldn't be allowed to act rashly without your order?"

  So, they didn't dare to move...

   The man smashed his phone straight at the wall behind the man in black.

   "Bang!" The phone fell to the ground and the screen was torn apart.

   is enough to see how hard the man is and how angry he is.

   "Then why didn't you tell me in time last night!"

   The man in black lowered his head and answered tremblingly. "The old man was here last night, so..."

   "After that!"

   The man in black didn't dare to speak.

   Last night, the old man guarded the master all night, and slept on the sofa in the second half of the night.

   He didn't dare to disturb the master, so he didn't dare to say this.

  This morning, as soon as the old man left, he hurried in.

   The man took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

   "Arrange someone to withdraw these messages immediately."

   "I don't want to see these messages anymore."

   The man in black raised his head and explained in horror. "Master, it's too late, it can't be removed."

   "Miss Su Ning has already been removed. It cannot be removed."

   "Master Su San also had people withdraw. He couldn't get rid of it either."

  The Shu family, you don't need to think about it, you must have used this method long ago.

   The man chuckled lightly. "They can't be removed, so can't you be removed either!"

   The man's cold eyes stabbed the man in black like a knife.

   The man in black looked at the man in horror. "Master, what do you mean..."

   "It's easy to expose."

  The man clenched his fist, how could he not know that it would be easily exposed.

   Originally, she was already suspicious of him, otherwise, he wouldn't have to create a car accident and lie here to dispel her doubts.

   But if, let this thing continue to ferment.

   Shu's stock fell again and again, plus Shu Zihui's actions.

   I'm afraid, in the end, he will really be able to draw water from a bamboo basket!

   "Master, why don't you wait. The Wei family is also in Feicheng now." The confidant came out and spoke.

   "The Wei family and the Shu family are already married. Shu Yichang and Shu Yimin are in the same team. The Wei family should stand by Shu Yimin and the others."

   Moreover, the Wei family is still theirs. As long as you order it.

  Master doesn't have to risk exposure...

   The man narrowed his eyes. "Why is the Wei family in Qiancheng?"

   The confidant quickly explained.

   "Some time ago, the head of the Wei family called to tell you about it. He wanted to go to the city of Feicheng, one for the stone gambling club, and the other for the engagement between his son and the Shu family."

  The marriage contract between the Wei family and the Shu family was originally facilitated by them.

   At that time, Shu Yiqun rejected them, and the master finally thought of a way to bind the Wei family and Shu Yiqun's daughter together.

   He did not believe that Shu Yiqun would not compromise.

   But, the lady of the Shu family is also a powerful master. The next day, the child was sent to the countryside, and since then the child disappeared from everyone's sight.

   Outsiders only know that Shu Yiqun has a son named Shu Zihui; but they do not know that he also has a daughter.

   The man pondered for a while, and the whole person gradually returned to his calm, indifferent, and indifferent appearance.

   "I hope the Wei family won't let me down."

   After the man finished speaking, he looked at the man in black. "One last time, one more time, it's self-defeating!"

   The man in black nodded quickly. Then the ward was cleaned up and restored to its original appearance, as if nothing had happened just now.

  The man leaned on the hospital bed and slowly closed his eyes.

   What he was thinking about was the affairs of the Shu family, and the affairs of the Shu family were indeed unexpected to him.

  Su Ning and Shu Yimin have been doing well for more than ten years.

  Shu Zihui is no different.

  Unexpectedly, Shu Zihui suddenly resisted.

  The man suddenly thought of the girl and wondered if she was behind it.

  The man rubbed his fingers, wondering what he was thinking...

   When Mr. Su walked into the ward with breakfast, he also found water stains on the ground. He glanced at the man on the hospital bed and asked.

"What's wrong?"

   "Ai Zuo made you angry?" Ai Zuo was the bodyguard beside his son.

  Su Jingyou opened a pair of faint eyes and shook his head calmly. "no."

   "The nurse just came in to change the dressing, and he accidentally knocked over the water glass."

  The old man gave a dubious hum, then opened the small table and placed the breakfasts on the table one by one.

  Su Jingyou looked at the old man whose hair was almost white and said slowly.

   "Dad, you don't have to come over these days. Go back and rest for a few days."

  The old man waved his hand. "I'll be fine when I go back. Here, I can still stare at that kid Su Mo."

  The old man has been staring at Su Mo on a blind date recently.

  The eldest grandson is not at home all the year round, and he does not dare to stare at him; as for his youngest son, he has also looked away these years.

   So, I can only stare at the little grandson...

  Su Jingyou sighed. "Dad, I'm not worried about you here."

   "Don't wait for me to get better, but you are ill."

   "As long as I have Aizuo to take care of me. Besides, there are nurses to take care of me. Don't worry."

  Su Jingyou continued to persuade: "After a while, I will be able to go home to support. There is no need to stay in the hospital."

  The old man nodded in response. It's half agreed...

   After breakfast, Su Jingyou asked Ai Zuo to personally send the old man back to Su's house.

   After the old man left, his confidant also brought news from the Wei family.

   "Master, the Wei family has been notified. The Wei family will fully cooperate with Miss Su Ning."

  Su Jingyou nodded.

   I hope that this time Su Ning and the Wei family will not let him down again.

  Otherwise, he can only discard these two pieces...

   But Su Jingyou never imagined that the Wei family had already tried frantically on the brink of death.

   And this piece of Su Ning is not something he can give up if he wants to.


   Shu Yimin and Su Ning received news of their son when they received a guest from far away.

  When An Che appeared in the Shu family villa, the expressions of both husband and wife were very strange.

   "An Shao, what are you doing here?" If it is said that the Anjia is still the former Nancheng Anjia.

   I'm afraid this An Shao wouldn't come to Shu's house either.

  An Che calmly took out a document bag and put it on the table.

   "I want to discuss a cooperation with the two of you."

  Shu Yimin didn't read the document, Su Ning also sat there quietly, not moving.

   "An Shao, I'm afraid my Shu family doesn't have any cooperation, so I can talk with An Shao."

   (end of this chapter)

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