The Almighty Martial Arts System

Chapter 15 Palace cuisine

This time, Jiang Fei spent a little time cooking. When he brought the delicate dishes to the table, it was almost an hour later.

At this time, the three beautiful girls could not wait, and the locusts were soon released. Looking at the table full of delicacies, the color and flavor are full, people just look at a little drunk.

"So beautiful, still so fragrant! Uncle, you are too powerful." Tan Yuan and Xu Jing said so, but the eyes have completely fallen on the dishes, the line of sight can not move.

Even Xia Xiaozhi, who has already spent many meals in Jiang Fei, but every time she served, her appearance was not much better, still the look of the starving ghost.

"Uncle, how did you do this for so long? You used to cook for up to half an hour." Xia Xiaozhi didn't pay attention to the image at all. Jiang Fei didn't go to the table, she was like the mistress here. Distributing the chopsticks to her two girlfriends, I couldn’t help but start to eat.

Jiang Feiduan came up with a slightly larger ceramic plate. The inside of the plate was filled with a yellow body, and the oil was shining. People couldn't help but drool. Under the chicken, there are green vegetable leaves and red flowers as embellishments. It is like a dish, just like a work of art.

"What kind of food is this. The whole chicken is not called a chicken?" Tan Yuan asked curiously.

Jiang Fei smiled and said: "Call the chicken is to be wrapped in mud and baked in the fire. Where is the soil coming from the house? This is a steamed whole chicken. The whole chicken is not cut into pieces, and it is not hot. Cooked, the nutritional value of chicken is best preserved. Not only delicious, but also can adjust the body after eating, both blood and blood, it is also good for cold limbs... Well, Xu Jing, you can eat more."

"Wow!" Tan Yuan heard the words, suddenly screamed exaggeratedly, eyes stunned, it was badly looking at Xu Jing, who was already flushed, and looked at Xia Xiaozhi, who was a little angry with his mouth.

Xu Jing just sat next to Jiang Fei. This girl was not shy. She looked up with a flower-like look and looked up at Jiang Fei. "Uncle, you are so kind to me!"

Xia Xiaozhi snorted and said, "This is called the parents of the doctor. Strong, uncle knows that your menstruation is not adjusted, so I made this dish for you. He is putting himself in your parents. The position. So, you don't want to make a fool!" Xu Jing eyes a glimpse, is about to fight back.

As a result, when she looked down, she found that Xia Xiaozhi and Tan Yuan had already begun to eat and eat, and did not care about the image.

Xu Jing was anxious and refused to fight back. First, pull the plate of the steamed whole chicken down. This is her food. I will save it before I go and grab the other food with the two.

"Uncle, what kind of food is this? It looks very fat, very greasy, much like pork. I have eaten too much, shouldn't I gain weight? But the shape of this dish is too beautiful, and the fragrance is special." Xu Jing asked a dish like a flower.

At this time, Xia Xiaozhi and Tan Yuan also looked at Jiang Fei.

This dish looks delicious, smelling not only meat, but also a special fragrance, and I don't know what it is made of.

They all want to eat, but there are obstacles in the snacks. After all, women are beautiful. When I like food, I want to have my body not long, the waist is not wide, and the legs are thick. It is really tangled.

Jiang Fei smiled and said: "This dish, there is a little bit of origin. According to legend, it is a dish circulating in the court of the Qing Dynasty. When Cixi was 60 years old, a top chef of the imperial kitchen studied for a long time. Come out. There is no pigment MSG added to this dish. Only the spices such as star anise, cinnamon, sweet noodles, soy sauce and so on are cooked in a small fire, so the fragrance is different from the general meat. Moreover, in the process of making, The oil in the pork belly is also completely extracted, so that the meat is fat and not greasy, like flowers, the color is meaty, even if it is too big, it will not be greasy, except that the fragrance is still fragrant. Even if people eat often, it will never grow long. Fat. At the time, when the dish was made, it was deeply loved by the Empress Dowager Cixi and all the nephews. The dosage form was nominated as 'Wanfu Meat'. Well, you can try it with confidence, don't worry about the long meat that should not be long meat... ..."

Jiang Fei’s words have not been finished yet, and the three women can’t wait to start moving chopsticks.

Really, this dish is really fat but not greasy, the entrance is instant, and the juice in the meat is not oil, but a mixture of various spices. After eating, it is said to be swaying. Not too much!

When this dish was settled, the three women looked at Jiang Fei’s eyes, which was like watching the gods.

This kind of deliciousness is really only in the sky, and it is rare for people to taste it!

"This dish is a civilian version of the Buddha's jump wall. I can't afford all kinds of wild seafood to make a dish for your three little steamed buns. But although the ingredients used in this Buddha's jump wall are ordinary, the taste is no better than the shark's fin. The taste of the abalone is poor. I am so clever, it is the sublimation of cooking..."

"This dish name is stunned, not a ribs scrambled eggs..."

"This is the hairy crab that I have marinated a few days ago. The hairy crab is best eaten in October. The hairy crabs are not so fat and the taste is not so good. But after my attachment, it is a must... Zhuangzhuang classmates, if you don't want to have a stomachache, you should not eat this dish. Crab yellow is a very yin food. You will eat your steamed whole **..."

Three beautiful girls look soft and weak, but at the dinner table, the amount of food is really small.

As the autumn wind sweeps the leaves, one plate is empty, and the other plate is empty after waiting for a while.

All the dishes that Jiang Fei had been busy with for a long time had been eaten up, and even one of them was still a bit of interest, and he wanted to eat again. Even the soup in the three fresh soup was swallowed up by them all.

Although the three of them are somewhat mischievous in the class, they are not good students who study hard and go up every day. However, on many occasions, they will pay attention to their own image and love beauty.

But today, they have completely broken their own rules and have no image.

"Uncle, we haven't eaten yet. How did you do that?"

"Yes. Uncle, we still want to eat. This time, there is no, next time we can follow the small to come to you to eat..."

Jiang Fei’s mouth was pumped and said: “You three are all awkward?”

"What is it?"

"Hey, he is feeding a wolf!" Jiang Fei explained without a good gas.

Immediately waved his hand and said: "Let's eat less fragrant, eat more injuries. Even if you eat something better, you can't overeating. Although it seems to me that I don't advocate anything, but I don't advocate twelve points. You Three have eaten enough today. If you eat again, you will feel uncomfortable."

Xia Xiaozhi didn't care about the tunnel: "The stomach is not comfortable. No, you are not saying that you are a doctor. The stomach is not comfortable, you can help us to heal."

Jiang Fei gave this girl a blank eye and did not pay any attention to them. I went into my own study and started to get my own vacation plan.

This house is rented and has two bedrooms. Jiang Fei lived alone, naturally only need one bedroom is enough, so the other one was transformed into a study.

The amount of books on the bookshelf is not too much, not too small. Half of the medical field, the rest are some world famous books, essays. There have been classic collections such as "Yan. Shi Tong Jian" and "**. Mei" before, the man's treasure.

However, since he was a tutor of Xia Xiaozhi three months ago, Xia Xiaozhi once drilled into his study and found these, these books were locked in the box by Jiang Fei, did not dare to come out.

Sitting in front of the desk computer, Jiang Fei felt a lot of time.

The construction of the villa has already ordered the construction team to start construction, the foundation has been repaired, and the room on the first floor of the villa is almost half completed. Therefore, the design of the house, Jiang Fei has already finished.

The next thing he has to do is to design the decoration style of the house. Jiang Fei did not ask the designer. He has to do it according to his own ideas. It’s not that Jiang Fei doesn’t trust people. Everything has to be done personally. It’s just that he feels that he has to live in a house for a long time. If it doesn’t fit his own aesthetics, it will be a very bad thing.

There is also a piece of wasteland under the contract. Now it has been opened up by the construction team with an excavator. The soil has been loosened and can be used to grow vegetables and trees.

Vegetables are a little troublesome, but the fruit trees can be planted immediately after the soil, without having to build the house. Jiang Fei is now considering what trees to plant.

That pond, you can also put the fry at any time...

As long as all these are done well, Jiang Fei’s experience value will definitely rise!

During this time, although Jiang Fei’s experience value is rising every day, he has not survived, but the speed is still not fast. It is now 89/500. If you do not grow vegetables and fruit trees on a large scale, or feed poultry such as fish, chicken, ducks and geese, you may not be able to rise to level 1 in two months.

However, the clinic business has been very good recently, and the proficiency of medical skills has been quite objective and has reached (level 6 +19%). According to this battle, it should not be too long for the doctor to rise to the seventh level.

Just when Jiang Fei thought about this, the mushroom head Xia Xiaozhi did not go downstairs with her two girlfriends, but slipped into the study and saw the design drawings on Jiang Fei’s desk. He said: "Uncle, you are Want to quit the profession of doctors and devote yourself to the construction industry?"

Jiang Fei glanced at her and replied casually: "What is involved in the construction industry. This is the design of the villa I am building. You see, isn't it?"

“Building a villa?” Xia Xiaozhi took the drawings and looked at it. His look changed slightly. He asked nervously: “Uncle, are you going to move out of here?”

Xia Xiaozhi knows that this house was rented by Jiang Fei, not bought. If Jiang Fei moves out of here, it is naturally impossible to give her a tutor. It may be difficult to see one side later.

So Xia Xiaozhi, who was still smiling, was nervous after the subconscious.


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