The Almighty is In the Headlines Again

Chapter 843: 030: Make trouble

   Chapter 843 030: Make trouble

  030: Make trouble

   Actually, it was a coincidence that Gu Jiao and Xu Xixi met Jiang Yan and Jiang Yao.

   And Jiang Yan and Jiang Yao's treatment of Gu Jiao was not what Jiang Youyou thought...

   Just because of temporary jealousy, all Jiang Youyou's reason has been submerged.

   Jiang Yan knew Xu Xixi, after all, Miss Xu's name was there; and Jiang Yao...

   I just heard from the Internet that Gu Qiao knew Gu Tianwang, and wanted to ask if she had any concert tickets in hand.

  Jiang Yao is a fan of Gu Tianwang. She came back to watch Gu Tianwang's concert last time, but it was postponed.

  This time she didn't have time to come back, so she gave the ticket to her friend.

   Who knew that this kind of thing happened to the Jiang family, and she was temporarily pulled back by Mrs. Jiang.

   "These Jiang Yan and Jiang Yao are very interesting." Xu Xixi said, looking at the Jiang family sisters who were walking away.

   This Jiang Yao is the daughter of the head of the family, and this Jiang Yan's father is Professor Jiang from the Medical University.

   Originally the head of the Jiang family should belong to this Professor Jiang. It's a pity that Professor Jiang had no intention of family business and chose to become a doctor, so the position of the head of the family fell to Jiang Qizhuo.

   Because of this, Jiang Qizhuo was actually very uncomfortable. Especially when Professor Jiang's name became more and more confusing, he felt even more uncomfortable.

   Almost everyone in Kyoto knows that the relationship between the Jiang brothers is somewhat awkward.

   But, this Jiang Yao seems to have a good relationship with Jiang Yan.

   No, it's not because it looks; it's really a good relationship with Jiang Yan.

   "I remember that Jiang Yan likes Su Ziyang." Xu Xixi continued to add with a smile.

   "No one else knows about the Shu family. Jiang Yan should know a thing or two." Whether it was the Shu family in Fiancheng or the birthday banquet of the Su family a few months ago, Jiang Yan should know the inside story.

  It stands to reason that Jiang Yan likes Su Ziyang so much. Seeing Gu Qiao, shouldn't she dislike it.

   She looks like that, why do you think...

  Gu Qiao took a sip of the pearls in the milk tea and chewed it. "Not Q bomb at all."

  Xu Xixi: "..."

   "Ancestor, don't tell him when you go back. Otherwise, how can I bring you out for milk tea in the future."

  Gu Qiao glanced at Xu Xixi with disgust. said lightly.

   "Kyoto is a puddle of muddy water, Jiang Yan and Jiang Yao are not fools."

  Xu Xixi shrugged. "The Jiang family also has a fool."

   Gu Qiao obviously knew who this fool was referring to.

   After all, Jiang Youyou's hateful eyes, it's hard for the two of them to not notice. But found out, the two of them didn't take it to heart.

   "By the way, the group seems to have really withdrawn from Kyoto. To be more precise, they have withdrawn from Country C."

  Xu Xixi's focus for the past two months has been on the careers of the Xu family and Yue family in Kyoto.

   But his mission has not been forgotten.

  Gu Qiao sucked the last sip of milk tea in his hand, and then threw the empty cup into the trash can not far away.

  Look at the bustling streets of Kyoto. "Dormant for a while, just to wait for a better time."

   "When you are strong enough, then everything is like a clam shaking a tree."

  Gu Qiao never underestimated that group of people, and never took it lightly. Only when you grow up to the point where no one can move can you live to protect the people you want to protect.

   Before Gu Qiao never thought about the future, even when Professor Gu was there, she just wanted to save her.

   But she never thought about what the future would be like.

   Later, she met Shi Jiudu and the Qi family...

   She cherishes her life very much and is looking forward to the future.


   "Have you found that woman?"

  Xu Xixi shook her head. "Since the accident between Su Jingyou and the Wei family. The woman seemed to have disappeared and never appeared again."

   "Xiao Qiao, is it possible that Su Jingyou made a move ahead of time?"

   The mysterious woman who appeared in the Jadeite Public Market at the beginning not only knew Guo Mingliang of the Guo family, but also knew the Wei family.

   At that time, Gu Qiao kept an eye on her, but she didn't expect that this woman would appear at Gu's house in Chengtai County later.

  But after Su Jingyou's accident, the woman also disappeared.

  According to the information found by the Protoss and Shijia.

   Except that she is Guo Minliang's ex-wife and emigrated abroad, the rest of the information is very ordinary.

   Ordinary is like being carefully disguised.

  Everything that is very simple must hide something.

   Later, Gu Qiao asked Xu Xixi to check it out in person, and sure enough, something different was found.

  For example, Guo Minliang's ex-wife knew the Wei family.

   And from the mouth of the Wei family, Xu Xixi also knew Su Jingyou, and it seemed that he knew the woman.

   It can even be said that the status of that woman in Su Jingyou's heart is higher than theirs.

   Until the matter of Su Jingyou came to an end, the Wei family was also deeply involved in the matter of Su Jingyou.

   Even those who stayed outside returned to the old house, guarding the one-third of the acre, and lived a hard life.

   And that woman disappeared.

  Gu Qiao twisted his palms and lowered his eyes. "It's fine if you can't find it. The person who should appear will appear sooner or later."

   This is life to see people, and death to see corpses. A person cannot disappear out of thin air.

   Not to mention, this is not a simple person.


   On the main road in front of a large shopping mall in Kyoto, a low-key car drove by.

  The car just started a minute later when two figures suddenly appeared and stopped in front of the car.

   The car braked suddenly. "Zizzizi..." a few sounds resounded through the bustling shopping mall entrance.

  The people at the entrance of the mall looked over and saw two men in shabby clothes lying in front of the car.

   And the car made a sharp braking sound and stopped not far from the two of them.

   Everyone took a deep breath. "Oh my god, luckily I didn't rush over."

  No, it must be…

   Inside the car.

   "Young lady."

   "Xiao Qiao, are you alright?"

  Suddenly braked, Gu Qiao supported the seat back with both hands in time, but nothing happened. It was Shiquan, who was driving, and was scared to death.

   bumped into a small person, the young lady had an accident, and he would be finished.


   As soon as Shiquan heard that Gu Qiao was fine, he had time to care about the outside world. But when he saw the person in front of the car clearly, he felt very upset and wanted to hit him.

   "Young madam, it's the Gu family."

  Gu Family...

The words    have not appeared by Gu Qiao's side for a long time.

  Gu Qiao and Xu Xixi looked at the front glass of the car at the same time, and they saw the sisters Gu Xingqiong and Gu Xingxuan standing in front of the car.

  Gu Xingqiong and Gu Xingxuan naturally saw Gu Qiao, and they rushed towards Gu Qiao's car window in an instant.

   "Xiao Qiao, please help us."

   "Xiao Qiao, we know we are wrong. Please help us for the sake of our relatives."

   (end of this chapter)

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