The Almighty is In the Headlines Again

Chapter 888: 075: Won't Come Again

   Chapter 888 075: Won't come again


   In the restaurant that time, because she was fighting with Jiang Youyou, she almost bumped into those two people accidentally.

   And then...

  Xia Tingting's eyes turned cold. "It's her. Anything else?"

  Jiang Youyou responded quickly and hung up the phone.

   During the whole conversation, Mrs. Duan listened to her.

  Gu Yu, this person seems to be unknown to everyone in Kyoto.

   And there was Gu Qiao beside the woman just now.

   However, Mrs. Duan quickly caught the focus of that passage.

   That woman is Duan Si's ex-girlfriend!

   "How do you know she is Duan Si's ex-girlfriend." Mrs. Duan looked at Jiang Youyou with gloomy eyes.

  Jiang Youyou's face turned pale with fright, and she was about to cry.

   Then, with tears in his eyes, he said things intermittently.

  It turned out that Jiang Youyou's Xia Tingting bumped into Duan Si and Xu Xixi once.

   But Duan Si was begging Xu Xixi to get back together, but Xu Xixi refused.

  Jiang Youyou's foreword didn't match the afterword, but the whole thing was still said.

   After coming out of the beauty salon, Mrs. Duan's anger can be said to have reached its peak directly.

   And Fourth Madam Jiang and Madam Zhu also knew the seriousness of the matter.

   didn't dare to move forward, and when he came out of the beauty salon, he didn't dare to mention the matter of picking up the cheongsam again, so he could only watch Madam Duan leave angrily.

After Mrs. Duan left, Fourth Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Youyou also said goodbye to Mrs. Zhu and returned to Jiang's house.

  In the car, Fourth Madam Jiang looked at her daughter with questioning eyes.

   The acquaintance, Mo Ruomu.

  If it is said that in this world, who can understand his daughter best, he is definitely himself as a mother.

   Fourth Madam Jiang stared at Jiang Youyou and said with certainty, "You did it on purpose."

  Jiang Youyou lowered her head, her tone a little calm. "I don't know what my mother said."

   Fourth Madam Jiang chuckled.

   "You know, the current Gu Qiao is not something anyone can provoke." Besides, that woman is definitely not that simple.

   A brand name that can be defined by one's height, even the bag you carry is a new limited edition.

   A few days ago, many ladies and ladies in Kyoto took a fancy to it. In the end, it was booked in advance by the mysterious man.

   And today, that bag is being held by that bright woman.

   Also, the person that the young master of the Duan family can like is definitely not that simple, he is an ordinary person.

   Not to mention, the person standing beside that woman is Gu Jiao!

  Gu Qiao, but now he is involved with many people.

   Not to mention, it is only the young and old in Kyoto, as well as those from the Art Association. They dare not look down upon it.

   What Jiang Youyou disliked the most was that her mother said in front of her how difficult others were to provoke, expressing how humble she was.

   Jiang Youyou raised her eyes and looked at Fourth Madam Jiang indifferently. "Mother, when you should be worrying now, how can you find a good husband for me at the Duan family banquet?"

   Fourth Madam Jiang gritted her teeth and felt very uncomfortable.

   She knew that turning her daughter into a marriage tool, a victim; it was not what a mother should do.

   But the girls in the family are not all this fate in the end.

  Especially in the circle they are in now, it is still the circle in Kyoto.

   Jiang Youyou's words really made Fourth Madam Jiang shut up.

   However, before getting off the bus, Fourth Madam Jiang couldn't help but remind her again.

   "They can't help the Duan family, but they may not let you go!"

   "After all, you say things."

  Jiang Youyou didn't care at all, and smiled.

   "Mother doesn't say it, and who knows, it came out of my mouth."

   Do you wish Mrs.

   I wish the eldest lady not stupid, that is a scandal of the Duan family, and Mrs. Duan will not allow her to say more.

   As for Mrs. Duan, it is naturally impossible for her to take the initiative to say this.

   will only deal with that woman.

   And Jiang Youyou's goal was reached.

  Since she can't get Gu Qiao, she will never make Gu Qiao feel better.

   There has never been such a person around Gu Qiao so often, only that woman, Jiang Youyou saw two people together frequently.

   It is enough to see that the relationship between that woman and Gu Jiao must be very good.

   If something happens to that woman, I really look forward to what Gu Qiao will do.

   Dare to confront the Duan family?

  Jiang Youyou chuckled a few times, opened the door and left. back to his room.

   And as soon as Fourth Madam Jiang and Jiang Youyou returned to Jiang's house, the master's wife already got the news.


   At this time, Mrs. Duan, although she left the beauty salon in a rage, was not blinded by her anger.

  Duan's family is absolutely not allowed to have an accident at this juncture.

  No one can stop her little granddaughter's future.

   But, Duan Si's matter, she is not allowed to pass like this.

   After returning to Duan's house, Mrs. Duan took out a mobile phone from the safe and dialed a long-standing number.

   "A few years ago, your chance has come."

   That voice that had wanted to laugh a little, suddenly became positive.

"What's the meaning."

   Mrs. Duan said in a cold tone: "Old rules, do things, take revenge, you can do whatever you want. After things are done, the money will arrive!"

   "Leave no trace. Be smart."

After Mrs. Duan hung up the phone, she put the phone back in the safe with peace of mind.

   Then he left the room with a blushing face.

   As for why she is happy, I am afraid that no one but herself knows.


  In a remote and backward mountain village, there is a small group of tall people.

   These people are all fierce and evil.

   makes the villagers in the village every day for fear of angering them.

   For several years, they suddenly moved into this small mountain village, which terrified the villagers.

  Especially these people are still holding real guys in their hands. Where have the villagers seen this kind of battle.

   But these people, although they are all fierce, but as long as they do not provoke them, they will not take the initiative to provoke the villagers.

   So all these years have passed without incident.

   This afternoon, the leader who was about to go out to sell vegetables received a call.

   A phone call from far away Kyoto, the number is still the familiar number.

   Originally, he was going to sneer a few times.

   But before the words reached his lips, he heard a news that cheered him up.

   No, it should be excited.

   This kind of excitement continued until the phone hung up, and his eyes were still shining brightly.

   "Boss, what's wrong with you." The third child naturally heard the boss's phone ring.

   Over the years, except for a few of them, almost no outsiders have called.

   That is to say…

  I saw the leading man with an evil smile. The hands holding the phone were trembling faintly.

   That was exciting, very exciting…

   "The girl appeared."

   "We can finally avenge our second child."

   The third child looked at the boss in shock. I was also vaguely excited, "Really."

   Boss nodded. "The one from Zhu's family just made the phone call in person. Do you think it's true or false."

   (end of this chapter)

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