Chapter 868 055: Accident

  055: Accident

   "What's wrong with even classmate, her face doesn't seem right."

   "I also think she seems a little angry."

   "Don't tell me, she didn't meet Professor Zhou. No, we saw Professor Zhou go in just now."

   The little sisters were confused and didn't understand what was going on.

   There was only one female classmate, her eyes flashed, and she suddenly said: "She has documents in her hand, she should have seen Professor Zhou. I'm afraid Professor Zhou said something, or..."

   "Just now, we saw that Gu Qiao also went in."

   In an instant, several little sisters began to guess, it was because of Gu Qiao.

  Lian Qi did not leave the Department of Agriculture with the information, but caught up with Gu Qiao who had just left.

  Gu Qiao didn't have any classes in the afternoon and was about to leave the Department of Agriculture.

   was downstairs in the classroom and was stopped by Lian Qi.

   "Gu Qiao, why did you reject Professor Zhou's invitation! You know, that is an opportunity that many people dream of."

   "Gu Qiao, do you know what you have lost?"

   "Professor Zhou is the youngest professor at Peking University; he is also the youngest professor in the entire Department of Agriculture. Do you know what it means to be under him?"

  Gu Qiao didn't expect Lian Qi to stop him, and still said this.

   In Gu Qiao's impression, it seemed that she and Lian Qi did not have any intersection.

  Gu Qiao's indifferent attitude made Lian Qi even more angry. She felt like she was on the verge of anger.

  Lian Qi suddenly sneered. "That's right, a woman like you who is watery, shouldn't be involved in Professor Zhou."

   "It can be considered that you have self-knowledge."

   "I told you Gu Jia! You will regret it sooner or later!"

   Lian Qi spoke a lot, and turned away angrily.

   turned around and found that there were people all around, all of them staring at them with wide eyes.

  Lian Qi glared at everyone angrily and shouted, "What are you looking at? Haven't you seen this young lady teach others!"

   After speaking, all the students turned their heads quickly and dared not look at her, and Lian Qi slowly disappeared from the crowd.

  Gu Qiao looked at Lian Qi's disappearing back without a trace of mood swings, and left the Department of Agriculture directly.

   As soon as he left the Department of Agriculture, he met Yan Ke and Zhang Mengchen who were approaching.

  Yan Ke stepped forward and looked at Gu Qiao up and down. "It scared me to death, but luckily you're fine."

   "That Lian Qi, didn't bother you."

  Yan Ke had no class in the morning, and went to her department with Zhang Mengchen. Hearing that Lian Qi was looking for trouble with the goddess, she hurried over.

   "Goddess, I thought you would ask for leave. Why did you come to school." After all, the entire Internet is now occupied by the goddess' name.

  In the morning, there was a bunch of reporters around the gate of the Beijing University campus, and the crowd couldn't get through.

   Both thought that the goddess would not come.

  Gu Qiao shrugged slightly. "Beijing University, where it has snowed, is very beautiful."

   Gu Qiao's sudden sentence made both of them stunned.

Immediately, the two of them turned their heads to look at the trees on both sides of the road. Because of the snow, everywhere seemed to have been baptized. They put on new clothes, and even the air smelled fresh. .

   The first snow did not fall for a long time. Although the snow on both sides of the road was cleaned up, a layer of hoarfrost still hung on the branches.

  's thoughts were suddenly pulled away by Gu Qiao, and the two of them did not continue the topic just now, but followed Gu Qiao's footsteps and strolled on every path on the campus of Beijing University.

   "If the whole city was covered by heavy snow, it should be more beautiful." Yan Kegan said.

   "I haven't seen heavy snow in many years."

  It snows in Kyoto. Every few years, the snow is not big. It occasionally falls for a day and occasionally overnight.

   It seems that there is no joy in snowball fights and a deep footprint with one foot.

   "Goddess, can you ski?"

  Gu Qiao thought about it for a while, and replied casually, "Yes."

  Yan Ke twitched the corner of his mouth. "..."

   "Then let's go skiing on holiday. A new ski resort is going to open on New Year's Day. It's near Kyoto, very close. Let's go skiing together."

  Gu Qiao originally wanted to refuse, but for some reason, he suddenly nodded in agreement.


   After returning to the dormitory, the cheeks of the three were obviously cold and flushed.

   As soon as I got back to the dormitory, I turned on the air conditioner and went to wash my face and hands to wash away the coldness from my body.

  Gu Qiao just changed clothes and sat down. There was a knock on the door of the dormitory, and a person hurried in.

   "Did you refuse to go to Professor Zhou's laboratory?" Gu Qiao glanced at the female classmate in front of him.

   seems to have seen it somewhere, but is not familiar with it.

   Yan Ke knew it. "Student Liu, what do you mean by that? The tone of your question is too much."

  Liu didn't answer Yan Ke, but looked at Gu Qiao with anger. "Did you personally refuse to go to Professor Zhou's laboratory?"

  Gu Qiao glanced at her lightly, and remembered who this person was.

   A female classmate in the same class as her.

"I do not have time."

  Student Liu clenched his hands tightly, and suddenly smashed **** the table in front of Gu Qiao. "Do you know that just because of your words, Professor Zhou may not set up a laboratory!"

  Gu Qiao snorted softly, his tone still light. "What does it have to do with me."

   "It doesn't matter! It's because of you, because of your words. Professor Zhou is no longer ready to set up a laboratory. He said that his laboratory is because you don't have time, so it will be time to set up your laboratory when you have time!"

   "Gu Qiao, how can you be so selfish!"

   "Do you know how many people want to study under Professor Zhou? Why did Professor Zhou say to disband the laboratory because of one of your words, delay the time until you have time."


  Student Liu's shout naturally attracted the attention of the students on the whole floor, and they all ran to the gate of Gu Qiao's dormitory to watch the excitement.

  The news that Professor Zhou of the Department of Agriculture was going to set up a laboratory exploded on the campus Internet after class.

   Naturally, everyone knows about this. Many students who are not from the Department of Agriculture regret that they did not choose the Department of Agriculture, otherwise they would be able to study under Professor Zhou.

   But now, listen to this female classmate.

   It seems that because of Gu Qiao's words, Professor Zhou decided not to set up a laboratory.

  In an instant, everyone looked at Gu Jiao, as if to know how she would answer.

  Gu Qiao looked at the angry classmate Liu in front of him, and listened to her word by word, but there was no excess emotion.

   just turned on the computer slowly, and said calmly: "It's his laboratory. Whether it's established or not, he has the final say. It has nothing to do with me."

   "He is also in the establishment, and he is also in the dissolution."

   "If Liu has any comments, he should go directly to Professor Zhou, not me."

   (end of this chapter)

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