The Almighty is In the Headlines Again

Chapter 874: 061: Exchange meeting

   Chapter 874 061: Exchange Meeting


  The art association exchange meeting was just a random guess by Yan Ke.

   After all, in her memory, Gu Qiao had never hung up with the painting association, nor had she heard that the goddess could paint.

   Until he saw the goddess, he nodded calmly.

   answered softly. "Well, that seems to be it."

  Yanke's whole body exploded instantly.

   Not to mention Yan Ke, even Zhang Mengchen, who has always been calm, was obviously frightened.

   Art Association Exchange Meeting, this is not an ordinary exchange meeting. It is an exchange meeting of painting associations organized by several countries.

   In the past two days, many bigwigs in the painting world have come.

   And some time ago, something about the art association exchange meeting was even more popular among the upper class circles, causing quite a stir.

  Because one ticket is hard to get...

  A lot of enthusiasts and people from all walks of life, after sharpening their heads, they have to follow the exchange meeting.

  Yan Ke took a deep breath and suddenly felt that if one day the goddess announced that she was a princess of a country, she would not be surprised.

   No, the status of the current goddess is comparable to that of a princess.

   The little princess of the Qi family, who is above the four major families, is comparable to the princess of a country.

  Yan didn't know what she thought of suddenly, her eyes suddenly lit up, she happily ran to Gu Qiao's side and smiled.

   "Goddess, did you receive an invitation, or go with someone."

  Gu Qiao replied calmly, "I have an invitation letter."

   "Yeah!" Yan Ke almost jumped up with joy.

   "Hahaha, someone might be embarrassed."

   "She showed off what happened for half a month, but she was pressed to the ground and rubbed by the goddess all of a sudden."

  Gu Jiao: "..."?

   Zhang Mengchen suddenly remembered something and smiled knowingly.

  Yanke quickly opened the school forum and explained to Gu Qiao.

   "Goddess, this is the person."

   The mobile interface displays a photo and personal information.

   Flowers of the Department of Art,

   "As for the last performance in the art department, she went to participate in the competition and didn't come back. Later, she kept sarcastic secretly, and said that if she was there at the time, the young and old might not have chosen the goddess."

   "You don't even know about this art association exchange meeting. She seems to have a chance to participate with some professor. She has been showing off for more than half a month."

   Originally, that flower love can do anything, but she wants to satirize the goddess in secret. This made Yan Ke very unhappy.

  Nei He, that department spends a lot of brains in school.

   "As for the group of people who spread rumors and make troubles in the school a few days ago, many of them are her brainless fans."

   "Goddess, that **** flower must be intentional."

  After all, the behavior of fans, idols pay.

  Gu Qiao just glanced at the information, but didn't take it to heart.

   And Yan Ke was very excited when he knew that Gu Qiao was going to participate in the exchange meeting of the Painting Association, and that there was an invitation letter.

   As if she was the one who was going to the exchange meeting.


   At noon the next day, Yan Ke and Zhang Mengchen had just walked into the cafeteria. By coincidence, they met the person whom Gu Qiao had just mentioned yesterday.

  The flowers of the art department are naturally excellent in appearance and unique in temperament.

   But in Yan Ke's eyes, it is like a high-level white lotus flower.

  Xihua was surrounded by a few little sisters, Xu Shi deliberately stopped in front of Yan Ke and Zhang Mengchen.

   "Qingning, it's a pity you can't attend this party. Otherwise, you must be the biggest highlight of the night."

   "You don't even know how high the forum posts are begging you to perform."

The classmate on the side of    then said: "Oh, Qingning has more important things."

   "The party will be held next year. And Qingning is so good, there will definitely be many opportunities to appear on stage in the future."

   "The exchange meeting of the Art Association is different. What an honor this is."

   "Is it Qingning?"

  The Department of Art Department Hua's gaze swept across Yan Ke and Zhang Mengchen lightly, and responded with a smile: "It was also the professor who gave me this opportunity."

   "I don't want to miss this opportunity either."

   "Aiya, Qingning, I envy you so much. It is possible to see big figures in the painting world from all over the world."

   "Maybe in the future, Qingning, you may also become one of them."

   "What's possible. Qingning is so powerful, it will definitely be in the future."


   Listening to the surrounding voices and seeing the proud expression of the flower, it was the first time that Yan did not complain.

   Instead, he pretended not to hear it, and even walked away from the group with a little bit of joy.

  Xihua saw that Yan Ke didn't look ugly, but was secretly happy, which made her a little puzzled.

   She turned around and shouted, "Xiao Ke."

  Yan Ke's footsteps didn't even stop, pulling Zhang Mengchen to continue walking into the cafeteria.

   "Xiao Ke..."

   The voice of the white lotus came from behind.

   Zhang Mengchen was also very strange, but he didn't stop because of this, but kept up with Yan Ke's footsteps.

   Until a figure stopped in front of the two people.

   "Xiao Ke, why, don't you know my sister?"

  Yan Ke took a step back, looking innocently and innocently at Tang Qingning, the flower of the art department in front of her.

   "Sister Tang, did you admit the wrong person?"

   "My family has only one daughter, my grandfather has only one son from my father, and my grandfather has only one daughter from my mother. I don't have any sisters."

  Tang Qingning's face froze, and she lost her words for a while.

   On the other hand, Yan Ke took Zhang Mengchen and walked away.

  Tang Qingning's valet found that something was wrong, and quickly stepped forward to comfort her. "Qingning, what's the matter. You know her?"

  Tang Qingning raised her eyes and smiled. "It's a bit like my sister, maybe I'm wrong."

   "After all, I haven't seen you for many years."

  Tang Qingning left the cafeteria after speaking, but when she walked to the corner of the door, she glanced at Yan Ke and Zhang Mengchen who were in the queue.

   stayed on Yan Ke's body for a few seconds.


   This matter, like a small episode, did not cause much impact.

   In the afternoon, everyone began to prepare for the evening performance.

  Tang Qingning also went to the studio early to start dressing up for the evening exchange meeting.

   At seven o'clock in the evening, the Beijing University's New Year's Day party began; and the art association exchange meeting in a hotel in Kyoto also began.

  From the beginning of the evening, there is an endless stream of luxury cars at the entrance of the hotel.

   The flashing lights at the door never stopped.

  Tang Qingning followed the professor out of the car, stepped on the long red carpet, and faced the flashing lights.

  I felt it in an instant, this is the real upper class circle.

  Tang Qingning followed the professor into the exchange meeting.

   She saw big figures from all over the world in the painting world, many of them are hard to see.

   But these people were all gathered in one place today.

Professor    said with a smile: "I heard that the GQ will also appear today, so many seniors have come."

   (end of this chapter)

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